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Finally joined

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I've finally decided to join the forum after a long time of browsing. I've found the information here to be of incredible use. I have always been curious regarding psychedelics, and my experiences with them have only increased that curiosity. I like to consider myself a pretty "grounded" person, but shamanic rituals and a connection with nature have always been sources of inspiration for me. I have had exactly zero experiences with DMT, but have had very positive experiences with other psychedelics (mostly salvia and LSD, but I have tried LSA). I am certainly new to psychedelics and mind-altering experiences, but I do not in any way regard them as "recreational" experiences. My curiosity with psychedelics is being able to further explore my own mind. I also meditate daily (generally before sleep) and believe that many of my dreams are direct responses from my meditations.

Anyway, I'm glad I've finally registered and am hoping for some real insight as I prepare for my first DMT experience. I have some questions regarding preparation, but those are for another thread I think.
Welcome to the Nexus!
I agree, the information contained on this board is incredible. Always stay educated.

Hope to see you around,


It certainly sounds like you have the right attitude about it. I would definitely urge you to learn about extraction and procure some spice for yourself ;) There's nothing in this world like DMT and it will serve as a valuable tool along your path... Not too mention, it's just fascinating.


HermeticShaman said:

It certainly sounds like you have the right attitude about it. I would definitely urge you to learn about extraction and procure some spice for yourself ;) There's nothing in this world like DMT and it will serve as a valuable tool along your path... Not too mention, it's just fascinating.



It's funny, I tried to extract some myself and ended up failing miserably. However, smoked spice is not the way I intend to introduce myself with the spirit molecule, so I think it may be for the best that I ended up failing. This time I decided to go with Acacia Confusa, which from my reading sounds like the simplest method of oral preparation. I'm shaky with the exact details of preparation, which is where most of my questions arise, however I have some concerns with MAOIs. I'm somewhat hesitant to ingest something that I know can cause serious health problems (even if only in rare or specific instances). I'm leaning towards Syrian Rue at the moment, but am not 100% on that yet. I would prefer to ingest the A. Confusa without an MAOI, but I think this is where another thread is needed.

Anyway, thanks for the welcome everyone. It's good to see people that have such respect, awe and admiration for these (extreme) experiences.
As much as i value the psychedelic experience, i would mention it can be wise not to take it too seriously all the time. They can be used recreationaly indeed.
I think the idea at large is to avoid abuse and maximize benefit, be that a life shattering learning experience or a mellow lysergic afternoon.
Sometimes a silly one is beneficial, without heavy themes.
In that note lies some vague pointer not to believe everything you encounter in these wacky realms.

...or maybe you are Jesus and the tin foils hats need fetching.

Xt said:
Sometimes a silly one is beneficial, without heavy themes.
In that note lies some vague pointer not to believe everything you encounter in these wacky realms.

Indeed. I just try to let it be what it is and take me where it leads. Sometimes, I have quite a serious experience, and sometimes they almost make me laugh at the ridiculousness. But there is *always* the sensation that I have gotten in touch with *something*.

I have to say though I see less purely recreational potential in DMT as you might see in psylocibin or LSD. With DMT, I better hold on tight...
Welcome BlackSun. Hope you enjoy your stay :)

Shame to hear your extractions didn't go so well but as you say maybe it's for the best. Keep us updated with the Acacia Confusa, let us know how you get on :)
Xt said:
As much as i value the psychedelic experience, i would mention it can be wise not to take it too seriously all the time. They can be used recreationaly indeed.
I think the idea at large is to avoid abuse and maximize benefit, be that a life shattering learning experience or a mellow lysergic afternoon.
Sometimes a silly one is beneficial, without heavy themes.
In that note lies some vague pointer not to believe everything you encounter in these wacky realms.

...or maybe you are Jesus and the tin foils hats need fetching.


Believe me I am by no means against a mellow lysergic afternoon. But I wouldn't consider that recreational, as I wouldn't go around town and see how things are "on acid". I would lay around the house, listen to music, maybe go for a walk in the woods. Enjoy nature and simple things in life that we too often forget to be thankful for. But I would not consider that to be recreational. I guess my basis for "recreational" would be a comparison to cannabis, which I very much use recreationally and find it makes things more entertaining and enjoyable. But with other mind-altering substances, I do not find myself wanting to go to the movies and watch a 3D movie, or wanting to go out to a 7-11 and buy some food (although a clementine is delicious and wonderfully juicy). I suppose the difference is private use to better appreciate the things around me as opposed to public use to find something fun to do.

Regardless, I am most definitely not (to my knowledge) Jesus and the last time I used a tin foil hat, not only did the government steal my thoughts, but I was also around 10 years old:lol:

Welcome to the Nexus! Everything you ever need to know is all here. Don't forget to check out the WIKI. Its a treasure trove of information. Anything your not too clear on the good people here are more than willing to help you out.

Many blessings!
Dreamwalker said:

Welcome to the Nexus! Everything you ever need to know is all here. Don't forget to check out the WIKI. Its a treasure trove of information. Anything your not too clear on the good people here are more than willing to help you out.

Many blessings!


I've been reading through the WIKI, it's incredible how much information is in there. I am anxious to have my own experiences to add to the collective wisdom.
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