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Feynman's lectures

Migrated topic.

These are an interesting few lectures given by Richard Feynman. This was after QED (quantum electrodynamics) was firmly established which explains light and the behavior of electrons. These lectures however were given before things like quarks and thus the proton were not fully understood which he also discusses a bit about.

For anyone who is confused about things like wave particle duality (they are particles!) and what the heck quantum mechanics really is should watch these lectures. Although Feynman makes it clear no one understands QM you will see what he means if you watch it. He doesn't use complex mathematics really in his lectures so its for a wider audience. The man is a genius.

Also its very refreshing to see someone who can teach so much with just a piece of chalk and a blackboard. Fuck powerpoint.
Nice Lecture!!!! And for you science not likers:)

He also did some big time work translating Mayan Hieroglyphs.

I think the guy was pretty damn cool.

I too enjoy Feynman. I have his entire physics lecture series books from the 1960's (reprint). I really enjoy following his lectures but have only made it through about 1/3 of them in the year or so I've had the books. Takes a lot of thinking and math work to follow his notes. At least I have the benefit of computer math programs that didn't exist when he wrote the lectures. That helps cut down on careless mistakes in long calculations for me.

Thanks Burnt!:)

Reading books and watching lectures about quantum physics and string theory is a favorite pastime for me.

Unfortunately I am not a gifted mathematician, so I need to have the concepts expressed in simple ways to really "get it".

Luckily, many have devoted lots of time doing just that!:d

Richard Feynman was a wonderfully eccentric genius.

Pokey the Grateful
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