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First changa bong hit!!!


Rising Star
My god.... That is all i can say. I dont think im EVER gonna smokem normal dmt again.... EVER.

That was absolutely. AMAZING.

I can't believe HOW different it was to freebase!!! my god. MY GOD i dont even know what to say. I cant really remember it that well now. But it was amazing, think i did a bit too much though haha, didnt weigh it out. Honestly dont even know how i can describe it but i thought i had to post this anyway. amazing. AMAZING.
yes....i would have to say that i am not only ON BOARD the changa bandwagon, i think i'm actually DRIVING the sucker! :lol:

the caapi i've been adding has made for some challenging, yet rewarding journeys and i intend to keep working with it....but back when it was simply spice, sativa and mullein i had the most beautiful, righteous journeys consistently....

what's in YOUR changa brother?

My mix was Caapi leaves, passionflower and peppermint. Didn't taste too great and it doesn't smell very nice haha but damn its potent. Cant wait to make my next one! gonna try calea i think.
Astralking said:
My god.... That is all i can say. I dont think im EVER gonna smokem normal dmt again.... EVER.

That was absolutely. AMAZING.

I can't believe HOW different it was to freebase!!! my god. MY GOD i dont even know what to say. I cant really remember it that well now. But it was amazing, think i did a bit too much though haha, didnt weigh it out. Honestly dont even know how i can describe it but i thought i had to post this anyway. amazing. AMAZING.
:d :lol: :d
Easier to smoke how? Yes i find it easier in a sense of applying the heat seems to be quite forgiving although i prefer the taste and smell of freebase without a doubt. The changa smell lingers like a bad fart and smells like old cabbage! but that is not important since it is so powerful :D.
anyone who has not yet tried it...just wait until you try adding caapi extract or pure harmalas to the mix...really brings the caapi presence up a notch or 2.
see i was planning to do that. But i didn't have any IPA :( since i used acetone to make the changa and still dont have ready access to all the chemicals yet! Trying to save money :D.

Unless you can use acetone to make the caapi "tincture" described in the bufojam changa explaination on the wiki?
I find that when I add 2+ herbs the smell can linger, but if you get to pull all the smoke and hold it in long enough there should be no reason for any smell to linger too long.
Astralking said:
see i was planning to do that. But i didn't have any IPA :( since i used acetone to make the changa and still dont have ready access to all the chemicals yet! Trying to save money :D.

Unless you can use acetone to make the caapi "tincture" described in the bufojam changa explaination on the wiki?

I think you can use acetone...never tried though.
You can use water to extract the Caapi and boil it down. Since the alkaloids are pretty heat resisitant you can boil off the water without much/any loss of potency.

IPA works as well, but probably pulls out more plant material/tannins than water will.
soulfood said:
I want to try caapi resin infused with pure NN on chaliponga leaf... maybe with a touch of peppermint :)

Changa is definately spicing for the connoisseur.

soulfood...I do believe you have concocted the Epitome !!!!!!!
Changa certainly is wonderful. The magic is definitely in the mix with the harmalas.

Just like oral DMT, it's the harmalas that bring the magic. Try oral DMT with a pharma RIMA like Moclobemide for proof: typical tryptamine high but completely empty and almost boring. Use Aya for your inhibitor instead and watch the magic explode. Same goes for smoking.
fractal enchantment said:
anyone who has not yet tried it...just wait until you try adding caapi extract or pure harmalas to the mix...really brings the caapi presence up a notch or 2.
Indeed, I remember posting experiments in the changa thread back in the spring. I'd posted a few recipes in this post: A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa) - Changa - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Just FYI, after some research, I confirmed with some friends in OZ (who've been at the changa thing for over a decade) that 1:0.5 is an effective ratio of extracted spice to extracted harmalas. I had originally started with 1:1 and fiddled around eventually landing at 1:0.5 which is exactly what they'd been using "down there" all this time. So those old recipes don't need such high levels of harmalas. So far, best results have been with THH + Harmaline, but arguably equally great results have been achieved using relatively crude rue extractions for the harmala (that being mostly harmaline and harmine, and actually exactly what they'd been using down in OZ).
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