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First experience report!

Migrated topic.


John Murdoch IV
Damn! :(:(:(:( I just wrote this detailed long post about my first DMT experience and I lost it 'cause I pressed the wrong key on my keyboard. It's the first time this happens to me and I'm pissed off :( Well I had a very intense experience of colors flowing through me and my mind and I lost awareness of my body and bla bla bla bla, I'm not in the mood to re-write all this stuff but I'll go through it quickly. But it was extremely intense and I felt I was on the edge of a hyperspace breakthrough but I got stuck in the colors. It was quite uncomfortable and at a time I got a bit scared. I forgot I had smoked DMT and I had to remind me. And also remind me that the brain produces DMT, it felt comforting. But I was desperate to get through the colors. I felt like they were about to devour me. I tried to relax and go with the flow but nothing changed. When I was peaking I lost awareness of this reality and my body but I didn't have any OBE or hyperspatial breakthroug so when I came back I was a bit disappointed. I probably had too much expectations and I think I didn't really smoke enough. My first toke was good and I tried to get another one but it came on so fast I didn't manage to get another proper toke. So my experience was just these crazy colors and lights and weird sound. And at a time I got a bit scared because it was so intense that I started thinking that a really bad out of control DMT experience must be the worst hell possible. And thinking things like that is a no no in this state. So I bent my mind to a more positive direction and I started thinking about how much I love my family. And I was thinking already if I would ever do it again. If I would ever put myselfe through this again. Several times throughout the experience I opened my eyes or at least noticed my body. Maybe my eyes were open most of the time, I don't really know. But I also felt some times like my eyes were running or my nose. But when I was coming down I looked at my body lying in the bed I really felt how it was just like a doll. Or a vehicle. Like there was I and there was my body. And my hands just like pink rubber or something. I've seen my hands like this before on shrooms but not so much. Actually the trip was like a super intense mushroom trip packed into 5 minutes or something. I was a bit disappointed but that's probably because I wanted to go to hyperspace and preferably meet some entities :p These flowing colors and sounds was kind of nothing new for me, I've just never experienced it so intense. Well most of the time it was ok but at some time it was too much. I wanted a new experience and to experience myself in some other reality. I'm a serious explorer and I'm not looking for some recreational drug. I'm exploring the consiousness and DMT 'cause I'm sure it plays a big role in the future of mankind. The trip was very hard and very uncomfortable but not terrifying or really painful. I didn't take any notice of time but I came down very fast. It's funny how quickly you're back to your normal state. I was just lying in bed for a while and I had some tremors and felt a little cold but I felt fine. And kind of relieved that my first experience was over. I started laughing a little of how weird these thing is and how you need to be a bit crazy to do this. So I'm doing it again. Actually like 1-2 hours later I was ready to go again but I just didn't have the chance. i have like 100mg left of this batch so I'm defenitely trying again. And I'm actually looking a bit forward to it :) I probably need to smoke more but I would not handle more intense colors so I just have to jump into the deep waters again and hope everything will be fine. So have anyone here had problems with the colors? Do people enjoy them or what do you think?
The way you described the colours makes them seem bueatiful. Too bad you didn't enjoy it! Good to hear your going to try it again, can't wait to hear your report, Good Luck!
[quote:1f51a3a11e="mardybum"]The way you described the colours makes them seem bueatiful. Too bad you didn't enjoy it! Good to hear your going to try it again, can't wait to hear your report, Good Luck![/quote:1f51a3a11e] Well maybe they were beautiful but they just changed too fast and the patterns were too chaotic and shattered. It was just too much everything and I couldn't concentrate on anything. It actually just felt like the DMT was scrambling my visual cortex and that's uncomfortable Well it was my first trip so maybe I'll learn to handle it better. But those of you that have had a breakthrough experience, how do you manage it. You think it's hard and are you always happy to be back or is it no problem at all? Or are your trip very different every time? Do you have any tricks for a good trip. Is there something special you like to do to prepare? After having this experience I'm very curious about how others do this.
hey mate, I had a trip just like yours for the first 45 seconds to a minute. I was pretty scared but then I told myself to smile. I couldnt feel my body but in my consiousness I smiled. This allowed me to let go and relax. It was a wonderful feeling. When I came out my wife told me I was indeed smiling. I know it sounds weird but it totally worked for me.
DMTripper : I am exactly at the same point you are. Had few experience, all misfired. Some colours, elevated heart rate, anxiety and the general feeling that when it will work, it will be completly grand and epic. :shock: I almost fear to touch the stuff again! :shock: Having a sitter brings the pre-smoke anxiety down for me. It's always good to have someone you can talk to after a psychedelic experience.
[quote:22a79387be="fredyjenkins"]DMTripper : I am exactly at the same point you are. Had few experience, all misfired. Some colours, elevated heart rate, anxiety and the general feeling that when it will work, it will be completly grand and epic. :shock: I almost fear to touch the stuff again! :shock: Having a sitter brings the pre-smoke anxiety down for me. It's always good to have someone you can talk to after a psychedelic experience.[/quote:22a79387be] How many times have you tried? I feel like I needed to smoke a little more to get through, but my fear is that I'm wrong and I will just get more intense color thing kinda trip. And that's not what I'm after. But I'm trying again soon. Haven't had the chance. There are always people around that I don't want around when I experiment.
Hey guys, I enjoy your 'beginners' trip report ! A friend of mine is in a similar case. he is very shy and anxious and prefer to grow things slowly although he know that at a time he will have to take the full dose or just give up. (but so few material :cry: ) During his last attempt he was able to keep some smoke in his lungs... and... bzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiooooooooouuuuuunnng a huge electric vibration in the whole body, "elevated heart rate, anxiety..." No colors but the vibrations were unexpected and somehow like pre-OBE experience or medical aenesthesy :? Few min laters a smaller toke showed some mild colors. General feeling is calm afterward tough. Are these vibrations common ? And do they last a while in case of deeper tokes ?
[quote:890bc2a549="DMTripper"][quote:890bc2a549="fredyjenkins"]DMTripper : I am exactly at the same point you are. Had few experience, all misfired. Some colours, elevated heart rate, anxiety and the general feeling that when it will work, it will be completly grand and epic. :shock: I almost fear to touch the stuff again! :shock: Having a sitter brings the pre-smoke anxiety down for me. It's always good to have someone you can talk to after a psychedelic experience.[/quote:890bc2a549] How many times have you tried? I feel like I needed to smoke a little more to get through, but my fear is that I'm wrong and I will just get more intense color thing kinda trip. And that's not what I'm after. But I'm trying again soon. Haven't had the chance. There are always people around that I don't want around when I experiment.[/quote:890bc2a549] I tried 3 times. The third time was the most intense. I got used to the heart rate/anxiety/swirling bizarre unclear colors thing. Also, it seems that these are normal physical reactions to DMT (according to Strassman) so i'm way less scared now. I think that tis is a dose and a smoking technique issue. Next time, i<ll put a little more in my brand new modified light bulb with to pipes going in. 8) I am definitivly doind all of this DMT thing to have a breakthrough and everything. I can breakthrough with mushrooms (at the peak of a 4-5gr highly potent cube journey ,in silent darkness, closed eyes.) but this whole DMT thing is interresting. I cant wait to have the balls to actually try it again. 😉
The Spice can be a bit intense for sure. When I began using it, it scared the crap out of me at first almost every time. I couldn't get over how everything-shattering the trip is; and how far out you can go before you have any idea what's happened. Almost every time I partook a spice trip I would get really anxious before hand. Gradually it got much easier, to the point where I wouldn't even be nervous before hitting it. The more relaxed you can be before hand the better. I reccomend not trying to focus on anything and having no expectations whatsoever. Go with it. It's difficult as your normal awareness begins to shift, but focus focus focus on taking another hit and holding it in. Keep doing this until your thoughts trail off and you're all the way there.
[quote:9cba5a784c="cilosyb"]The Spice can be a bit intense for sure. When I began using it, it scared the crap out of me at first almost every time. I couldn't get over how everything-shattering the trip is; and how far out you can go before you have any idea what's happened. Almost every time I partook a spice trip I would get really anxious before hand. Gradually it got much easier, to the point where I wouldn't even be nervous before hitting it. The more relaxed you can be before hand the better. I reccomend not trying to focus on anything and having no expectations whatsoever. Go with it. It's difficult as your normal awareness begins to shift, but focus focus focus on taking another hit and holding it in. Keep doing this until your thoughts trail off and you're all the way there.[/quote:9cba5a784c] I'm in the same stage as DMTripper, Garulfo and fredyjenkins. I'm still curious: I heard some people hold one huge toke for as long as they can, while others take several. I'm confused. What's the best method? How many tokes should I take of 50mg? How long should I hold the tokes? Thanks in advance :)
I jumped again this morning, and WOW!! I don't really have the words to describe what I experienced. But it was awesome and good :) But just before I took the deep breath of smoke I was really scared. My heart was pumping hard and heavy. So much anxiety but I felt I just had to do it. I tried to relax before and I was lying in bed for a while breathing slowly and deeply to try to get my heartbeat and anxiety down but it wasn't really working. My first trip was a bit hard and difficult but I was sure I just needed to smoke a little bit more to totally get through. So I was also terrified of the thought that maybe I was wrong. But I was right :D I inhaled and when it came on I got more scared and I so remembered how it was last time and I was like "Oh fuck, now I screwed up." and my heartbeat became even stronger and I could feel my bloodpressure go up and I felt like fuckt. But I realised that the best way to get through this was to just close my eyes and try to relax. As soon as I closed my eyes I saw these CRAZY colors swirling around me. Then these colors kind of took form or became something that I got kind of stuck in. It was like patterns that were so futuristic and awesome that I was just in total awe! I just couldn't believe what I saw. But then I noticed that these things/patterns were actually made by some female entity that was swirling around me. Actually at first I thought there were many of them but I later realised it was kind of just one that was many :p Hard to explain. And she looked very feminine and had kind of a Shiva look or fashion but with a spooky face and a split snake tongue and these very spooky eyes but sooooo coooool :D And what she was doing is just the most amazing and coolest thing I've seen. I then felt like she was trying to make me look at this thing to make me show it attention and give my energy away to her. It was like she knew she better respect my free will so she was tricking me to give my energy away. But that's just what I felt suddenly but later I thought maybe it wasn't the case but I took no chances. I looked away and said to myself that I was the master of myself and I didn't want this. I wouldn't fall for this. Then this woman and the colors and everything kind of dissolved and turned into just energy and it was all mine :D And it was flowing through me and at that point I don't remember much but I was in like a huge saloon in some kind of a palace and I felt like this was my kingdom created by my mind. I felt so much power and energy within it was just amazing. At that time I started noticing my breath again and I was coming back. When I openen my eyes I felt the energy still flowing through and arond me and I felt so much power. But some of my anxiety was still there in my body and I felt how I was coming back into it. It felt like a resistance. A little later that was just gone. But this all happened so fast and I wanted to be there for longer time. And I know there's so much I don't remember of it. I didn't write anything down right after but I'm defenetely doing that next time. I think it's good to have a DMT diary like a dream diary. It was a very positive experience and it felt good even though it started rough and was a bit spooky. I felt really confident through it and in control of my feelings. It was like I just left the anxiety and I didn't feel any fear or nothing. But it was good to be back anyways. I feel so at peace when I'm coming back. I didn't have a sitter and I never took any notice of time. Next time I'm having my friend with me and I'll get him to take the time. Now I know why everyone with experience of this talks so much about how important it is to smoke enough at a time. To get you there :D
Nice! I reccomend taking as many hits as possible but would stress holding them in for at least 10 seconds each. You'll always know when you've had enough. Hit it until you Know.
[quote:b11aec922d="cilosyb"]Nice! I reccomend taking as many hits as possible but would stress holding them in for at least 10 seconds each. You'll always know when you've had enough. Hit it until you Know.[/quote:b11aec922d] Yes this time I tried to smoke as much as possible. My first toke was good and I held it down so long that I didn't manage to take another as good. Just like a half one before I was gone. Yeah I was just gone already :) This stuff is so powerful. I'm smoking from a kind of a bong but it's obviously not the best way because when you blow out the first smoke you need the next one ready. It's hard to start to inhale slowly to fill the chamber when you're half way gone into another reality. I'm defenitely making a better smoking device for my next batch of DMT.
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