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first break thru story. BLISS

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Rising Star
This is a story sent to me by a close friend regarding her first DMT break thru: My boyfriend and I packed up a hefty bowl of DMT into the machine that we had made and experimented with the week before. I hit the bowl first, getting a massive hit, I held it in until my lungs were going to burst. I went in for a 2nd hit, this time getting an equally large hit. Normally I cannot take more than 2 hits but I went in for the third and got a decent hit this time as well. I knew something big was about to happen as soon as I expelled my third hit, I lay back and closed my eyes. The music played with my closed eye visuals as it usually does, but then everything went black and then a sudden burst of white light appeared. I was looking down at myself lying on the bed from very high up above everything. It was if my mental self was floating in space, where neither time nor space existed, looking down upon my physical self as it actually was. It is very hard to put into words what happened next. “I” was floating in a place where “I” was infinite possibilities, everything and nothing was possible. I was not scared. Nothing existed but my mind in a vast ocean or abyss of ideas and hope and love and nothingness all at the same time. I became aware of a being in front of me. It beckoned me to follow, it was playful and mysterious at the same time. It was not a human; it was a misty representation of a small being. It never fully revealed itself to me but I knew it was there. It appeared out of water, out of air, or of smoke and would beckon me to follow it, show me where to go, and then vanish all together. Existing in this manner was the most joyful, religious, loving, happy, beautiful experience I have ever felt. I knew when the being would appear before it appeared, we were communicating on a non-verbal level, but communicating non the less. I was overwhelmed, forgot that I had taken DMT, forgot that I even existed outside of this place. A sudden gasp of breath from my body grounded me a bit, I opened my eyes, saw my boyfriend sitting beside me, remembered that I was tripping and then before I knew it I had closed my eyes and was transported back to the world that the DMT had created. The world began to vanish and return to musical rhythmic designs behind closed eyes. I opened my eyes and came down as usual, trying to wrap my mind around what had just happened. I felt reborn. I realized I was crying, in fact what had just happened led to me involuntarily crying for the next hour or so. I felt that what I experienced is life after death, there was no fear, no war, no hurting, just infinite possibilities and my soul floating around, mingling with god or an entity or maybe just myself. DMT is amazing. LOVE. LIGHT. DMT.
Congratulations, it's nice to hear about somebody breaking through and really getting the full experience. [quote:a0ad74aa1e]I felt that what I experienced is life after death, there was no fear, no war, no hurting, just infinite possibilities and my soul floating around, mingling with god or an entity or maybe just myself. DMT is amazing. LOVE. LIGHT. DMT.[/quote:a0ad74aa1e] It is enough to make you cry sometimes. Both out of joy, and sorrow. I'm glad to hear someone else has found the place of no fear, pain, or suffering. Just infinite beauty.
That's it ! The AllThatIs ! Having Beingasm ! It's good to hear it happened again ! Did she try it again..? How's the after-glow ..?
I doubt anyone's life can ever be the same after a breakthru experience....swim studied metaphysics for 30 years looking for the "answer".....and nothing he ever read, learned, or experienced in his ENTIRE LIFE was even remotely close to this. :shock: He actually started throwing out ALOT of stuff that would normally be important in normal life......and he says be careful......once he became experienced with the spice he found he could function almost God-like and be up walking, talking, etc.....and he tends to throw off ALL his clothes as if they were dirty....and sometimes go outside......OK if you have no neighbors but he does.......so now he is extra careful. :oops: Sucks cause he has no sitter and has learned all by himself. :ninja: See...once he realized he was the infinite ONE, everything else in normal life became a big cosmic joke! Integrating that kind of experience back into day-to-day life takes a very flexible consciousness....not for the weak-minded for sure. Be careful out there!
Boypony, [quote:27f7ef6ef9]30 years looking for the "answer".....and nothing he ever read, learned, or experienced in his ENTIRE LIFE was even remotely close to this[/quote:27f7ef6ef9] Hey spice-buddy ! SO TRUE ! The fun is to find a new way to live after that... exactly as before... but totally different :eek: However the ego mechanisms can be back pretty quickly and can make you forget WHO YOU ARE. What to do then... my friend answer that he just plan to smoke on a regular basis ;) He don't know where this will lead him. More money for his bark supplier for sure :D !
[quote:06963a3d56="Garulfo"]... my friend answer that he just plan to smoke on a regular basis ;)[/quote:06963a3d56] hehe umm yeah i agree whole wholeheartedly :D no sarcasm in that by the way, seriously, it's like positive reinforcement fyi, another worthy yet overlooked tool to defeat this unnecessary mechanism we call ego (and the rest) is lsd, high doses (+500 mics) at regular intervals; i've never been more myself, direct and pre-calculated precision re every choice I choose to make it's a beautiful world 8)
Love the ninja emoticon BoyPony ! I must admit I also just "let it all go" - stopped clutching at material, time and even 'gravity' (as in bad-news). I am brand new to the realization of being god, and it is perfectly timed to my life shedding a 16 year career, and all materialist pursuits - so it seems like exactly what one ought to do. So it's obvious how therapeutic DMT-Nexus is for us then !? Cathartic and therapeutic - knowing many of us have no sitters to attend our personal experiences, and the after-math, thank God for this site !. The ego loves to hear the stories about god and the gods, but ego has learned and tries very hard, pulls every trick to "Stay Away" from God ! Is that why God is potentially lonely..? Funny to know how lonely 'God' is/was, when it all began ... Is God still lonely..? It seems so crowded sometimes, but that's different from the "god" Karma''s friend first described, starting this thread... But questions still surge on ... We all ought to plant more Mimosa Hostilis Trees !
[quote:fd4f03f99b="El Ka Bong"] We all ought to plant more Mimosa Hostilis Trees ![/quote:fd4f03f99b] Ha! I want one of these in my garden >.<
[quote:cff0375d8e="El Ka Bong"]That's it ! The AllThatIs ! Having Beingasm ! It's good to hear it happened again ! Did she try it again..? How's the after-glow ..?[/quote:cff0375d8e] She did try it again, and again, and again. And the funny thing is there is a whole nother levle out there and she keeps reaching them. She tried it laying outside under the stars and its been a few days since then but she still cant describe it, its just too hard. Afterglow is amazing, rejuvinated, reborn, alive, amazing.
[quote:5f57399fba]Has anyone here ever wished they never took DMT?[/quote:5f57399fba] Somehow i doubt it. I'd be willing to bet 99% of everyone who's ever done it is grateful they did. That other 1% probably either wasn't in the right set/setting, or got lost somewhere in hyperspace.
funny to ask - if we've ever wished we had NOT tried dmt ! It made me realize that some people I know (who have not tried dmt) might wish I'd shut up about it..> ! Maybe [i:44a749d4a6][b:44a749d4a6]they[/b:44a749d4a6][/i:44a749d4a6] wonder what it would be like if I had NOT tried it ! But, I have thought mid-launch, as the rush begins to melt you away... "oh oh ... I DON'T wish this upon anyone..." and wondered if I've gone too far ! Still, I would say no, I have no regrets about discovering dmt, as unpredictable as it can be. It's a glimpse of the mystery of being, or it's just 'drug' ... it's poly-strippa for the ego ! or God's key to starting the Hypersapceship in our heads ...
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