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First and Last Salvia 10X Breakthrough Experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Several years ago, I did some experimentation with Salvia. Having read about it online, I was curious, so ordered a 10x extract from a reputable vendor. When the small package arrived, I excitedly pulled out my pipe and proceeded to smoke a small amount. My threshold dosage experiences were somewhat self-limiting, as these "fields of force" would appear, like a vortex, in my vision. Yet these same fields would twist my body; the fields were like literal physical fields, and the twisting effect they had in pulling my body was somewhat uncomfortable to me. I knew there was more to be had though, so gradually I built up the courage to attempt a breakthrough dose.

Outside by the hot tub and gazebo one fine spring day, I decided to go for it. I loaded up a largish amount, and began smoking. When the fields of force effect hit, I took one more monster hit - and then another. The breakthrough, when it came, was instantaneous.

There was no transition. I was here, and then I was ... there. "There" consisting of me, as a 6 foot tall empty coca-cola can, marching side-by-side with other Coca-cola cans, with this giant, screaming machine above and behind us. Imagine some sort of rectangular mechanical jaw. We were framed within this jaw, and the jaw was perpetually crushing us, the cans, and pulling us back straight. A never-ending crushing and de-crushing and straightening.

I had no recollection of my previous earth-life. This crushing existence was all I knew. We were in something like an open air strip-mine, and were slaves, being punished for some reason. This is all I knew: I was a slave, and existence was punishment. Across the pit, on a ramp ascending by the interior side of the pit, I saw other columns of cans, strapped in machines such as the one I was in, forever marching in their bleak existence of crushing and straightening.

It hurt. It literally physically hurt - just like a can would feel, if a can could feel. In a massive effort, I attempted to tear free from the machine. I was marching up a ramp like the one described above, the noise was deafening of the machine, the crushing, and I pulled an arm out of the can...and then another one...and then my legs...and then tore free of the fully immersive vision, gradually finding myself slowly marching up the steps to the back door of my house.

I went inside, and sat down on the couch, stunned. WTF?? What kind of drug turns you into a bloody 6 foot aluminum can?? The next day, I gave the remainder to a friend at work. He took it to a party, and it was passed around, and I heard some funny stories (One person was simply stunned, and was heard to comment, "I wasn't expecting THAT" ), but no one attempted a breakthrough dose.

In hindsight, the vision was very reflective of my life and feelings at the time - feeling like a slave, enchained to things in my life that were literally enslaving me. I have since broke free of all addictive substances except for nicotine, which is last on my list. It was a big list, including alcohol, pot (2 oz of chronic a month), GHB, benzos and opiates. To quit everything took me several years. But I am clean now, have been for almost a year, and with the exception of entheogens (which I never used abusively anyways), intend to stay that way. I wouldn't point to this experience as having initiated the process though - it simply showed me where I was at, in a rather graphic, painful manner.

But there is also lifestyle slavery - the rat race, debt, things. I have also dealt with much of that, and am close to not even needing a job anymore, having built up a small, but successful online business. But I have to tell you - if that was a healing, revealing experience, it was the kind of experience I only needed to have ONCE. Never again.
Salvia sure is “special”, isn’t it? :lol:

Only with salvia can you become absolutely convinced that you’re a Coca-Cola can, lose all sense of your past human identity, have no memory that you’ve taken a drug to get that way, and be certain that this is the way you'll be for the rest of existence. Ahh… salvia.

Seriously, I have always enjoyed salvia and still do. I’ve never felt any sort of physical pain during an experience, in spite of being folded, stretched, pulled, twisted, etc. The “realness” of the physical sensations is really fascinating. And the sense of parallel worlds similar to our own is very strong. (You’d know this if you persevered!)

The messages that salvia gives are rarely obvious. I’m often not sure if there’s any message at all. What does it all mean? I’ll never know.
I second that, gibran2 -- special indeed. It represents a whole new category of weird for me. I've been a tractor tire, a shag-carpet sample, a paddle-boat, among many other things -- still fully conscious and lucid, but with my entire memory wiped clean.

It's as though it 'delaminates' consciousness for me, in the sense that consciousness and memory become completely uncoupled -- a phenomenon that has made me rethink the whole notion of consciousness.

I recently tried an experiment where I smoked a healthy dose of salvia and set the pipe down right in front of me and stared at it while I waited for the full effect to hit me. My thinking was that this might somehow remind me that I had just taken a drug, something I simply cannot ever remember when in the grip of salvia.

It didn't work. 'This' reality suddenly became one side of a Rubik's cube that was forthwith rotated and 'I', now having been scrambled by the rotation, immediately lost all interest in anything 'here', including the irrelevant pipe in front of me.
gibran2 said:
...the sense of parallel worlds similar to our own is very strong. (You’d know this if you persevered!)

It was indeed like I was in a parallel world, but a prison planet of sorts...afterwords, I was reminded of the alien planet in the movie Phantasm, where the little short dudes in robes came from - this foreboding desert planet, very strange indeed. It was definitely the weirdest drug experience of my life. It wasn't getting high, so much as trans-locating into some weird alternate universe. I can see the value for exploration purposes, it's just not the destination I have in mind :)
headphoneperson said:
I second that, gibran2 -- special indeed. It represents a whole new category of weird for me. I've been a tractor tire, a shag-carpet sample, a paddle-boat, among many other things -- still fully conscious and lucid, but with my entire memory wiped clean.

It's as though it 'delaminates' consciousness for me, in the sense that consciousness and memory become completely uncoupled -- a phenomenon that has made me rethink the whole notion of consciousness.

That's really interesting - so this becoming other things is a common effect of Saliva breakthroughs? I had read a few trip reports before my own experience, but nothing like what I experienced. Glad it isn't just me :) That is exactly it - consciousness and memory were uncoupled, not only from each other, but consciousness was no longer dependent on a human body; it could exist just as well in a can. That is just so weird.
I once smoked 40x salvia. Quite a large amount I imagine, because I tripped HARD for 2 hours. (the peak started diminishing after 45 minutes or so)

If you know what the salvia headspace is, then you know how crazy that is.

At some point I had a meeting with god. I was in a vast expansive hall of endless proportions, Dark and Black, and at the top there was some light, a divine Light, judging me. In between these hectic journeys (it was in and out), past the melting patterns and lava-like colours, my train of thought kept being interupted by the "trip". I kept thinking I was stuck in multiple cross realities, repeatedly waking up in them. The societies norms were different each time, and this would happen 5-6 times a minute. ZIP! I'd be in a different one. My rotating kaleidoscopic vision of the world seemed like slices of pie flowing through me, each slice being an alternate layer of reality.

As we know trip reports are but a dim skeleton outline of the real experience, but that is how I can best sum it up.

I think salvia is great, such a completely different expereince. MAybe if you are in a different mood you might want to give it another try.
I recently tried an experiment where I smoked a healthy dose of salvia and set the pipe down right in front of me and stared at it while I waited for the full effect to hit me. My thinking was that this might somehow remind me that I had just taken a drug, something I simply cannot ever remember when in the grip of salvia.

It didn't work. 'This' reality suddenly became one side of a Rubik's cube that was forthwith rotated and 'I', now having been scrambled by the rotation, immediately lost all interest in anything 'here', including the irrelevant pipe in front of me.

That was a great idea. something i hadnt thought of, although i always tried similar methods to try and remember that i was just on salvia so i didnt break anything or try to get up and do anything stupid.

i can see why it didnt work though. as soon as that salvinorin a hits my system at the right dose, all connection with the earth as i knew it are lost for a good 3-5 minutes.

maybe i will try an experiment where i write the word SALVIA in big black bold readable letters on a large white peice of paper and take a hit of 20x and just stare at the word.
I experience physical pain when on salvia too. Once I became an escalator that helped move life along in this reality. I felt my metal textured steps, and my body was constantly being shifted and pushed along the conveyor belt.

I have since tried using salvia orally and I noticed something interesting. After the effects start coming on, I get weird muscle twitches that slowly come on. I believe these twitches are what I'm feeling during the regular trip and perhaps my brain is attributing the pain the what I'm seeing / being.

Yengu said:
I once smoked 40x salvia. Quite a large amount I imagine, because I tripped HARD for 2 hours. (the peak started diminishing after 45 minutes or so)

If you know what the salvia headspace is, then you know how crazy that is.

At some point I had a meeting with god. I was in a vast expansive hall of endless proportions, Dark and Black, and at the top there was some light, a divine Light, judging me. In between these hectic journeys (it was in and out), past the melting patterns and lava-like colours, my train of thought kept being interupted by the "trip". I kept thinking I was stuck in multiple cross realities, repeatedly waking up in them. The societies norms were different each time, and this would happen 5-6 times a minute. ZIP! I'd be in a different one. My rotating kaleidoscopic vision of the world seemed like slices of pie flowing through me, each slice being an alternate layer of reality.

As we know trip reports are but a dim skeleton outline of the real experience, but that is how I can best sum it up.

I think salvia is great, such a completely different expereince. MAybe if you are in a different mood you might want to give it another try.

A 45 minute peak on salvia? My peaks on sa;via last about 3 minutes! Are you sure it didnt just feel like 45 minutes?
DimethylSpice said:
maybe i will try an experiment where i write the word SALVIA in big black bold readable letters on a large white peice of paper and take a hit of 20x and just stare at the word.

haha! I love this idea. I've thought about writing myself a large note: 'You have just smoked salvia' but figured it would never work...

jacetea said:
I have since tried using salvia orally and I noticed something interesting. After the effects start coming on, I get weird muscle twitches that slowly come on. I believe these twitches are what I'm feeling during the regular trip and perhaps my brain is attributing the pain the what I'm seeing / being.

I've done a lot of salvia tincture -- sublingually -- and it does let you assess the effects in sort of slow motion. I think it enables one to step through the threshold rather than being yanked through. Last time I did this I suddenly realized what Hal must have felt like in 2001 as Dave slowly and methodically dismantled and destroyed his mind. That was right before I became a tire.
Yengu said:
I once smoked 40x salvia. Quite a large amount I imagine, because I tripped HARD for 2 hours. (the peak started diminishing after 45 minutes or so)

If you know what the salvia headspace is, then you know how crazy that is.

I can't even imagine that. I'd be in a mental ward.

Yengu said:
MAybe if you are in a different mood you might want to give it another try.

Well, I've always been a firm believer in the principle that if you are going to trip, then trip hard :)
Who knows. After I have some experience with DMT, maybe I'll reconsider. I think though, that Salvia is the one drug I'd never do a high dose on without a sitter.
RealAwareness said:
...Well, I've always been a firm believer in the principle that if you are going to trip, then trip hard :)
Who knows. After I have some experience with DMT, maybe I'll reconsider. I think though, that Salvia is the one drug I'd never do a high dose on without a sitter.
I can only comment on my personal experiences: I’ve had some difficult experiences with both salvia and DMT, and those with DMT have been devastating by comparison.

Be careful.
gibran2 said:
RealAwareness said:
...Well, I've always been a firm believer in the principle that if you are going to trip, then trip hard :)
Who knows. After I have some experience with DMT, maybe I'll reconsider. I think though, that Salvia is the one drug I'd never do a high dose on without a sitter.
I can only comment on my personal experiences: I’ve had some difficult experiences with both salvia and DMT, and those with DMT have been devastating by comparison.

Be careful.

Thanks gibran2 - I will be. I am debating whether to start with smoking vs pharma. Smoking, with it's shorter duration, seems to have the advantage that if things go bad, at least it will be over with quickly (in earth time anyways). Pharma, on the other hand, seems more amendable to building up to slowly, at least from what I have read. Any advice in this area would be much appreciated.
DeMenTed said:
Yengu said:
I once smoked 40x salvia. Quite a large amount I imagine, because I tripped HARD for 2 hours. (the peak started diminishing after 45 minutes or so)

If you know what the salvia headspace is, then you know how crazy that is.

At some point I had a meeting with god. I was in a vast expansive hall of endless proportions, Dark and Black, and at the top there was some light, a divine Light, judging me. In between these hectic journeys (it was in and out), past the melting patterns and lava-like colours, my train of thought kept being interupted by the "trip". I kept thinking I was stuck in multiple cross realities, repeatedly waking up in them. The societies norms were different each time, and this would happen 5-6 times a minute. ZIP! I'd be in a different one. My rotating kaleidoscopic vision of the world seemed like slices of pie flowing through me, each slice being an alternate layer of reality.

As we know trip reports are but a dim skeleton outline of the real experience, but that is how I can best sum it up.

I think salvia is great, such a completely different expereince. MAybe if you are in a different mood you might want to give it another try.

A 45 minute peak on salvia? My peaks on sa;via last about 3 minutes! Are you sure it didnt just feel like 45 minutes?

I am certain. My friend was with me, he was gonna toke after I was back in reality. He said he waited for 20 minutes, but I was still going in and out of reality. So he toked at this time. He was back from his breakthrough, and I was still unaware of what was happening, periodically breaking down into laughter of which I have no recollection.
RealAwareness said:
Yengu said:
I once smoked 40x salvia. Quite a large amount I imagine, because I tripped HARD for 2 hours. (the peak started diminishing after 45 minutes or so)

If you know what the salvia headspace is, then you know how crazy that is.

I can't even imagine that. I'd be in a mental ward.

Yengu said:
MAybe if you are in a different mood you might want to give it another try.

Well, I've always been a firm believer in the principle that if you are going to trip, then trip hard :)
Who knows. After I have some experience with DMT, maybe I'll reconsider. I think though, that Salvia is the one drug I'd never do a high dose on without a sitter.

Yes, I strongly recommend a sitter.And I believe most things in life deserve a second chance.
Of course it is up to you. Safe travels.
RealAwareness said:
I am debating whether to start with smoking vs pharma. Smoking, with it's shorter duration, seems to have the advantage that if things go bad, at least it will be over with quickly (in earth time anyways). Pharma, on the other hand, seems more amendable to building up to slowly, at least from what I have read. Any advice in this area would be much appreciated.

Pharma is very much hit or miss. Its absorption depends on lots of different factors. Even for the same person same doses may cause very different experiences. SWIM once took 200 mg of spice on top of 380 mg of harmalas and felt almost nothing for more than an hour and a half. She almost went out (it was in a big city) but decided to drink a glass of sparkling mineral water. In 5 min parma hit her like a ton of bricks. The experience lasted for 2 hours and could be described, as gibran says, - Devastating. At some point SWIM begged her friend to kill her. She still feels extremely lucky to stay for a few minutes more. Her friend was having a very mild trip off of the same dose.

So for SWIM sometimes 200 mg of spice in pharma is a disappointment and sometimes 50 mg is too much. Sublingual seems to be more efficient and more predictable. There is also less body load. It is a bit trickier too.
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