All posts are imaginary.
:d So excited bout this lol.... After attempting to vape the powder from my latest evap (from Iso) and trying to vape it (burning and producing a little whisp of visible vapor) I decided it was about time to get this shit right and purify and Re-X.
Sooo heres what I did/ am doing:
I washed my evap results in purified bottled water, and all of it dissolved (maybe a error in freebasing?). After that I added enough Baking Soda (yeah yeah I know. Putting it in the oven makes it work better, but I don't have access to one rn) to saturate the solution. After NOTHING but baking soda precipitated I was thinking it didn't work. SOOO I then put Naphtha on top, more baking soda in solution, and stirred the hell outa it. After that crystal powder "Stuff" formed between the water and the Naphtha, but not much. So I added some of my original Iso mix to it and HOLY WOW COW, it was like a crystal bombardment on the solution.
At room temp the naphtha was a foggy foggy yellow color (compared to clear when I poured it out of the container) so I sucked off 20ml or so and put it in the freezer.
Later I am going to heat up the remainder to pull more from the solution.
I will be using a Slow Cooker on the low setting with my glass mason jar (iso/water on bottom, Naphtha on top) on the metal below the normal white cooking bowl (If you kno what I'm talkin about)
I will be posting pics soon! If their are any questions about my process and what-de-faq is in my Iso solution, I would be more than happy to answer.
This. Is. Going. To. Be. Awesome!:shock:
Sooo heres what I did/ am doing:
I washed my evap results in purified bottled water, and all of it dissolved (maybe a error in freebasing?). After that I added enough Baking Soda (yeah yeah I know. Putting it in the oven makes it work better, but I don't have access to one rn) to saturate the solution. After NOTHING but baking soda precipitated I was thinking it didn't work. SOOO I then put Naphtha on top, more baking soda in solution, and stirred the hell outa it. After that crystal powder "Stuff" formed between the water and the Naphtha, but not much. So I added some of my original Iso mix to it and HOLY WOW COW, it was like a crystal bombardment on the solution.
At room temp the naphtha was a foggy foggy yellow color (compared to clear when I poured it out of the container) so I sucked off 20ml or so and put it in the freezer.
Later I am going to heat up the remainder to pull more from the solution.
I will be using a Slow Cooker on the low setting with my glass mason jar (iso/water on bottom, Naphtha on top) on the metal below the normal white cooking bowl (If you kno what I'm talkin about)
I will be posting pics soon! If their are any questions about my process and what-de-faq is in my Iso solution, I would be more than happy to answer.
This. Is. Going. To. Be. Awesome!:shock: