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first time caapi brew and spice

Migrated topic.


ThGiL fO TiRipS
Well I would like to start with "wow how great this experience was" but unfortunately for me it did not go as well as I expected :)

At 9PM me and my friend took 50ml of caapi brew and strait after that 30mg of spice mixed with OJ. My friend had very good experience no problem at all but I’m gonna talk about mine.

Setting was very nice in my living room with some candles and incense. No music. After about 40 minutes the show started. I got nice spice visual and body experience that was building up and I felt great till I started to feel sick. I had to change my position few times to calm down. After that sickness disappeared and the experience was going stronger. It was very nice and then I got very sick and run to the toilet where I spent most of the time hugging it :) when all that I had left in my stomach left my body I went to bed and kind of slept not remembering almost anything from it. It all lasted till about 2am and we started at 9pm so it was quite strong brew I guess but my friend never got sick and had great experience.

So I have to say that maybe it was me who made mistake here. I thought it was gonna be ok stop eating 6 hours before but it looks like I had still lots left in my stomach that aya did not like :) so what do you guys think ? Was it the diet? Was the brew too strong for me? Was it too much spice? what would you sugest to do next time?

I want to do again but this time want to make sure I’m not gonna make any mistake.
Are you really sure it was only 30mg of dmt that you took? With my physiology, that wouldn't even remotely register as imbibing anything psychedelic. Out of curiosity...how many grams of caapi went into that 50ml caapi brew? Ime, even if there were 100g of caapi reduced to that 50ml, that experience would be like a pure caapi experience; the dmt dose would be to low to materialize as anything beyond the tryptamine heavies/body buzz, which would already be generated by the caapi.
SnozzleBerry said:
Are you really sure it was only 30mg of dmt that you took? With my physiology, that wouldn't even remotely register as imbibing anything psychedelic. Out of curiosity...how many grams of caapi went into that 50ml caapi brew? Ime, even if there were 100g of caapi reduced to that 50ml, that experience would be like a pure caapi experience; the dmt dose would be to low to materialize as anything beyond the tryptamine heavies/body buzz, which would already be generated by the caapi.

it was definitely 30mg of spice and 50ml of caapi which was 50g. i had 250g of yellow caapi and i reduced it to 250ml. so 1ml = 1g

so what are you saying exactly ? are you saying it was not anough of both ?
I think what he might be saying is that it sounds like you had a very vine heavy brew...or that you are sensitive to Caapi.

If you had visuals, which it sounds like you did, you had enough spice (though I'd go higher on the spice and a tad less on the vine but that's just me).

Sometimes, the purging is just needed. Caapi is known to give you what you need, and for a first brew it is amazing you got visuals at all...be happy! I personally think Mama just needed to clean you out!
Are you really sure it was only 30mg of dmt that you took? With my physiology, that wouldn't even remotely register as imbibing anything psychedelic.

I get distinct spice effects from 30mg. Fumarate that is. You also might want to consult psychosisdosis. He might have to tell you something about mothmen.

To me, your experience sounds like a regular one. There is no guarantee for it to be pure bliss. It can be pretty exhausting.
I don’t think it takes very much harmala alkaloids to provide full inhibition, but it seems to take a good amount of DMT to provide a nice visual experience.

In my experiments, I had been increasing the harmalas due to unsatisfactory experiences. As a result, all I got was more nausea. My experiences felt like a six hour long case of the flu, with not much else. Not good. (Doses were up to 300mg harmalas and 100mg DMT.)

I’ve been reading recently and the literature is all over the map – anywhere from 30mg DMT up to 300mg DMT. I tend to think that it doesn’t take much harmalas to provide sufficient MAO inhibition, but depending on personal physiology, it takes quite a bit of DMT.

I haven’t tried pharma in months (I had pretty much given up on it), but tonight I’m going to try again: 175mg caapi extracted alkaloids and 175mg DMT freebase. Based on past experiences, I think 175mg caapi alkaloids will provide full MAO inhibition, and I’ve had up to 100mg DMT freebase with lackluster results, so I’m hoping 175mg won’t be too much.

It seems the key is to get the DMT dose right. Increasing the harmala dose beyond that required for inhibition just adds nausea.
smokerx said:
SnozzleBerry said:
Are you really sure it was only 30mg of dmt that you took? With my physiology, that wouldn't even remotely register as imbibing anything psychedelic. Out of curiosity...how many grams of caapi went into that 50ml caapi brew? Ime, even if there were 100g of caapi reduced to that 50ml, that experience would be like a pure caapi experience; the dmt dose would be to low to materialize as anything beyond the tryptamine heavies/body buzz, which would already be generated by the caapi.

it was definitely 30mg of spice and 50ml of caapi which was 50g. i had 250g of yellow caapi and i reduced it to 250ml. so 1ml = 1g

so what are you saying exactly ? are you saying it was not anough of both ?
Sorry for not being clear...it's been one of those days.

I think your DMT dose can/should be increased. I don't think your purging had much to do with the spice...could be food related, or it could have just been one of those times, as acolon said, where the aya vine felt you needed to purge. I think, seeing as you had visuals, that you have a sufficient amount of caapi in the 50ml dose to inhibit your MAO...mebbe try around 50mg or more of dmt?

I was just surprised to hear that you got any visuals from 30mg of spice ingested orally...when I take 100-125mg of dmt orally with 200-250mg harmalas, that tends to be a fairly light experience as far as visuals/immersion into a dmt experience goes. I tend to feel the harmalas decently, but I find 150-200mg of dmt orally ingested makes for a more moderate strength/immersive experience. So as I need roughly 3-4x the amount of spice to generate a similar experience (or so it sounds to me) I was kinda surprised by how "low" your dose sounded.
acolon_5 said:
I think what he might be saying is that it sounds like you had a very vine heavy brew...or that you are sensitive to Caapi.

If you had visuals, which it sounds like you did, you had enough spice (though I'd go higher on the spice and a tad less on the vine but that's just me).

Sometimes, the purging is just needed. Caapi is known to give you what you need, and for a first brew it is amazing you got visuals at all...be happy! I personally think Mama just needed to clean you out!

I had the feeling that it was needed as it happened and I had to go through this. So I accepted it as my body and spirit heeling process. Next time just for experiment a bit less of brew and more spice will see what happens. I can not imagine what would happen if I took doses you guys are talking about :) I would be probably still hugging my lovely toilet :)
gibran2 said:
I haven’t tried pharma in months (I had pretty much given up on it), but tonight I’m going to try again: 175mg caapi extracted alkaloids and 175mg DMT freebase. Based on past experiences, I think 175mg caapi alkaloids will provide full MAO inhibition, and I’ve had up to 100mg DMT freebase with lackluster results, so I’m hoping 175mg won’t be too much.

let as know how did it go

gibran2 said:
It seems the key is to get the DMT dose right. Increasing the harmala dose beyond that required for inhibition just adds nausea.

that is what i thought as well as i said next time less caapi and more spice
It seems the key is to get the DMT dose right. Increasing the harmala dose beyond that required for inhibition just adds nausea.

Well, some people would say that more caapi makes you even more sensitive to the DMT effects.
There seem to be two schools of thought here...
obliguhl said:
It seems the key is to get the DMT dose right. Increasing the harmala dose beyond that required for inhibition just adds nausea.

Well, some people would say that more caapi makes you even more sensitive to the DMT effects.
There seem to be two schools of thought here...
Yes, I agree that more caapi means more sensitivity to DMT. But more DMT also means more DMT effects. So as I see it, once full MAO inhibition is achieved, there are two ways to increase DMT effects:

One way is by increasing caapi dose in excess of the minimum required for inhibition. This will make one more sensitive to whatever size dose of DMT is taken, but it also increases nausea and other undesirable somatic effects. For me, these undesirable effects are too distracting – regardless of how good your teacher is, it’s hard to learn anything in school when you’re slumped over your desk with a severe case of the flu.

The other way to increase DMT effects is, obviously, to increase the amount of DMT consumed. I didn’t test my new dose last night (allergies were bothering me), but my hope is that a larger DMT dose will not add to the nausea.

So my statement that increased caapi dosage only increases nausea was incomplete. In fact, increasing caapi dosage also increases sensitivity to DMT and produces its own unique psychoactive contribution. Some people find high-dose caapi-only brews to be very rewarding. Due to my unique physiology, diet, and who knows what other factors, I find high doses of caapi (and rue) to be very unpleasant and unrewarding.
Sounds like you had good caapi, or that since it was your first time, you are sensitive to the caapi. As suggested by others here, try lower your caapi dose to 30-40 gram and increase the amount of dmt.

In my experience I would not say that more caapi makes you more sensitive to the dmt. At least not in the beginning. With higher doses of caapi you may have to clean out a lot of crap before you can see more clearly with dmt. That means the chaos that the caapi pulls up will block many of the dmt effects.
It does sound like this is what you experienced. You had some dmt visuals early on, then the combo of caapi+dmt started pulling up "crap", which can make you nauseous and which has a tendency to block dmt visuals. So, by going lower on caapi, and higher on dmt, its likely you will experience much more visuals.
gibran2 said:
...I haven’t tried pharma in months (I had pretty much given up on it), but tonight I’m going to try again: 175mg caapi extracted alkaloids and 175mg DMT freebase. Based on past experiences, I think 175mg caapi alkaloids will provide full MAO inhibition, and I’ve had up to 100mg DMT freebase with lackluster results, so I’m hoping 175mg won’t be too much...
I finally tried this last night. I may post an experience report, but just wanted to update the general results:

I took 175mg caapi alkaloids at about 9:00pm. At about 9:30pm I took 175mg freebase. (I dissolved both in a few drops of vinegar, diluted with water and added a bit of sugar. Much more palatable than adding to juice.)

At about the 2 hour mark (11:30pm), I was feeling only mild nausea and queasiness. No visuals, no other bodily effects. I assumed that the caapi dose was too low and went to bed.

At about midnight (the 2 and a half hour mark), I felt a very rapid come-up – I went from no effects to intense effects in about 5 minutes. The experience, which was very healing and very difficult (and not very visual) lasted for another 4 and a half hours. From start to finish was seven hours, with me begging to be released from the experience for the last two hours.

I asked for healing and I got healing, but healing can be very HARD.
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