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first time caapi brew preparation and administration help

Migrated topic.


ThGiL fO TiRipS
just received 250g of yellow caapi and going to make a brew caapi only. my goal is to get 250ml of brew. im planing to use this method

now i have some questions :

1. how much water do i need to use ?
2. can i use tap water or only destiled water?
3. when brew ready how much would you recomend to start with ? ( i was thinking 50-70ml )
4. i intend to take free base dmt orally after caapi. is 30 min anough after caapi ?
5. when taking dmt what do i mix it with ?
6. how much dmt to start with ? ( i was thinking to start with 70mg )
7. also do i need to wait after the brew is ready to let it setle down or can i just take it same day ?
8. last question - diet ?

my weight is 80kg - 14 US stones

thank you for help
use a big pot and fill it all the way. fill it about once an hour to the top. more water = more harmalas extracted.
tap water works.
50-70ml is a good goal for first attempt.
mix the spice in with the brew. it will bind to tannins to form dmt-tannate. drink them at the same time.
start with 50mg spice.
you can drink it warm on the same day if you want. enjoy the caapi.
I found 3x3hour brews was a little difficult for me. I have started using half hour brews, 6 of them.
Gibran2's findings state 83% of the harmalas are extracted with 4 x 30 minute boils.
Using an acid ruins the taste and makes it much more difficult to drink.

Caapi sediment can be drank with no problem. I filter the reduced brew once with a tshirt, no more.

I prefer doses of caapi upwards of 70g, and generally use spice once the effects of caapi are felt (30-40 minutes)

1. how much water do i need to use ? Enough to cover the plant material. I would Fill the pot.
2. can i use tap water or only destiled water? Tap water is fine.
3. when brew ready how much would you recomend to start with ? ( i was thinking 50-70ml ) 70g upwards.
4. i intend to take free base dmt orally after caapi. is 30 min anough after caapi ? Wait until the caapi is felt.
5. when taking dmt what do i mix it with ? Oj is fine.
6. how much dmt to start with ? ( i was thinking to start with 70mg ) Vary's alot person to person. More DMT is a waste if your Mono amine oxidase is not fully inhibitid. Thus High doses of caapi is recommended. For some people 30mg is a lot, i would start there with a healthy dose of caapi (70g or moar)
7. also do i need to wait after the brew is ready to let it setle do
wn or can i just take it same day ? As soon as its cool enough to drink.
8. last question - diet ? Not to be concerned about.
۩ said:
use a big pot and fill it all the way. fill it about once an hour to the top. more water = more harmalas extracted.
tap water works.
50-70ml is a good goal for first attempt.
mix the spice in with the brew. it will bind to tannins to form dmt-tannate. drink them at the same time.
start with 50mg spice.
you can drink it warm on the same day if you want. enjoy the caapi.

the pot i intend to use will take 2l of water is that enough ? so you say to cook 3 hours and after every hour top it up ?

when do i put the spice in ? just before i drink it or shell i give it some time ?

what about diet ?
Xt said:
I found 3x3hour brews was a little difficult for me. I have started using half hour brews, 6 of them.
Gibran2's findings state 83% of the harmalas are extracted with 4 x 30 minute boils.
Using an acid ruins the taste and makes it much more difficult to drink.

Caapi sediment can be drank with no problem. I filter the reduced brew once with a tshirt, no more.

I prefer doses of caapi upwards of 70g, and generally use spice once the effects of caapi are felt (30-40 minutes)

so if i understand it right what you are saying is to do 6 brews x 30 minutes ? if i use like 3l pot it will give me at the end like 12 litres of combined brews. how can you manage this ? i probably did not understand it properly did i ?
ok after i red gibran2 thread i decided to do 4x30min method.

now what i need to know is how much water do i need exactly if 2 litres is not anough ? would 3 litres be ok ? also i have no experience with it so if i boil lets say 3 litres for 30 minutes how much of liquid will be still left ? than i edd new water another 3 litres right ? and repeat this 3 more times. oh and i have to always fitler the brew through t-shirt right ? now after i combined it all i need to reduce it to about 250ml ? does this plan sound ok ?
I would reduce each portion while brewing the next. This saves having to reduce the whole thing at the end of brewing.
When you get towards the end of reducing... slow it down. Over cooking a reducing brew will caramelize the sugars making for a bitter tasting brew.

Use enough water to cover the plant material, then a little more.
Xt said:
I would reduce each portion while brewing the next. This saves having to reduce the whole thing at the end of brewing.
When you get towards the end of reducing... slow it down. Over cooking a reducing brew will caramelize the sugars making for a bitter tasting brew.

Use enough water to cover the plant material, then a little more.

ok i understand. thank you.

so you say you dont use vinegar at all ?
It will be a more potent brew... but it will taste disgusting, thus increasing the chance of purging too early.
I wouldn't, but its up to you.
Xt said:
It will be a more potent brew... but it will taste disgusting, thus increasing the chance of purging too early.
I wouldn't, but its up to you.

so if i dont use vinegar shouldnt i boil it a bit longer than 30 min to make it more potent?
No, after countless caapi brews I can verify that vinegar does little to nothing but make it taste horrible

You are over thinking this.

Caapi in pot.

Add enough water to cover caapi

Boil for 30 minutes


Add more water to cover caapi

Boil for 30 minutes


2 more times..... or until water doesn't taste like much of anything.

Combine all strainings, reduce to whatever amount you want.

The way I find out if my caapi is depleted of alkaloids is to taste the more recent boil and look at it's color. If it is almost clear and tastes almost like water, it's probably been spent of it's alkaloids (this is with shredded caapi, biger pieces may take longer cooks to pull actives).

If in doubt boil a bit longer, it doesn't hurt anything.
update : just finishing 5th boil and quessing it will be anough. i have not put any vinegar in it so will see how potent is the brew going to be. i intend to try it tonight along with my friend.

just to make sure i dont do any mistake : i intend to disolve 30mg of spice in orange juice and drink it after the caapi drink ( 70ml )is felt. is the amount of spice and caapi anough ?

also the ۩ wrote that i can actually put spice strait in the brew is that better or worse to do so ?
All of my best experiences were with spice+caapi combined.

Drinking separately seems to not produce the best affects.

Best of luck in your adventures!
thank you Acolon_5 i will try it as you suggested - what have i got to lose :)

so just put spice in the brew before i drink it right ?

the brew is done


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i have not used vinegar at all and did 6 boils so hopefuly the brew is going to be strong anough. i intented to drink it tonight but its not happening today. hopefuly i get to it tomorrow. cu :)
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