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First pharma trip -- Success! [trip report]

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Rising Star
Okay, so here is SWIM's recount of the events that occurred:

Harmalas were extracted from shredded black caapi vine by utilizing gibran2's tek. Pure white DMT Freebase was obtained utilizing q21q21's fluffy white funfest tek.

Body weight ~140 lbs
250 mg's harmala extract was capsuled and eaten.
30 minutes later 60mg DMT freebase was dissolved in OJ and swallowed.
30 minutes later a buttered slice of bread was eaten.

At first I was afraid that this wouldn't work. I had read many pharma trip reports before and read many reports of people taking MAOI + DMT and still not tripping. This was not to be the case however. Reflecting back I think I got exactly what I wanted/needed out of this trip.

Before I even took the DMT I could feel the harmalas coursing through my body. A light, stoned feeling and a definite mental change. This gave me confidence that the DMT would work. I had taken 150 mg's harmala by itself before and felt no change whatsoever. Guess the extra 100mg's makes a big difference.

A little while after taking the DMT I could feel something. Small little waves of energy were pulsing through my body. They came in waves and felt quite euphoric. This body high kind of reminded me of 4-aco-dmt. At this point I'm wondering how strong it's going to get. I'm worried this is all I will feel. Just the body high. Then I eat the slice of bread. After this is done I can feel the body high getting noticeably stronger. The energy waves are coming through my body in faster and more intense intervals. It feels interesting and I get a bit nervous.

I have a trip sitter with me. She's on the computer watching Lady Gaga videos. Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory. For some reason this song gets stuck in my head. I almost get scared watching youtube videos with her. Anyway, she's tired and goes to lay on my bed in an effort to fall asleep. After she does this I lay down on the floor and close my eyes. At this point the body high is getting really intense. No more fear. After a while of feeling the waves of energy wash over me, the visuals start to kick in. Suddenly, I perceive a powerful image of my trip sitter...there she is, infront of me, with a huge grin on her face, and I perceive some kind of exterior happiness. This image then fades. It's then that my thoughts begin to race. The visuals begin to kick in more and more. I find that the visuals are pretty much almost completely directed by what I am thinking about -- my train of thought. However, I do not seem to be in control of where my train of thought decides to go. Also interesting to note, the visuals are almost all completely closed eye. I never, during the duration of the trip, really perceive any open eye visuals. Closed eye visuals, however, are very intense and vibrant.

During this time period I thought about a lot of things. I think about my life. My relationships. My job. Things of that nature. I confront a lot of inner fears and paranoia. Inner criticisms and truths are revealed. Clarity. The visuals that I'm having are reflecting around these thoughts. It's when I stop thinking about these things however that I have some of my more interesting visions. I wish I knew how to describe some of the geometric patterns that I saw. I wasn't sure if I was actually seeing them or not at first. But I was. They were beautiful, and now that the trip is over, I can't remember them as well - but when they were occuring in the moment, I felt they had a lot of meaning. During this time the body high was also REALLY intense. Again, the body high came in waves, and it would pulsate all throughout my body. It felt very nice.

At one point during my trip, I suddenly perceived a gigantic twirling octagon of black energy -- and I felt that it was consuming everything around me. I'm not sure what it was, but I think it represented my inner fears/negativity. Maybe it represents something from my past (or future.) Anyway, while I was perceiving this energy, a demon suddenly came out of it and then disappeared into a portal. The demon looked like a being I had encountered in a dream not too long ago in which it tried to eat me. So, when it disappeared into the portal, in my mind's eye I imagined myself chasing it down and vaporizing it with lightning. When I did this I felt like I had done a good thing. Then I opened my eyes and closed them again -- and the whole vision was gone. I had more visions of strange things, but this seemed to be the most important one. At another point I imagined myself holding a sword and wearing a suit of armor, and when I did this a really powerful burst of energy surged through me...it felt amazing, like electric sex. Anything I imagined or wanted to create in my mind's eye would appear infront of me as if it were real. I could both see it and feel it, albeit only with my eyes closed.

At this point I'm laying down on the bed with my trip sitter. After I've peaked and feel like I'm starting to come down she gets up and we talk for a bit about my trip. I feel really happy and communicate this to her. She gets back on the computer and I can still feel the body high. The energy is still coming at me in waves, and it's definitely still really powerful. Anyway, I had promised her the other day that I would take her somewhere to get her a chicago style hotdog and the place is going to close soon. Only problem is I'm still tripping a little bit. All of a sudden I get really paranoid and nervous. I start thinking crazy shit like, what if my neighbors smelled the naphtha fumes from my extraction the other day? Pretty silly of me to be thinking in that moment. And definitely not very likely either.

Anyway, I end up following her outside to the car despite my paranoia and I hop in the driver's seat. Once I'm in the driver's seat I realize that I'm pretty much not tripping anymore and all my fear just washes away like it was never there. The drive was perfect. Everything about the world seemed so bright and happy. It's really bright and sunny out and I feel just awesome about everything. Driving to that hotdog place was perfect for the afterglow of that trip. She puts on music and there's just the biggest grin ever on my face. I can hear the meaning in every song she plays and how it relates to the trip I'm having. I feel absolutely silly for ever having been fearful or negative about a lot of things in my life.

Overall it was a very humbling and rewarding trip. I feel a bit different since that trip, like something has changed. I suppose the adventures have only just begun.

Thanks for reading!
Excellent report! I'm happy to hear everything worked out for you!

I've been contemplating a lot lately about giving pharma a go for my first time.

After reading this I'm really looking forward to it.

How long would you say the whole trip lasted?
Great report!

I should mention though that the DMT nexus does not condone driving while tripping, even if you feel you are "pretty much not tripping anymore"..that can also read like "pretty much just tripping a little bit"..beyond the obvious dangers to both yourself and others, other people might read that and start to talk about tripping and driving etc..I only mention this because in the past this was one of the rules we set..no talk of driving while even slightly influenced..it is just such a risky thing. I dont mean to sound harsh, so if I do I am sorry.
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