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finally...my parrot did it.....

Migrated topic.
....yeah...my parrot lives in the country...alot of farm fields and low traffic...my parrot was outside when he dosed...it was so quiet out last night he could hear the snow freezing as it lay on the ground.....very enjoyable.....
parrots in the snow ! ... it must have been freezing it's beak off ! Great start and proof of purity ! ... I try to get it all in one toke now (using less leaf) - so Chazzo keep reporting back !... 11 mg , then 22, then 44mg ...! Funny how I hate to be cold or chlled when trying a launch - indoors in winter, I crank the furnace, gather blankets on the couch, and perpare hot water bottles..!
..imy parrot figured on his first attempt he would much rather be outside....outside at night is always a better setting IMO...so my parrot put on his winter coat,hat and boots and ventured outside....my parrot will definitely report back next experience....although he is waiting for his order of bark which he told me could take around a month....he wants to save what he has now to compare when he extracts his own....although there is enough for a couple more decent doses of about 15-20mg's....hmmmm....
Lol get your parrot to smoke it! Polly will have some more, take a pic if polly wants to compare..the proof is in the pudding as they say :D
...so my parrot thought he would further experiment with a somewhat low dose of the spice...actually my parrot is just coming down and is still feeling rather "happy"....his parrot wife went out with her girls and baby parrot is asleep....nonone home and he can pick a nice comfortable spot to relax and prepare himself....parrot told me he weighed out 28mg's and smoked it the same way as last time...finely ground cannabis,spice,more cannabis on top..he chose to use a "skunkier" cannabis this time to help with the taste....first hit,holy shit....held it,then without fully exhaling took another monster hit..and thats all it took....held it for as long as he could(about 10 seconds)..upon exhale he had one small cough which immediately streamlined him to an amazing array of colors...each color breathing with every breathe..shifting,sliding..left to right..right to left..up and down..then what seemed like a multitude of kaleidoscopes were spining in unison with each other every way he looked....he was prepared for the onset so none of this really shocked him...although he told me that the colors were alot more vivid...parrot said at this point it seemd as if everything stopped...the kaleidoscope images were still there but stopped moving....a light shined what appeared to be out in the distance...but not directly in front of him...but as if one were to look into the sky....the light suddenly grew,not as if approaching my parrot,more like it quadrupled in size, yet remained out of the center of his vision....what my parrot would call an apparition or "ghost"like figure, quickly floated into the circle....then parrot said the images and colors rapidly reversed themselves as if rewinding a movie....thats it...vision somewhat restored,but a glow in his vision as if he had stared at the sun....now just euphoric.....parrot has questions but he'll get to them later...
[quote:9fca3f3ddc="CHAZZO"]....yeah...my parrot lives in the country...alot of farm fields and low traffic...my parrot was outside when he dosed...it was so quiet out last night he could hear the snow freezing as it lay on the ground.....very enjoyable.....[/quote:9fca3f3ddc] Man SWIm really needs to do this outdoors. Damn city boy. LOL. Glad your parrots first couple of experiences were so good:) And your parrots rootbark will take over a month??????? Got mine in less than a week. Did it fly directly to South America to get it? Plenty of places in US to get some. Hope you got grounded up bark for powder. When SWIM first extracted he used whole bark and second time around was powered bark. Yield of DMT was at least 50% more... about 1.5 gram difference. Have lots of chemistry background so yield difference was not due to technique. Although you can grind up your whole bark but SWIM didnt becasue didnt have any kind of grinder.[size=9:9fca3f3ddc][/size:9fca3f3ddc]
...so back to parrots questions....the apparition he saw...was it really an apparition..?...has anyone else had an experience similar..?...my parrot had a cousin die about a month ago...his death was self inflicted.....parrot wants to know if maybe what he saw was his cousins soul going into the light....my parrot is not sure what to think....is his cousins death somehow buried into his subconscious..????
I know the feeling It is the real thing The essence of the truth The perfect moment That golden moment I know you feel it too I know the feeling It is the real thing You cant refuse the embrace... Its like the pattern below the skin You gotta reach out and pull it all in And you feel like youre too close So you swallow another dose The pinnacle of happiness Filling up your soul You dont think you can take any more You never wanna let go To touch the roots of experience The most basic ingredients To see the unseen glitter of life And feel the dirt, grief, anger and strife Cherish the certainly of now It kills you a bit at a time Cradle the inspiration It will leave you writhing on the floor... This is so unreal, what I feel This nourishment, life is bent Into a shape I can hold A twist of fate, all my own Just grit your teeth, make no sound Take a step away and look around Just clench your fist and close your eyes Look deep inside, hypnotize The whisper is but a shout Thats what it is all about Yes, the ecstasy, you can pray You will never let it slip away Like the sacred song that someone sings through you Like the flesh so warm that the thorn sticks into Like the dream you know one day will come to life Try to hold on just a little longer, stronger Its the jewel of victory The chasm of misery And once you have bitten the core You will always know the flavor The split second of divinity You drink up the sky All of heaven is in your arms You know the reason why Its right there, all by itself And what you are, there is nothing else Youre growing a life within a life The lips of wonder kiss you inside And when its over the feeling remains It all comes down to this The smoke clears, I see what it is That made me feel this way... This is so unreal, what I feel Flood, sell your soul, feel the blood Pump through your veins, cant explain The element thats everything Just clench your fist and close your eyes Look deep inside, hypnotize Yes, the ecstasy, you can pray You will never let it slip away Like the echoes of your childhood laughter, ever after Like the first time love urged you to take its guidance, in silence Like your heartbeat when you realize youre dying, but youre trying Like the way you cry for a happy ending, ending... I know
Yeah chazo i believe it probably was the deep impression made in your subconcious of your cousins death that has surfaced. It seems dimitri is saying you should talk to someone about it. Pm me if you like.
[quote:8257d2fdc5="CHAZZO"]...so back to parrots questions....the apparition he saw...was it really an apparition..?...has anyone else had an experience similar..?...my parrot had a cousin die about a month ago...his death was self inflicted.....parrot wants to know if maybe what he saw was his cousins soul going into the light....my parrot is not sure what to think....is his cousins death somehow buried into his subconscious..????[/quote:8257d2fdc5] I have had a similar expereince with my mom who passed away three years ago. She gave me motherly advice and reminised about the good times. She has always been on my mind and have only had one (before Dimitri) vision/apparation when i was in church. Through a medium that did the same thing...motherly advice and talked about the good times only me and her would know about, jokes we told each other, etc. So this begs the question....does Dimitri manifest your subconcious or is it something more real? The thing that happened to me at church was absolutely real. What happened with Dimitri is quesitionable because it can still be coming from my mind and recalling something that already happened to me ( the church experience). No way to know unless something profound happens. But it shouldnt take way from the experience. Wether its your concious remembering a love one who has passed during a day dream, a subconcious manifestation with Dimitri, or an actual visitation from them..... its a reality you can choose for now. No need for your parrot to talk to anyone. Your parrots experience didnt sound negative. Your parrot saw his friend go into the light. You can keep that to yourself and be happy with it. Or talk to somone to share the joy. Wether its real or your subconcious...the reuslt is the same. Your parrot finds comfort in seeing the friend passing through the light.
I didnt imply it was negative just that as it seems to be surfacing it would be a good idea to talk about it with it being quite a profound experience. Then again whatever the parrot feels comfortable about. Some things need no words just to have it is all thats needed sometimes. :)
[quote:597237f190="DreaMTripper"]I didnt imply it was negative just that as it seems to be surfacing it would be a good idea to talk about it with it being quite a profound experience. Then again whatever the parrot feels comfortable about. Some things need no words just to have it is all thats needed sometimes. :)[/quote:597237f190] Oh my bad haha. Yeah its cool to talk to someone about these experiences...as long as they believe in such things or are, at least, open minded. Talking to someone closed minded created a whole new expereince...a negative one ...haha
....my parrot doesnt feel that it was a bad experience...or a bad trip....it was rather enlightening .....on previous psychedelic trips, nothing of this sort was encountered....seeing that appartion, if anything gave parrot confidence,if it was parrots cousin,he has gone to a better place...parrot is pretty open minded when it comes to apparitions or "ghosts"in a "sober" state of mind.....seems the spice goes deeper into ones conscious or subconscious than my parrot thought.....very interesting......
I like .."When lips of Wonder kiss you inside" .... I think I know something like that !! Reminds me of how on the 'way out' of hyperspace, she'll kiss every molecule of you, with loving lips, drench you in awe from head to toe ! ... and then you get to glow in that newborn feeling, rolling around, dripping in extasy. ... but then I got to remembering how on the 'way in', they can 'eat' you too, those lovely lips !.. ... suck you up really quick ! so you become a hyperspace gob-stopper for a little bit.. .. orally fixated metaphor, ... hmmm ... sorry Chazzo, I'm not trying to be too corny or ruin the original intent, I get carried away .. !
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