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first time experience with the "spice"

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Rising Star
my friend had his first experience with dmt the other day. anyway he was blown away by the intensity and power that dmt possesses. he cant even really explain what happened but he was pretty sure he didn't make it to hyperspace. as he exhaled his last pull he noticed a strong body load and was swept away quite abruptly. at this point everything he was looking at started to look "alien" to him, or "fake," so he closed his eyes and cant really describe what he saw. but it stunned him in amazement. he didn't mention patterns or anything like that, which seemed odd because of most experience reports stating visions of beautiful patterns. when he was coming down he saw a spinning ball of colored lights, he opened his eyes quickly and noticed he was coming back, but he closed his eyes right after and saw the same spinning ball. when he got back he just said "wow" and sat quietly for a few minutes to collect his thoughts and just try to take everything in that he just experienced. does any of this sound familiar to anyone? is he almost there or does he have a way to go? thanks
[quote:24c3d38a46]when he got back he just said "wow"[/quote:24c3d38a46] Yeah, that sounds about right... Oh, and it only gets better. Tell your friend to keep trying. It's almost like you have to do it a couple times before you can really get the full effect/experience.
Congratulations and welcome, we've been wondering when you'd get round to popping in. You are definatley on the right path and very soon you'll know exactly what we've all been talking about.
thanks guys,he cant wait to experience more, since his first time left him with such wonder and awe. ill see what he says next time and be sure to post it up. but im sure as you all know its so hard to put this experience into words. another weird thing happened about a week later after his experience. my friend rarely remembers any of his dreams, he almost feels like he doesn't dream anymore which is a weird feeling for him. but about a week after his dmt exp. he awoke from a dream that he remembers so vividly that it surprised him. his heart was beating and he couldn't believe the vividness of the dream. now hes not sure if it was coincidence or what but he thinks maybe the dmt opened him up a little? i know in the spirit molecule that Strassman claims dmt is pumped into the brain during rem sleep, just wondering if anyone has any connections with their dreams and dmt journeys
It's hard to say really how/if DMT effects dreams. What i will say though is, i was sober for 8 months and never dreamed once (or never remembered). When i started to use psychedelics (mainly DMT/LSD) again, i started dreaming (or remembering them) again. So it would seem safe to say there may be a connection. Why or how, i don't know. Maybe just being more vivid you remember them easier? Who knows.
My friend told me that he remember less dreams when he smoke just before sleeping. After a while he guess he found why : As he may spend one hour tripping and sometimes think about what he experienced and hardly feel sleepy... he just sleep one hour less :lol: and therefore less dreams to remember(obviously) :D
After my encounter with DMT i had much clearer Dreams and remembered much better. Before i remembered maybe one Dream in a Week and now very much daily.
Anyone ever had sleep paralysis? Anyone ever had sleep paralysis after tripping really hard? That scares the bejeezes out of me.
[quote:b668a071d7="DZ-015"]Anyone ever had sleep paralysis? Anyone ever had sleep paralysis after tripping really hard? That scares the bejeezes out of me.[/quote:b668a071d7] yes, when I was young. we've discussed this multiple times in the past on the shroomery, gathering people's experiences and thoughts, as well as 'scientific/medical' knowledge on the subject never had it happen after tripping though (although have felt many similarities between that and high doses of cubes)
never happened to me, but i think id be pretty weirded out if i did experience that.
It's downright scary, but happens almost everytime i eat a bunch of beans and then trip. Don't know why that particular combination is so bad, but i'll be completely paralysed, still tripping (i.e. hallucinating), sort of stuck in limbo between a nightmare and waking life.
swim experienced it again last night, and it did show him more this time. hes not sure if he did a full dose, but the utter weirdness left him in awe again. he took one large toke,(should of took 2 but) and started to fade away faster than last time. he did see patterns this time, which were not what he expected at all, and were accompanied by a buzzing and humming. he was expecting something resembling lsd patterns, but these were nothing of the sort. these patterns were so advanced. almost alien like in structure, but so beautiful. he tried to focus on these for a minute to bring the memory back with him but it quickly turned into something he called a psychedelic slide show. during the beam up he felt this deja vu like feeling resonate through his whole being. hes been here before, he seen all this before. the slide show moved at a tremendous speed and he could only remember so vaguely what he just saw, weird things, one after another that seemed so familiar at the time. he did not lose his "self" though because he knew where he was and what he had just done. how much further does he have to go to lose his ego? is this hyperspace he wonders?
... just keep going ! it seems comfortable to you - and I hope there's some of that good spice still to go..?! .. keep reporting too ~ it's hard to describe ego-loss or ego-death. Maybe it's different for each of us with a psychedelic sacrament - this seems easy for you Seven ! But one 'normal' way the ego dies is at bedtime - you just surrender to the wonderful need for sleep - letting go is easy then !. If we could all relax that much before we try dmt, it would be ideal ! With dmt, and a noob like me, it's like you're dying - so fast so rushing it's scary, so shredding of one's sense of "control" as the 20 heartbeats following a lungful make it to your brain ... and wuuhhhh ... Depending on the dose,(& set and setting ) it can be a white-light of oneness. If my experience is 'ego-loss', it's not like your 'spot' of awareness no longer exists, it just that you no longer need the-physical thing called the body - time and gravity are gone, and the body is "redundant", someone once said. What I remember of ego-dissolution (hah !) it's where suddenly yes-and-no, question and answer, in-and-out coexist . The coin is one-sided, and has everything in it. It seems pregnant with with warm, white Love, where God isn't even speaking yet, and you are God hovering before the whole Universe is created... This may last mere seconds, but it's timelessness... Before the Quantum Wave collapses into reality. Then you speak ! you create ! OMFG !... ! You make God's first word and all dualities start to form again.! ! ... it could just be a snikering-sound, a tongue-click, or some one in the room makes a noise..... but it feels like God speaks in every atom, and you are that voice ... as you descend back into the room, your body, a billion colours, billions of words, the 'ego' and time and gravity are 'back' ...
why cant swim remember his experience? swims friend suggested using the crack pipe method which he didn't like the sound of but tried anyway. he has no experience with this type of device which made it hard for him. swims also read about not burning the spice, but actually vaping it. so hes now wondering if the crack pipe way is an inefficient method for him. his friend couldn't stop talking about cartoon land when he got back, so this leaves swim kind of confused, and wondering how to go about his next try. when he sandwiched it on top of a half burnt bowl with some ash covering it, it seemed to work extremely well, and he remembered his experience. so what do you guys suggest for your fellow psychonaut?
Stick with the sandwich method of smoking it. It's easy and effective. Don't get discouraged, just keep trying it. Spice is strange stuff. It takes getting used to, almost like practice. It took time for me to breakthrough, but once i did, it was on from there. The first breakthrough is the hardest, but it only gets easier after that.
[quote:af44dffc7d="DZ-015"]Stick with the sandwich method of smoking it. It's easy and effective. Don't get discouraged, just keep trying it. Spice is strange stuff. It takes getting used to, almost like practice. It took time for me to breakthrough, but once i did, it was on from there. The first breakthrough is the hardest, but it only gets easier after that.[/quote:af44dffc7d] fairly solid advice. I would recommend learning how to vape it, as not to waste any spice, as opposed to smoking it.
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