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First DMT Session

Migrated topic.


R151ng 5tar
After my first extraction I did my first ever Session.
A session consists of at least 2 or more usages.
The vape I am using is not a recommendation, I just use it because it is my spare device.
There are much better devices and options out there. However it works.
This got very long, the important part starts here REPORT 4

(mind)Set: excited, not really scary but a respectful mindset about what is coming
(physical condition) Set: normal
Setting (location): Alone at home chilling in my bed, indirect light, a bit messy room, listening to Shamanic Drum Healing
time of day: first use around 24:00
recent drug use: nicotine vape
last meal: cant remember

Gender: m
body weight: around 65kg
known sensitivities: none
history of use: first timer


Substance(s): DMT, nicotine (separately vaped)
Method of administration: vaporized
Vape: Aegis Boost Pro Max, 0,2 Ohm DTL mesh coil
Liquid: 500mg DMT dissolved in 4ml VG/PG (70/30)
Dose: I will use the term puffs as I dont know the concrete dosage of each trip
Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration)


Time: t + 00 h
Wattage: 42,5
Puffs: 1
Intensity (overall): 0
Pleasantness: 0
Implesantness: 1
Visual Intensity: 0
Come down: none
Afterglow: 0
As I did not know what I will be facing or how much intense a single puff is, I decided to only do a single puff.
The only effect I felt was the body load. It felt like a small bong hit without the being stone part. That was a weird feeling. The effect lasted just a few mins(1 or 2).
My upper lip felt strange which disappeared after 10 minutes.
After reading in the forum and communicating in the chat I decided to lower the wattage.

Time: t + 0h 30min
Wattage: 40
Puffs: 2
Intensity (overall): 1
Pleasantness: 1
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 0.5
Come down: none
Afterglow: 0
The wattage of 40 was way better. Almost no body load at all, the load lasted only a few seconds.
My upper lip still felt a little weird but it felt better then before.
Subtle external visuals, very little melting.
Subtle internal visuals, green color background, triangular forming shapes.
All visuals disappeared when I concentrated.
"Trip" lasted only 3 minutes.

Time: t + 1h 30min
Wattage: 40
Puffs: 3
Intensity (overall): 1
Pleasantness: 1
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 0.5
Come down: none
Afterglow: 0
It was exactly like the 2nd Trip. But the visuals were not subtle anymore.
Same internal visuals with additional circle shapes.

Time: t + 2h 30min
Wattage: 38.5
Puffs: 8
Intensity (overall): 2
Pleasantness: 2
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 2
Come down: none
Afterglow: 0
Ok, this time I wanted to know where I will land.
I felt pretty safe with the body load and I slightly knew in which direction this could lead me.
Reducing the wattage eliminated all the weird feeling of my upper lip.
I hit 3 small puffs, waited for the body load.
It disappeared really fast then I hit another 3 hits. In the middle of the trip I hit another 2 puff because I felt really well going, I just cant remember when.
This was amazing. During the last hit there was a moment where I did not know what I was holding (It was my vape ofc). I was hitting the button but I didnt knew what a button is or it didnt felt like a button anymore. Hard to describe.
I put my vape aside while sitting on my bed. I inhaled air deeply and let me fall back on my pillow while exhaling.
At the same moment I felt so happy and began to smile.
I looked at the sheet of my blanked which has very abstract trippy forms on it (even when not tripping 😁 ) and the forms drifted and melted, they changed their shape from rectangular to triangular and were constantly in movement.

The Peek:
The peek was so luckily beautiful timed with the song i posted above. It started to peek a few seconds before that "ding" sound appeared around 5:05.
It was an unbelievable experience of overflowing happy emotions and a very warm feeling.

Internal visuals:
At this point I decided to close my eyes. Interestingly I was started at the same place like all the other last experiences.
Green background starting with a triangular shape.
The background changed top yellow, then purple, orange and back to green.
The shape was changing, got bigger, smaller, rotated,...
Additional shapes circle shapes were forming.
All the view changed and I saw some sort of rays which were swinging and moving.

External visuals:
At this point I was interested in how my surrounding looks like and opened my eyes.
I looked at my blanked again and was surprised again 😁.
I was curious about how vape would look like. Was trying hard to find my other vaping device with only nicotine liquid in it. While searching with my hands on my bed I noticed how differently my arms were looking.
That was so funny, there was no hair at all and looked in a cartoony way.
Finally found my vape. It looked so different. The liquid tank is usually round but this device had only corners, it looked very edgy.
It looked so different that I wasnt even sure that this is a vape or if this is my vape at all.
The display usually shows information like configured wattage, ohm, ampere, volt and count of usages. But only the wattage was visible as a big number without any other text.
Had a hard time unlocking it. xD
After making a small puff and exhaling I was a bit confused about the outcome.
The big cloud looked like usual in between all the visuals.
At this point I started to look beyond the edge of my bed for the first time.
My wooden parquet floor with small rectangular slats were triangular shaped and were melting and moving.
Almost everything was triangular shaped in my surrounding, slight color changing could be identified.
I compared all the visuals again with the big vape cloud and it was a peace of normality in all that visual compositions.

I put my normal vape aside. while doing so I looked at my shirt which was black colored and saw some slightly light brown wavy forms moving but this sadly didnt get any stronger. (Maybe I hit another 2 puff here).
While remembering myself to drink i grabbed my 1.5 liter plastic water bottle and I remembered that the top part of the bottle was crushed but the top part of the bottle didnt look crushed anymore.
The texture looked like really thick glass.
I touched the top part and felt the edges but were not able to see them.
This was so funny.

After drinking a sip I closed my eyes again till the trip faded out.
Interestingly it again started in the same place. Green background with triangular shapes.
I saw a lot of different geometric views in different colors and shapes.
Describing it is impossible.

After it faded out I felt so happy and was smiling.
All I thought was "this is it? omg it was such a beautiful experience".
During the experience sometimes I was not sure if i would like the internal or external visuals more.
The overall feeling was really spiritual and shamanic.
Whenever I found something interesting I always thought omg this is so exciting I have to remember this.

The next day:
I slept very well.
Woke up and was so happy.
Then I went to the extraction jar and smelled the dmt scent and it caused an emotional flashback.
The reality felt a bit more intense.
I went out noticing the sunlight in a more intense way, i thought something like "oh look this is the sunlight and there are the trees xD".
The flashback included no visuals it was just an emotional experience.

So beautiful. <3
Interesting idea.

Also a vaper speaking here.

Not sure how soluble DMT actually is in pg/vg juice.

It seems to work however, probably with way less harsh then with a glass pipe or infused leaf.

Do me a favor...

Try to hold in the vape and report back if it was more potent.

If you vape regularly you probably know that if you hold it, by exhaling there will be no vape clouds.

Also an idea would be (if possible) to saturate the juice with more DMT.

If this works you are a genius.

Congratulations on your invention, what you made is groundbreaking.

Thanks for the report.
ty for your reply AwesomeUsername

AwesomeUsername said:
Not sure how soluble DMT actually is in pg/vg juice.
my dmt extraction was pretty oily, i dont know how soluble crystals are.
with a hot water bath it was sort of soluble.
TBF I shake the vape before i use it because the tank is not transparent, just to be sure.

AwesomeUsername said:
It seems to work however, probably with way less harsh then with a glass pipe or infused leaf.
I dont know how harsh it can get. But it didnt felt harsh in the throat or lungs.
Only my lips felt weird.

AwesomeUsername said:
Try to hold in the vape and report back if it was more potent.
I already tried that and holding the vape in is more potent.
Didnt mention this in this topic. Ty thats a good point.

AwesomeUsername said:
Also an idea would be (if possible) to saturate the juice with more DMT
Technically it would be possible.
But i dont know how much ml is still in the tank.
Already did a 2nd session the day after the first session.
In order to be able to increase the dose i would:
1. either have to get the liquid out measure and calculate it, increase the dose then put it back into the tank.
2. or i would have to know weight of the empty tank with the coil and back measure it.
I feel like both solutions would be very unprecise.
I would rather make a new mix.

AwesomeUsername said:
Congratulations on your invention, what you made is groundbreaking.
Do you mean the vape i used with "Invention"? I got this idea from dmt cartridges or dmt pens. 😁

How do you vape ur DMT as a vaper? Im curious.

This trip report made me very happy to read. Your attitude came through quite nicely and I really enjoyed how much you were just trying to take it all in and appreciate it.

Congratulations on your promotion.

I look forward to seeing you in chat and reading future reports. Thank you.
Thanks for the report Physics! Glad you're enjoying dipping your toes in and excited to read more reports.

The citrate e-juice DFZ linked is some good stuff! I've only ever used it after taking harmalas so not sure what you can expect if you're not on harmalas or whether it's more/less potent than just dissolving freebase in pg. But I am very fond of it, definitely worth trying out.
Thanks for your reply as well.
As I only dipped my toes I am even more excited about the journey and the unexplored corners and edges. A slower exploration will extend the journey.

Does the form freebase vs citrate really make such a big difference?
When any of the two are more soluble I can imagine.
The citrate is mildly acidic rather than the more strongly alkaline pH of the freebase, which seems to make for a smoother smoke. Its water solubility surely helps also. The citrate will be more stable long-term as well. There have been reports of freebase juice degrading over time and becoming unpleasant.

Thinking about this, it does make me wonder whether it's possible to dissolve additional freebase into the PG/VG/monoD citrate juice. An idea for all the experimenters out there.
Nice and detailed TR Physics131, big up ! I'm an incorrigible vaper too, I've been using this ROA for DMT for a long time. That's why I suspect your juice probably was a little weak, with your sub-ohm coil you should have gone to hyperspace in just one 7-10 seconds puff. With a 0.2ohms coil I would make a juice with a ratio like 1g DMT/3ml (or maybe 2.8 or 2.6) of 50%PG/50%VG base. If you really want it stronger, go for 1g/2ml but with 70%PG/30%VG. Keep in mind that the slowlier you inhale the puff, the stronger it is. Also in my experience, holding the vapor in lungs for 15 seconds is good. Welcome on board :)
downwardsfromzero said:
Thinking about this, it does make me wonder whether it's possible to dissolve additional freebase into the PG/VG/monoD citrate juice. An idea for all the experimenters out there.

Now I understand the intention of AwesomeUsername questions.
Specially after reading this thread: DMT solubility in Propylene Glycol (PG) - Advanced/Enhanced chemistry - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
I got the idea of dissolving the freebase from here:
The video is sadly age restricted and requires a youtube sign in.

But he made a mix of 3 ml containing 1500mg dmt.
Which means 500mg/ml.

Based on this and your reply I would assume an even higher concentrate achievable with the citrate from the HIELO TEK.
Hello and ty vaper friend The Sofa Traveler :)

The Sofa Traveler said:
That's why I suspect your juice probably was a little weak, with your sub-ohm coil you should have gone to hyperspace in just one 7-10 seconds puff.
Yes I because of the subOhm coil I wasnt really sure how to concentrate if well for my first experience.
I wasnt able to find any source as nobody mentioned if they mixed for a DTL or MTL coil and the oHM.
Currently I am also not sure if a 0.2 Ohm coil is well suited.
I should operate the 0.2 Ohm coil with 60-70 Watt.
I used 42.5 Watt initially and I dont prefer it at all because of the strange body load and the weird feeling of my upper lip while vaping.
38.5 Watt was much better.
Physics131 said:
Currently I am also not sure if a 0.2 Ohm coil is well suited.
0.2ohms coil is (more than) ok :)

Physics131 said:
I should operate the 0.2 Ohm coil with 60-70 Watt.
I used 42.5 Watt initially and I dont prefer it at all because of the strange body load and the weird feeling of my upper lip while vaping.
38.5 Watt was much better.
The coil max power range is not suitable for DMT vape. Usually I find the sweet spot at about the half of the lowest value of the max power range + possibly few watts up. Example : currently I use a 0.15 coil with max power range at 85-100w, I found the sweet spot at about 45-48w. My previous coil was a 0.2 with 70-85w max power range, it worked flawlessly at about 38-42w. So yes, I can imagine 38,5 is good for your coil, maybe even 35. I think it's anyway better to stay in the lower power side than in the higher power side. You still can influence the strength by modulating the speed of inhalation.
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