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Finding meaning through Salvia Divinirum


Rising Star
Where do I begin. Well I've never done dmt. What brought me here was looking for some real info on Salvia dosage. Found a great post that teaches how to calculate the mg needed. I see posts on other forums about people smoking a bowl full of 20x or read experiences on erowid. Look at YouTube videos. Most poeple think its fun and games. To me Salvia shows us what we are conditioned not to see. A little Salvia goes along ways.

I tried Salvia a few years ago and just now bought some. The reason I'm getting back into it is because I have searching for the truth of what is our existance. I started with yoga. Then I realized alot of eastern religions are essentially the same thing once you take out God, idols, and ritual practices. Its about finding ones self. So I looked at Zen, Tao, and anything else that focussed on inner awareness. What I found is extraordinary. People call it enlightenment or awakening. No bells, white light, or angels singing. Just the realization that I created who I am in my mind. Every thing in this word is man made of what is possible of being created. Ideas and objects has been presented to us as this is life. It is actually just a possible outcome of what is.

Anyways I look back to my experiences of Salvia a few years back and see similarities. One time I was completely aware of my surroundings but not in me. I was a spectator feeling what it was like to exist as a human being through its capacities. The body was so confining. The senses were such a limited viewor portion of what can be experience. In yoga we try to seperate ourselfs from the body. From the senses, our thoughts, and ego. Then focus on what is left. I see the world in whole new way. I see that I am nothing. My consciousness created this person. When I die it will end. The mind is just an organ. One that's capable of creating things out of thought. Created something from nothing. The world is all about I. I want, I need to do this, you impact me in xxx way. We created the I concept. Its hard to even form an English sentance that doesn't include the word I, him, you,they, it his. That's how deep this illusion runs. I'm nothing more then a dog or a tree. More complex sure ill give you that.

So with this new understanding and looking back at my experiences I want to see if Salvia has something to offer me in my journey. Not that it really matters since we can only percieve the real truth through the human perspective which has its limits. But its better then doing nothing. Becoming a drone in this word working a 9 to 5 job. Trading my only time to exist as being a slave to labor, someone else's idea of what I should be doing with my life. I want to explore. I saw a post in Salvia section called advaita and Salvia. That's where I'm at as well. I would like to meet people like me who are using Salvia to learn about our existance. Not doing it just to see what they experience but who have a motivation behind using it. Pm me. Lets get a group of us togesther and share our knowledge.
Welcome, Torrentula, from another enthusiastic newby. I made my intro post today after lofting for quite awhile in this amazing place. . . . this welcoming place of so much wonderful information. Spelunking here yields ores and gems of unimaginable value and relevance! Seek and ye shall find. . .. ask and it shall be answered unto you. . . . I hope we encounter each other many times along the way.

Salvia Divinorum quite frankly allows you to find God on your lunch hour.

This mysterious plant-teacher has been credited with curing long-term drug addictions with a single session.

I, for one, revere the plant as my teacher. No doubt about it, I am indebted to it in ways I could not explain. But in a nutshell, it changed my everything. And I propagate it to share with others who share my reverence for it.

On the "nexus", if you'll excuse my pun, between entheogens and religion may I recommend to you a perusal of The Entheogen Theory of Religion (I'm PM'ing the link to you) and suggest that a bit of primary, direct investigation could be in order?

And on your issues with the culture of the 9 to 5 existence and so forth I think you'd find some of the late, great Terence McKenna's work most compelling. Maybe something like "culture is not your friend" or "culture is your operating system" that you can find on YouTube.

Hope to see you in the rabbit hole friend . . . .
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