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First time changa, right side weak and hanging for short period?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
(mind)Set: Pretty good, I felt energetic and happy.
(physical condition) Set: Average, like a normal day
Setting (location): In my apartment, sitting in my bed
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) It was daylight, around 5pm
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) I had smoked some cannabis about 3-4 hours before smoking the changa
last meal: (Time and type) I can't remember exactly when I last ate, but it was atleast 3-4 hours prior - and it was bread.

Gender: (m / f) m
body weight: (in kg pls) 109.5kg
known sensitivities: none
history of use: (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form) first timer for changa, I've tried freebase a few times before


Substance(s): (list all taken substances) Changa (35% DMT, 15% extract from syrian rue seeds, 25% yellow ayahuasca leaves, 25% calea zacatechichi leaves)
Dose(s): (in the same order as Substances pls, use metric system i.e. g/ mg/ �g) 30mg at 5pm, 50mg at about 6pm, and 70mg at about 7pm.
Method of administration: (dissolved in water, capsuls, insufflated, vaporized...) smoked in a percolator bong


Administration time: 30mg at 5pm, 50mg at about 6pm, and 70mg at about 7pm.
Duration: (x hours) the 30mg ~30 minutes, 50mg (peak ended at about 40 minutes in, didn't fully come down before taking the 70mg), 70mg about an hour
First effects: the OEVs came first, then everything just felt like summer clouds, including myself. There were no CEVs with the 30mg, there were quite a few at 50mg, and at 70mg I just don't remember.
Peak: I reached peak each time at about 5-10 minutes in, and lasted pretty much the entire time. (estimate a time range and note as e.g. T=2:00-4:00 for a range of 2 hours beginning 2 hours after administration)
Come down: the comedown took quite a bit for the 30mg, half an hour maybe. as I said before, I didn't come down fully from the 50mg before smoking the 70mg. For the 70mg, it took about an hour after the peak ended.

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: (0-4) 30mg: 3, 50mg: 4, 70mg: I can't really remember
Implesantness: (0-4) 30mg: 0, 50mg: 2, 70mg: 4
Visual Intensity: (0-4) 30mg: 1 (OEV seeing shaped in things, pretty weak), 50mg: 2.5, 70mg: I can't really remember


Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration) 30mg & 50mg: not really any. 70mg: 5 (explained in the report below)
Afterglow: (0-4 ; what type of positive effects ; duration) 30mg & 50mg: 4. I just felt so damn good. Lingering feelings from the trip I suppose


At the first dose I smoked, 30mg, I didn't get many visuals, just started seeing some shapes in my wall and stuff - no CEVs at all. I also felt really good, I can't put the feeling into words, and I don't even know why I felt so great.

However I wanted a more intense experience with actual CEVs, so I went for some more and took a 50mg dose about an hour later. Now that, that was something. For the first maybe 10-15-20 minutes maybe, I was on a sort of balcony on a perfect summer day and EVERYTHING felt so peaceful and perfect and cloud-like. I wasn't in my own body at all, I was only over there. I wasn't really aware of where my body was or that I even had a "real" body. When that started fading after those 10-20 minutes, time wasn't itself.
I kept gaining awareness in the real world for short moments, but the things I had seen in my head, I couldn't tell when I had seen them. It was like all of it happened at every point in, and even the thoughts I had at the time were happening all throughout time. I couldn't keep anything straight, and I kept forgetting things (I'm not sure how I knew I was forgetting things).
Anyhow, I started feeling like I kept blacking out. I kept sort of waking up, and I had paused my timer and had apparently started a countdown on my phone (Neither at the time or now, can I remember having done that. (That's not what breakthroughs are supposed to be like, if this even was a breakthrough - right? (never broken through before))) When I came to my own body, I was a moron and smoked 70mg more. I felt compelled to do it someway.

I can't really say much about my "trip" after smoking the 70mg, it's pretty much a blank other than I can remember the blackouts or what they were MUCH more frequent, and I again wasn't aware of my body. I have no idea where I was though, as I said it's just blank. When I again came to myself, the right side of my face felt really wrong. It felt like it was hanging, and my whole right side of my body felt the same and weak. I couldn't type properly, it was like my fingers were too weak. When I looked in the mirror, the right side of my face actually looked like it was hanging, and I freaked out thinking I might've had a stroke. That's when I called for an ambulance, and while waiting for them it was like I got an extreme fever for 20-30 seconds, then it was gone. Anyhow, they did those blood pressure, blood sugar and all those tests in the ambulance and everything was fine. At the time I was feeling alot better too, and after spending about 20 minutes in that ambulance, I started feeling better. 40 minutes, and I was back to myself but I still felt pretty shocked and scared. Thankfully, it all went away and my face was normal again, but dear god it was awful and so frightening.

I've read alot of people say that changa doesn't build up tolerance and infact does the opposite, meaning if you take 30mg and then 30mg not long after, the second dose will hit you alot harder. I don't know if it's true of course, but I'm guessing there's some truth to it consider alot of people seem to think so. Could it be that because I took 30mg then 50mg then 70mg, that I actually got the effects of ALOT more than those doses?

I've tried freebase before, and I've NEVER had anything like that. I've also never tried the blacking out thing with freebase, I pretty much remember everything with freebase.

First of all welcome to the forum!

I'm not sure why this happened; are you sure that the physical effects (your face hanging, weakness on only one side etc) really did in fact happen and weren't just part of your imagination gone wild? Only reason I suggest this is because sometimes when taking a high dose of a psychedelic, even on the come down from it, our minds can play tricks on us that may seem very real and can be physical in some cases. So, sometimes you can judge this better once you have fully come back to sober perception. I'm also curious ; what did you tell the paramedics and what did they have to say??

Also, yes, when dosing something which contains harmala compounds in it repeatedly, each consecutive dose can be stronger, even if the dose isn't higher (and especially if it IS higher of course) as the harmala compounds build up and have a cumulative effect. Looking at a given chemicals half life will help you gauge things like this better.

Thanks for sharing this information and I hope all is well. :thumb_up:
spractral said:

First of all welcome to the forum!

I'm not sure why this happened; are you sure that the physical effects (your face hanging, weakness on only one side etc) really did in fact happen and weren't just part of your imagination gone wild? Only reason I suggest this is because sometimes when taking a high dose of a psychedelic, even on the come down from it, our minds can play tricks on us that may seem very real and can be physical in some cases. So, sometimes you can judge this better once you have fully come back to sober perception. I'm also curious ; what did you tell the paramedics and what did they have to say??

Also, yes, when dosing something which contains harmala compounds in it repeatedly, each consecutive dose can be stronger, even if the dose isn't higher (and especially if it IS higher of course) as the harmala compounds build up and have a cumulative effect. Looking at a given chemicals half life will help you gauge things like this better.

Thanks for sharing this information and I hope all is well. :thumb_up:

It is of course possible it was the DMT still messing with my perception of things, afterall everything returned to normal after a bit.
I tried a smaller freebase (exact same product used for the changa) (30mg) dose yesterday that I know I've easily been able to handle before. I didn't get the feeling that anything was hanging anymore, but I felt a slight imbalance and it seemed that things on my right were stretched in a way. It wasn't just in one eye which made it even weirder, but with both eyes anything on my right seemed stretched. Even with one eye closed. That also faded after a while, when I had fully come down.
I just don't understand why on earth this is happening, I'm not really enjoying the experience anymore. About two weeks ago, I had the most amazing times with DMT (different product) - but now it seems a bit like the opposite? Could it be because I smoke cannabis on the same day? Because I didn't smoke cannabis two weeks ago when I had amazing times.

As for the paramedics, they didn't really have much to say, they didn't know what DMT was. They said I seemed perfectly fine physically however.
Changa can be a weird animal sometimes . You can take clean viable dmt combine it with clean viable caapi leaf extract
and end up with a really whacked blend that can cause all kinds of bizarre physical feelings. I don't fully understand this.
I've had it cause sickness, instant overheating, sweaty palms
Headaches among other things. My thought is too much
Harmaline is at the source of it . No way to really judge the dose with a blended leaf extract. I generally keep things separate and blend on the spot. That being said issues still arise. There are so many factors to consider including metabolic considerations .
Felnik said:
My thought is too much Harmaline is at the source of it . No way to really judge the dose with a blended leaf extract.
It is well documented that caapi leaf contains only traces of harmaline, so I don't think that this theory holds much water.

The mix of "inactive" herbs used as a base for the changa should also be considered for the potential of interactions. Many commonly proposed changa herbs have all kinds of medicinal properties of themselves, some even acting as an SSRI. Person to person differences in individual metabolism could cause differences in the strength of any such interactions.

Lastly, one should be aware that the solvent used to prepare the changa must be pure and evaporate cleanly. Any nonvolatile contaminants present in the solvent will concentrate in the final changa mix (much more so than when freeze precipitating dmt during extractions.)

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