Thanks guys.
Stumbled across this while searching for something else, might help someone else.
"#2) Filters!
The type of filters used makes a BIG DIFFERENCE. Glass micro fiber filters are the best for filtering hard to filter items when you need to filter out everything that isn’t dissolved. The cheap normal filters are the best for working with crystals. The glass micro fiber papers will get crystals stuck really hard to them, so only use them for filtering out things, never for catching crystals you plan to collect off of the filter. For filtering tough to filter liquid, these cannot be beat. They can outlast 10 normal papers before clogging.
When all you need to do is filter out large particles, large cotton balls are a really good choice. They are very cheap. They will work in a vacuum filter system if a normal funnel is used instead of a Buchner funnel. With really tough to filter material, sometimes the only thing that will work well is cotton balls or a handkerchief.
When filtering with a handkerchief, place it over a large wire mesh filter, the kind used in the kitchen. Pour the plant material through it. Don’t use vacuum. Let it gravity filter. If it gets clogged, pour the liquid out and wash the handkerchief and try again. This can filter the toughest of things. If you can’t filter using this method, you might want to give up with this type of filtering and maybe use cold filtering instead. That’s a technique where you leave the liquid in the refrigerator for a few days for all the solids to settle to the bottom, and then you pour of the top layer containing no solids and filter only that.
So it’s like this:
A) Thin paper filters, Buchner funnel and vacuum for crystals and easy to filter items
B) Thick glass micro fiber filters, Buchner funnel and vacuum for harder to filter items
C) Cotton balls, normal funnel and vacuum for filtering large particles and tough to filter items
D) Handkerchief over wire mesh for filtering super tough to filter items.
E) Cold filter with a Handkerchief over wire mesh.
If A doesn’t work, move down the list until something works. E is the last resort. Keep filtering until you are able to filter at B. If you can’t filter at B, you still have lots of gunk present that needs to be removed. Some people always choose E right from the start and then move up the list."