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First Moclobemide test

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

in the interests of scientific exploration I went and asked my local GP nicely for some Moclobemide and he wrote a script [that easy].

First test -
Moclobemide just by itself [150mg] just to see what it was like.
Definite but subtle effects felt,
subjectively much more similar to feel good Caapi than Rue tea [in that it has a slight dreamy edge to it]
Moclobemide apparently has a ~6hr half life, most gone by 16 hrs and all gone by 48hrs

Second test -
Moclobemide [150mg]
10 hour wait [till nighttime/darkness] to observe general effects before DMT
7 hours into it 1 beer to check for tyramine based problems - no noticeable effect either way.

At ~10 hrs smoke a very small amount of changa [safety dose] (DMT + DMT Oxide on Passionfruit leaf).
i.e. maybe 1/3 to 1/4 of normal amount smoked

Crikey!! : )
really strong, really deep deep experience.
No weirdness/confusion that can sometimes happen with such a big hit in many cases (perhaps due to the speed of the experience),
felt buffered, and totally solid throughout it even with total dissociation / breakthrough.
Open eyes or closed made no difference [it was all one].
Probably also the best memory of a total DMT trip that I have had so far, [perhaps as slightly less abstract than the usual].

The 'fold out' (how i refer to the process where layers of your reality open out sort of like onion layers/flower petals opening) was amazing to watch as I shed the 'normal space' layers into infinity DMT layers.
Each stage of the fold out also was associated with primary aspects of my mind/being/standard reality that I could watch invert as a smaller subset of ultimate reality. [really amazing].

Went through an interaction with some form of universal consciousness/awareness in relation to aspects of life and decision making [so in a sense very Aya like].
From this the 'fold back' happened (i.e. coming back into the normal world whereby the infinite aspects/concepts/potentials of my consciousness fold in on themselves and become limited into aspects available in the normal world).
With eyes open [when i did at stages of this] I could watch my visual field folding back into my 'ground state'
The visual field was always the ground state, but as each fold in happened the visual field would adjust itself in relation to the limits required of that new perspective of the ground state.

Even when i was back to ground state the DMT experience still kept going [often in gradually decreasing waves of effect] for another 30 - 40 minutes

So -
Overall one of the more interesting DMT experiences I've had so far and totally worthwhile.
The clarity of the experience and ability to remember more (including the sequence) than usual really surprised me. [i.e. i can still visualise much of the experience 5 days later with great accuracy (including visual memory/snapshots).

Will do more test when get time,
but yeah, that's my first report.

Moclobemide definitely works, and from a sample size of 1 does so in a positive and gentle way.
Interesting, thanks for the report!

Experiments have been done over here but just using it with oral spice (which worked technically because the spice was definitely active orally, but lacked the magic that harmalas bring making for an unsatisfying, empty experience so tests were stopped). However, smoking the spice after Moclobemide hadn't been tried. Will have to try that!

Also, on this end at 150 and 300mg doses the Moclobemide on its own was not felt at all (just adding more data to the pool).

Will be very curious to hear more. Not many people talk about Moclobemide. When researching all that had been found in the past were accounts of inexperienced people taking Moclobemide with very high oral doses of spice resulting in terrifying experiences which they blamed on the Moclobemide (instead of on the unnecessarily large spice dose IMO).
Nice Thread , good to read your experience with it rawmo.

I wonder if Moclobemide could be taken sublingually like THH .
Observant said:
Nice Thread , good to read your experience with it rawmo.

I wonder if Moclobemide could be taken sublingually like THH .

Can't see why not,
maybe crush the pill up, run a solution thru it while filtering the solids out and collect the remainder in an evaporation dish.

I imagine you'd have a crude extract to work with for sub-lingual.
I have often wondered if oral Moc could be taken to run interference with the mao's in the gut and ADD harmalas for their respective magic, possibly sublingually. I know that I feel the effects of sublingual harmalas quickly and not as much needs to be used. Redosing may be necessary since the duration of sublingual use is shorter but I still believe one comes out ahead.

I for one can only afford a small amount of harmalas and even though Syrian Rue is cheap, I prefer more THH and less harmaline with my harmine. So...

The idea is: Moclebemide inhibits the MAO's, the lesser amount of harmalas add their magic and then the oral spice brings the light.

Without actually trying it out, I cannot see the downside. Sounds simple in theory but we all know that the best laid plans...

curiouser and curiouser,

Espiridion-- Someone (perhaps you) brought that up in another thread recently and got me curious as well. It sounds like a viable approach. Haven't tried it yet over here though, will definitely report if it happens.
Espiridion said:
I have often wondered if oral Moc could be taken to run interference with the mao's in the gut and ADD harmalas for their respective magic, possibly sublingually. I know that I feel the effects of sublingual harmalas quickly and not as much needs to be used. Redosing may be necessary since the duration of sublingual use is shorter but I still believe one comes out ahead.

I for one can only afford a small amount of harmalas and even though Syrian Rue is cheap, I prefer more THH and less harmaline with my harmine. So...

The idea is: Moclebemide inhibits the MAO's, the lesser amount of harmalas add their magic and then the oral spice brings the light.

Without actually trying it out, I cannot see the downside. Sounds simple in theory but we all know that the best laid plans...

curiouser and curiouser,


This is interesting. Is moclobemide very cheap?

I’m sure it would work. But there might be an unexpected interaction between moclobemide and the harmala alkaloids that may effect the trip.
I dont know, call me picky and annoying but, personally I dont like the idea of using pharmaceuticals unless they are absolutely necessary for some health reason...

Why give money to the pharmaceutical industry, which are some of the devils of our times ? Even if its cheap, I'd still be bothered by every cent im giving to them unnecessarily!

Harmalas work perfectly for this purpouse, they are an excellent natural source that has been used for thousands of years, why start taking some chemicals ? Its not like the harmalas have very bad side effects at the sufficient MAOI doses (and even if they might not be 100% smooth, so what? I question this idea of trying to have only the pleasure and none of the difficulties.. thats kinda missing the point of psychedelics, IMHO ... )

each one to their own though, I guess at least for the sake of information itself this is a valid exploration... but I would def not go for this synthetic pharmaceutical substitution way

This is interesting. Is moclobemide very cheap?

I’m sure it would work. But there might be an unexpected interaction between moclobemide and the harmala alkaloids that may effect the trip.[/quote]

Cost me $4 for 120 x 150mg tablets.
So yeah,
pretty cheap all up.

Did a trial the other day,
Moclobemide [maybe 50mg] and Caapi 50g extracted 8.5g MHRB.
A really beautiful and gentle Ayahuasca journey.
Lasted about 6-7 hrs all up,
Took about 3 hrs before was at the stage [i.e. first wave] that I felt like getting up and moving around. So that was longer than usual by say 1 hr.

Will do more tests in future and report back
endlessness said:
I dont know, call me picky and annoying but, personally I dont like the idea of using pharmaceuticals unless they are absolutely necessary for some health reason...

Why give money to the pharmaceutical industry, which are some of the devils of our times ? Even if its cheap, I'd still be bothered by every cent im giving to them unnecessarily!

Harmalas work perfectly for this purpouse, they are an excellent natural source that has been used for thousands of years, why start taking some chemicals ? Its not like the harmalas have very bad side effects at the sufficient MAOI doses (and even if they might not be 100% smooth, so what? I question this idea of trying to have only the pleasure and none of the difficulties.. thats kinda missing the point of psychedelics, IMHO ... )

each one to their own though, I guess at least for the sake of information itself this is a valid exploration... but I would def not go for this synthetic pharmaceutical substitution way

I kind of feel the same way..its interesting to hear but Im not interested in trying it..to each their own but I will stick with my caapi..for me the harmalas found in caapi have distinct effects beyond just potentiation of DMT and without them its not the same. I have heard that moclobemide and oral DMT is nothing like ayahuasca..it cant even be called pharmahuasca, becasue there are no harmalas.
69ron said:
Was the combination noticeably different from normal ayahuasca?

Haven't done enough tests to be conclusive sorry,

But the thing that pretty much stunned me was how gentle/relaxing the journey was. [one of the most rewarding i reckon I've had]
Possibly could have been slightly less visual, but I tend to find the amount of visuals varies on the same doses anyway so I'd be pretty hesitant to make a call on that side.
Anyone else who's up for putting their trust into your local GP/Pharmaceutical company [after all, LSD was created by Sandoz, so not all they do is bad (except for the money and pushing dodgy stuff side) ; ) ] and give it a go so we can get a better qualitative framework to assess the potential value of Moclobemide.

Moclobemide has a different effect [obviously] than Caapi.
you can take 300mg with no noticeable effect to your day to day
[unlike Caapi where you get pretty smiley and a bit dreamy from my understanding].

But it's really cheap, and may be a valid alternative or slightly different path to investigate into the Ayahuasca phenomenon
Interesting. Did you just ask your doctor straight out "can I have some moclobemide?" If I was a G.P I would be straight on to whoever came at me with that kind of approach and probably assume that they didn't know what was good for them and what wasn't. maybe thats why he's capituated?
shoe said:
Interesting. Did you just ask your doctor straight out "can I have some moclobemide?" If I was a G.P I would be straight on to whoever came at me with that kind of approach and probably assume that they didn't know what was good for them and what wasn't. maybe thats why he's capituated?

Yeah I talked to him straight up,
He's a cool guy, and I also am doing a doctorate in biology stuff
[including a good background in biochem and used to teach Med students cancer and developmental biology].
so he kinda trusts me on any of that stuff.
I've never had any problem ever from memory getting anything i've wanted off a doctor

I know of others that have just gone to the doctor and said they did research on the net, and want to try it out.
Espc if they give evidence for something like atypical depression, or the person says they don't want an SSRI.

The doctors I have talked to consider Moclobemide pretty safe over all, so aren't very concerned about prescribing it [espc if you say you just wanna try it out for a month or 2 to see if it will help... that'll give you e.g. 60x 150mg caplets].

From what I've heard Doctors in the states are even laxer (check their personal medicine cabinet if you ever get a chance (i.e. for medical doctor friends) you'll be impressed.
People I've met from there have got all sorts of crazy (and actually dangerous) shit off them
[e.g. Amphetamine salt for 'nervousness', valium for sleep problems, xanax for stress etc]

Find a cool doctor [impt anyways],
Just go in confident and have a chat. : )
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