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I wouldn't think too much on the 'entity' tbh. Try not to get too hung up on that. Many here have experienced entities of all types. Who knows what exactly these are, let alone the entirety of the dmt experience itself.

But honestly, how on earth could I ever describe that dimension or what's present during it? I mean, it's a very hard thing to articulate or word. We tend to look at these things [while baseline] in a dualistic framework, almost by default it seems.

Like when we experience something during the dmt state - like an entity that feels off kilter or 'negative' or 'angry', or some part of the experience that starts to trend towards something darker - these things to me never feel like they're one concrete 'thing' happening to me, i mean the experience itself is highly evolving, in constant transition and transformation, all typically falling far outside of linear a-b, subject/object, dualisms. It's very ethereal, slippery. Also, the whole of the experience, every bit of it - all seems to be made up of the same 'stuff' - whether it's the architecture, the entities, the objects, the scenery, etc  -alllll theee same stuffff.

Don't worry about the word breakthrough. Smoke, assess, raise dosage if you're ready, assess, repeat over a span of time. Everyone has a limit with dmt as to how much they're able to handle physically and mentally eventually before not remembering and/or blacking out. You'll know when you blasted the doors clean off, trust me :p :twisted: Take your time, be careful, raise dosage maybe 5mg at a time. Commitment will pay off.

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