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First conscious sleep paralysis, woot woot! :)

Migrated topic.


OG Pioneer

And it wasn't scary like I thought.

Well, I wanted to say thanks to all members who contributed to the topic and inspired me. Especially Hyperspace Fool, I guess he was the reason why I registered to the forum :)

I'm not sure how I've done it, maybe it was the intention, maybe it was the Ibuprofen I took on purpose (Ibuprofen helps me with having vivid dreams)

Not sure how to progress further from this state, I've just experienced the stiffness, yet I'm not able to induce lucid dreaming. I think I'll get some Celastrus Paniculatus seeds in my tummy, hopefully they'll help. If you have suggestion, please feel free to share.


Did you feel the heavy vibrations? It should feel like your whole body is falling asleap..you know when your arm falls asleap and you have that buzzing pins and needles feeling all over? Sleep paralysis feels like that. You should also not be able to just move out of it very easily..it can be very vyer difficult at times to even move a finger to snap the body out of sleep paralysis when it comes on. Also the heartrate feels like it is through the roof. Most people will hear a loud buzzing sound in the ears also.

It is an extremely unpleasant thing for me, even if it is not frightening anymore. I have learned to move through it due to this happening to me my whole life at least 2-3 times a week often nightly..

Once you feel it comming on just let it happen..the buzzing can feel really unbearable..stronger than the DMT carrier wave. By that time you cant move a muscle and hypnogogic dreams start to appear in front or around you. Just imagine yourself stepping into them. This is your bridge into the dreaming. Once in, dont try to change it. Dont try to have sex with women etc..dont worry about flying. Sand there and look around. Take note of everything around you and just take it in. This usually solidifies the dream more for me..makes it much clearer. Then you ca explore but dont try to controll the whole dream. Learn to fly, ask people questions etc..but dont try to controll everything at once, as the dream can fade that way or sort of work against you and you drift out of lucidity.

If you can, you can try to find a picture, a window or something liek that..anything to use as a portal..fly or walk etc through it. Imagine it as a gate out of the dreaming into the astral.

Good luck :)
jamie said:
Did you feel the heavy vibrations? It should feel like your whole body is falling asleap..you know when your arm falls asleap and you have that buzzing pins and needles feeling all over? Sleep paralysis feels like that. You should also not be able to just move out of it very easily..it can be very vyer difficult at times to even move a finger to snap the body out of sleep paralysis when it comes on. Also the heartrate feels like it is through the roof. Most people will hear a loud buzzing sound in the ears also.

Thanks for replying jamie! Well, to describe the feeling: I woke up from an intense dream, where I could jump out of a window (3-5m) without fear or getting hurt. I felt very powerful and survived a gas explosion. Smelled like gas that comes out the stove. But then I woke up and I couldn't barely move. No vibrations, normal heartbeat, no carrier wave. Warm body feeling. But I knew that this was the state people call sleep paralysis but I didn't know what to do. Get out of it or stay within? I know that you can get out by wiggling the toes but this state was new to me. So I tried to get into the dream again. Now with a little will power and definitively with sexual intentions. Hehe. But it didn't work, so I sat down and wrote this post.

Btw using dreams for sex. Is this a good idea? I read a lot of Castaneda, where I first heard the idea of controlling your dreams. And don Juan, the Shaman, had the opinion that the sexual power can be either used for sex or dreaming. But I'm not sure if this is some Mumbo-jumbo. Because I heard from a lot of ppl, that they use their lucidity for sexual adventures. And I never read this idea again.

Well, my first goal now is to archive this state of not being able to move again, let's see what happens next.
Wow, I watched a documentary on this a while back. I don't think I would want this to happen. Seems like it would be painful.
DeDao said:
Wow, I watched a documentary on this a while back. I don't think I would want this to happen. Seems like it would be painful.
You mean sleep paralysis? Actually, I thought that, too. But after experiencing it myself, I can say it's not painful at all. Maybe I just caught a mild form of sleep paralysis... But the barely not moving thing isn't painful, because I set my intention to do so. I was still at free will and could get out with some work. And the dream was pretty awesome. I mean jumping out of windows that are 5m high is quite fun.

I'm still not sure how to use this technique properly. Because I've heard, that sleep paralysis is the gate to astral travels. And I mean, that's the REAL DEAL. So yeah, I'm curiously looking forward to sleep again. :d
I'm not entirely sure you guys are using the same definition of sleep paralysis as the rest of the world.

I've suffered from sleep disorders, both parasomnial and benign, my entire life and, having had many a case of sleep paralysis, it sucks. I cannot imagine why you would ever want to induce that.

Maybe you guys are referring to something else, but the sleep paralysis I know is when you wake in the middle of the night, unable to move your muscles, and convinced that there is something awful coming to get you.

It's like having a bad trip, but you can't just tell yourself "I took a drug and will be fine."
Ive had it my whole life also. I dont really see it as a sleep disorder though on it's own. It used to bother me a lot when I was younger and still freaks me out sometimes..but im so used to it happening I can just go with it some of the times and go out of body this way. I can assure you in my case at least this is real sleep paralysis. You cant move, you cant speak no matter how hard you try to yell..you stuggle to move a finger and cant..you have a sense of impending doom..heartrate feels like its too much..there is often a buzzing sound and a feeling of being electricuted in my body without any pain.

If I am sleep deprived it happens multiple times throughout the night. If not I just get it maybe 1-3 times a week at some point throughout the nights.

I used to also get sleep paralysis, and still do and sense beings in the room around me. This is the part that still freaks me out..and the odd time I can see through my eyelids while this is taking place. Once I saw some little greys standing over me. That was definatly not a pleasant experience and I could not go back to sleep and be comfortable until the morning..I was just too freaked out. Weird things happened to me at night as a kid that I cant explain also. I wont get into that here though.

My sister got sleep paralysis also but she never told me how often etc..she never would talk about it much but she talked about a being that was sitting on top of her chest once doing something to her. She was always afriad of that as a kid I think. For me the beings are usually in the room near me..

When the beings are not there is when I can relax and go with it and go OBE..this has been an enourmous blessing in my life becasue it enabled me to be an excellent lucid dreamer and projector at times. The beings and weird things that happened to me as a kid in that state though I could do without.

Sleep paralysis and sleep disorders through a persons life time are often traits in people who claim to be abductees. I dunno what others experiences have been but for me weird things happened in the past as a child that went beyond just sleep paralysis..or what "experts" say about it.
"Btw using dreams for sex. Is this a good idea? I read a lot of Castaneda, where I first heard the idea of controlling your dreams. And don Juan, the Shaman, had the opinion that the sexual power can be either used for sex or dreaming. But I'm not sure if this is some Mumbo-jumbo. Because I heard from a lot of ppl, that they use their lucidity for sexual adventures. And I never read this idea again."

Personally I think Castaneda was just a fraud and never met any "Don Juan".

Contrary to all that he said on the matter, I can induce lucid dreams and atral travel early in the morning with the least ammount of effort right after having sex. I am so relaxed after having an orgasm that I just flow right off into the paralysis but with ease..I go right from the paralysis into the dream seamlessly but fully aware. Of course, waking up the person next to you at 5am to have sex so you can lucid dream is a whole other issue. Luckily there are some things you can do yourself :) lol..I prefer real sex though. It relaxes me more.
Nathanial.Dread said:
I'm not entirely sure you guys are using the same definition of sleep paralysis as the rest of the world.

I've suffered from sleep disorders, both parasomnial and benign, my entire life and, having had many a case of sleep paralysis, it sucks. I cannot imagine why you would ever want to induce that.

Maybe you guys are referring to something else, but the sleep paralysis I know is when you wake in the middle of the night, unable to move your muscles, and convinced that there is something awful coming to get you.

It's like having a bad trip, but you can't just tell yourself "I took a drug and will be fine."

I too have had SP since a kid probably around 7. Up until I became interested in lucid dreaming and started to study it :) SP since used to scare the living piss out of me. If you don't know what it is and especially when you fight it, it is absolutely terrifying. However, once I knew what it was and how to work with it, the fear simply went away. It is many times still uncomfortable and unnerving, but like many altered states of consciousness ie dmt it's something you get past.

As mentioned you just have to let it do its thing and let it take hold. Try and be as much of an un attached observer.

Here are my steps to induce it (the idea is to trick your body into thinking you are asleep) remember you are going for a mind awake body asleep state.. so for that to happen, you Northwest to get all the signals that "you" or your mind has fallen asleep

Relax deeply
Lay on your back and get comfy
Relax your eyes, this is important. As you normally fall asleep your eyes usually jitteraround from looking around all day, when you fall asleep this stops, so focus on relaxing the eye s..it takes practice
Start breathing deeply and rhythmically like when you see someone sleeping.. deep, slow and rhythmic
now DON'T move, you may get the urge to move, this is your body testing "you"or to see if you are asleep, if you move your body will think you are awake and the process starts all over again. Don't give in, it may become such a strong urge that you can't stand it.. but if you resit, it will pass
now that you have been laying still, breathing rhythmically and fully relaxed, start twitching some muscles, like when you do when you are falling asleep normally.. quick twitches (again, you are trying to fake out your body to think your mind has fallen asleep.
Throughout all this try and keep a detached awareness, let your thoughts just pass through, don't get caught up in any thoughts, just let them come and go.
after about 15-30 minutes if you do all this, you will start to enter Sleep Paralysis .. it may creep up or just hit you and you may even be teetering on loosing your awareness, but if you are not too unaware "asleep" then you will become aware of the SP...
now comes the hard part, don't get excited and don't freak out, just let it happen.. might be a loud ringing or humming in your head and your body will feel, well paralyzed... good, your there.
from here, there are many methods to getting out of body or into a lucid dream, but what I do is imagine my body slowly being lifted by a decreasing gravity... almost like imagining being levitated, if you start feeling yourself move, (and remember your not physically) but it will feel like you are, then you are almost there... stay with it and all of a sudden, POP you're in the astral plane.

This of course works best in the morning hours or after you have slept 4-5 hours. Doing a wake back to bed method is perfect for this. Sleep 5hrs, et up for 15you minutes and then try this...

Good luck.. trust me it works. Look up Lucidology online, that is where I got this method, it's got a pretty cheesy marketing bit and the guy sells it and is a drag, but most of the basics you can get for free.. especially on youtube.

It takes practice and patience, but definitely works. SP is a perfect jumpgate to OBE's.. done it many times.
When I am in sleep paralysis I can alter the frequency of that insane vibration.
If I want to astral project I focus until the vibrations sound like I am standing in front of a jet engine.
At this point I then simply rise out of my body which usually feels surprisingly natural.
Also for me all the demons and other unwanted guests (hallucinations) that are present during the sleep paralysis disappear once I have left my body.
Happy travels :D

Edit: I have also used Celastrus Paniculatus seeds in the past and they have a huge effect on making my dreams incredibly more detailed and more easy to recall although I did not notice any increase in sleep paralysis occurring while using them.
smoalker said:
Edit: I have also used Celastrus Paniculatus seeds in the past and they have a huge effect on making my dreams incredibly more detailed and more easy to recall although I did not notice any increase in sleep paralysis occurring while using them.

I know there's other threads on supplements, but galantamine and choline combo is a wicked lucid dreaming/vivid dreams/recall supplement...
jamie said:
Personally I think Castaneda was just a fraud and never met any "Don Juan".
Contrary to all that he said on the matter, I can induce lucid dreams and atral travel early in the morning with the least ammount of effort right after having sex. I am so relaxed after having an orgasm that I just flow right off into the paralysis but with ease..I go right from the paralysis into the dream seamlessly but fully aware. Of course, waking up the person next to you at 5am to have sex so you can lucid dream is a whole other issue. Luckily there are some things you can do yourself :) lol..I prefer real sex though. It relaxes me more.

Yeah his book "The art of dreaming" was quite absurd. However, the first 2 books are fun to read. To me, Castaneda met somebody like don Juan, but spiced up the story with some fiction and creative writing. The latter books were probably born from the idea to why not milk the cow.

When I am in sleep paralysis I can alter the frequency of that insane vibration.
If I want to astral project I focus until the vibrations sound like I am standing in front of a jet engine.
At this point I then simply rise out of my body which usually feels surprisingly natural.
Also for me all the demons and other unwanted guests (hallucinations) that are present during the sleep paralysis disappear once I have left my body.
Happy travels

Thanks, that's exactly the answer I was looking for.
*oneironaut* said:
I know there's other threads on supplements, but galantamine and choline combo is a wicked lucid dreaming/vivid dreams/recall supplement...

I've had amazing results with this combo. Works best when combined with other LD/OBE induction techniques.
Ufostrahlen said:
And don Juan, the Shaman, had the opinion that the sexual power can be either used for sex or dreaming.

It makes sense to me. "Energy Flows Where Attention Goes." -Huna principle

In a lucid dream, do we utilize our creative energy for sexuality? Or do we use it to fly? Both are valid, but if we expend our energy one way, we won't have it available for other uses.
SpartanII said:
Ufostrahlen said:
And don Juan, the Shaman, had the opinion that the sexual power can be either used for sex or dreaming.

It makes sense to me. "Energy Flows Where Attention Goes." -Huna principle

In a lucid dream, do we utilize our creative energy for sexuality? Or do we use it to fly? Both are valid, but if we expend our energy one way, we won't have it available for other uses.

Now, the question is: which activity takes what amount of energy? Can't you have both? Or is flying so great, that sex is rather boring and only needed for reproducing?
Ufostrahlen said:
SpartanII said:
Ufostrahlen said:
And don Juan, the Shaman, had the opinion that the sexual power can be either used for sex or dreaming.

It makes sense to me. "Energy Flows Where Attention Goes." -Huna principle

In a lucid dream, do we utilize our creative energy for sexuality? Or do we use it to fly? Both are valid, but if we expend our energy one way, we won't have it available for other uses.

Now, the question is: which activity takes what amount of energy? Can't you have both? Or is flying so great, that sex is rather boring and only needed for reproducing?

Well, in my experience, focusing attention on any perception during the dream state is an energetic process. I've found it can get a bit tricky to maintain that attention especially after "draining" myself by over-indulging in thoughts, fear-based emotions and behaviors, whether it's during my waking hours or within the dream.

The type of attention used for lucid dreaming seems to be different from the kind we typically use during our waking hours. Castaneda called it The Second Attention:

"The art of the dreamer is to hold the image of his dream . Our art as ordinary people is that we know how to hold the image of what we are looking at. We just do it; that is, our bodies do it. In dreaming we have to do the same thing, except that in dreaming we have to learn how to do it. We have to struggle not to look but merely to glance and yet hold the image."

"The second attention, or the attention of the nagual , is reached only after warriors have swept the top of their tables, their islands of the tonal , clean. Reaching the second attention makes the two attentions into a single unit, and that unit is the totality of oneself."

"Diligence in an impeccable life is the only way to lose the human form. Losing the human form is the essential requirement for unifying the two attentions.
The attention under the table is the key to everything sorcerers do. In order to reach that attention I have taught you dreaming."

"Another way to learn how to do dreaming is by learning gazing. If you gaze at a pile of leaves for hours your thoughts get quiet. Without thoughts the attention of the tonal wanes and suddenly your second attention hooks onto the leaves and the leaves become something else. The moment when the second attention hooks onto something is called stopping the world."

"The difficulty in gazing is to learn to quiet down the thoughts. Once you can stop the world you are a gazer. And the only way of stopping the world is by trying. Combine gazing at dry leaves and looking for our hands in dreaming . Once you have trapped your second attention with dry leaves, you do gazing and dreaming to enlarge it."

"The position of the body is of great importance while one is gazing. One has to sit on the ground on a soft mat of leaves, or on a cushion made out of natural fibers. The back has to be propped against a tree, or a stump, or a flat rock. The body has to be thoroughly relaxed. The eyes are never fixed on the object, in order to avoid tiring them. The gaze consists in scanning very slowly the object gazed at, going counterclockwise but without moving the head. The idea is to let your perception play without analyzing it."

"The effect you are after in gazing is to learn to stop the internal dialogue. To do that you can focus your view as gazers do or, as I've already told you, flood your awareness while walking by not focusing your sight on anything. That is, sort of feel with your eyes everything in the 180-degree range in front of you, while you keep your fixed and unfocused eyes just above the line of the horizon."

"The essential feature of sorcery is shutting off the internal dialogue. Stopping the internal dialogue is an operational way of describing the act of disengaging the attention of the tonal."

"Dreamers can gaze in order to do dreaming and then they can look for their dreams in their gazing. For example you can gaze at the shadows of rocks and then, in your dreaming , you might find out that those shadows have light. You can then, while gazing, look for the light in the shadows until you find it. Gazing and dreaming go together."

-Don Juan/Carlos Castaneda
I see you're using Ibuprofen to induce dreaming; have you thought of using Tulsi (Holy Basil) to do the same? It works as an anti-inflammatory drug like Ibuprofen.
Damn, all this tonal/nagual talk is still weirding me out. It's so vague and can't be looked up elsewhere... That's what I really dislike about Castaneda's books. They aren't practical.

But stopping the inner dialogue is clear to me. Castaneda basically says to mediate more. At least that's how I understand him.

Has somebody a good meditation routine for SP? All I do is depriving me of all outer stimuli and say "AUM" a lot. Doesn't work that much for me, but at least I'm practising. In two days I'll have an appointment with a floating tank center, curiously looking forward to that.
embracethevoid said:
I see you're using Ibuprofen to induce dreaming; have you thought of using Tulsi (Holy Basil) to do the same? It works as an anti-inflammatory drug like Ibuprofen.

No, never heard of that before. Do you think the anti-inflammatory action is linked to dreaming?
Well, I could give it a shot. The prices on eBay are reasonable.
As far as Ibuprofen vs Tulsi, I do not really know enough to comment. They are similar in some respects so I was thinking that if you could try it with that and see if it happens then we might be able to pin down enhanced dream recall as an effect of anti-inflammatories.

For sleep paralysis you want to focus on releasing all muscle tension & knots. Do some stretches, warm your body up first.

So something like a light "just woke up in the morning" type stretch routine, then get your blood flowing with some star jumps and pushups, then start doing the more insane yoga style stretches to loosen & lengthen every muscle in your body. Remember to warm down; and then meditate.

Meditate by directing your awareness around your body, starting wherever you please. But it should be rigorous, do not miss a single part of your body. Keep doing circuits around the body by directing awareness, literally just scanning every muscle. Each circuit you do, more muscle tensions will reveal themselves, the subtle ones have a knack for hiding away until the stronger tensions covering them up are dissipated.

Once you got the muscle tension released and your body is soft like a pillow and liquid like a puddle on the floor, meditate and focus entirely on keeping perfectly still. You can ignore itches and little pains but if you channel your internal energy correctly you will be able to make them not even arise in the first place. Use your 'second attention' as described in the Castaneda quote above.

The 'second attention' is responsible for manifesting all the bodily energy flows that feel practically beyond your conscious control, such as reflexes, fear, sexuality, and so on. That's in waking life; in dream life it manifests everything. Lucid dreams are fuelled purely by that. I have jumped into fully lucid worlds a few times with my second attention being a bit hazy only to end up summoning crazy demons and dying gory deaths.

But anyway, when muscle tensions cease, thoughts cease, and there is just breathing which has a perfect & easy line of travel from mouth to pelvic floor and back up, then sleep paralysis induction becomes second nature. The aim after this is to remain perfectly still. The longer and better you can stay still, the more in tune you will get with the 'second attention', to the point that you will be able to use it to manifest anything you please in your dreams with godlike power.

I have detailed a method for directly jumping deep into a fully lucid dream in this thread; there is quite a lot of other useful info in there too. When the technique specified therein is correctly executed, you should land flat on your feet with an audible thump that you can feel just as in real life yet actually in dreamland.
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