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finally broke through

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
got there, in style, but the whole thing just slipped away...maybe into sub/unconscious just as I returned, and I didnt try to stop it. It was definitely a big one, after I got back I was wandering around just holding my head and saying "FUCK" over and over my friend says I just collapsed onto the table and didnt move for 20 minsish... I kinda remember the feeling of it though...like I was truly feeling what existence [i:0997371987]feels[/i:0997371987] like, inherently, which I couldnt appreciate fully before, being quite used to [i:0997371987]being[/i:0997371987] and all... or maybe it was a different existence? It felt good though...def. good stuff never ceases to amaze... my friend left his dose in there, and we forgot about it.. I think I may have overloaded the vessel slightly...maybe 80-100mg?? hee hee *whoops* I reckon its still bouncing around the back of my brain somewhere... find it sometime....
... ha ! .. "there" ... where..!? ... The AllThatIs ! ... Quick ..>! write it down ..! What can you remember..?! Was it as far as a 'White Light' experience...? Did you think you had died..?! how many tokes..? How about physiologically - how did your body feel afterwards.? tired..? Hungry..? Did it make you quit smoking ..!? Quit drinking..?! The first time it happened to me with another buddy having the same experience, right away we both wanted to eat all that was good for our preciously re-incarnated 'bodies' - Fresh fruit and roast beef sandwiches ! Thank God we're Alive, and everything is Holy !
I always get really hungry too. I read that DMT vastly spikes Growth Hormone. I used to take GH for olympic lifting when young and GH makes you very hungry, and also promotes a good mood. I think this is why most people get hungry and a little contentedly groggy post DMT. GH also can promote insulin sensitivity and even shakes after smoking in the unfortunate few with familial diabetes or insulin sensitivity. Also, GH spikes when dreaming and DMT is related to dreaming too . . .
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