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Fishy fun

Migrated topic.


Spice Momma
Senior Member

I'm back. The tooth extraction is healing, the jaw pain is lessening and I have had my health and energy back for several days now. Last night for the first time in a couple of weeks, I took a breakthrough dose (45 mg.).

Just when I think I might be beginning to have something figured out, DMT hits me like a scene from the old Monty Python show, "And now, for something completely different!"

The tinnitus sound was there but in the background and did not have an obvious synesthetic component. The music I was listening to integrated nicely into the trip - mostly I remember it sometimes sounded bizarrely slowed down and at others playfully sped up. The "geometry" colors were nice but not as bright/vivid as I remembered from previous experiences. There was a dark/black background/overtone to the transition. As the patterns developed (rapidly) they become more 3-d - they appeared to be unrolling from top and bottom, like scrolls. Soon the "geometry" changed into endless stacks of turning, transforming and smiling yellow square-like (like Lego-men) faces. Stacked endlessly on top of each other and side-by-side and scrolling.

I felt myself being sucked into this scrolling scene and AGAIN had the very convincing thought that my heart wasn't beating and my lungs were not breathing. Again, I told myself to just relax into it, accept it and see what may come. The trip continued.

I instantly found myself transformed into a fish! This is very odd. I am not a fish person. I do not eat them, do not keep them and do not know much about them. Nonetheless, I found myself to be a fish in a fish amusement park. My movements were completely fish-like, sinous and undulating with no need for or thought of arms or legs. This fish amusement park was kind of like a contained waterslide (tubes not cut in half), but for fish. There were fun turns and circles to make in this "run." There were other fish there having fun.

On the walls of the run were pictures of "elder fish." They were tyrptamine mosaics. Literally, like Roman mosaic art, but the individual mosaic pieces were (of course) rotating, changing and composed of bright, irridescent, rainbow colors. Fantastic and beautiful.

It was fun being a fish; it felt primordial. Almost like a trip back in time/evolution. But, perhaps a trip forward, as there was these elder fish images, as if the fish had culture and some technology . . .

I soon found myself completely back in my body highly amused by the entire thing! I love the surprise factor and am continually amazed with what happens and the idea that all of this could be in my head. Things I normally never think about or give time to. Things I never imagined in any state of mind, never thought I could imagine.

Peace & Love,
Awesome experience. You spin a really good yarn as well. I always come back completely unable to report where or what I have been.
obliguhl said:
That's interesting because swim knows these kind of things from salvia divinorum. Maybe your personal background pushed you in this direction?

Ya, when I was reading this report I was wondering...Am I in the Salvia Divinorum forum? :surprised Awesome experience, Pandora! Reads like you had a great time!
A thought I just had about your experience Pandora:

I'm re-reading Dune at the moment, and those familiar with it know the protagonists have the ability to tap into ancestral memories through the imbibing of melange/spice, which I assume is how DMT got its nickname as spice.

This isn't new or anything, as I've read LSD accounts of people experiencing a run-through of evolution, but it is an interesting idea that in our subconscious is contained latent memories, and when people have experiences like Pandora, or they see lizard creatures or what have you, that their subconscious memories are being projected into the psychedlic experience.

This might also explain the dangerous predator entities people encounter - no doubt we have some fairly scary ancestors in our lineage - though Homo sapien is quite a ferocious predator in his own right.

Mere speculation, but like melange, what if our brains are somehow tapped into our future too. That when people encounter elfs and such, they are really seeing what we will become. That these things aren't aliens, but ourselves. To assume this, one would have to imagine a kind of sub-neural internet to which we are all attached. An uncomfortable metaphysical idea for some.
lol, man that left a smile on my face, sometimes reports can be so hairraising. This one just left me smiling and thinking of Fish by Mr scruff... look it up if you never heard it...

Excellent read. Thank you for sharing some of the most interesting reports. Good luck integrating that one into everyday life.


Well put. If reading Dune spawns thoughts of that magnitude then I must immediately fetch a copy. An interesting concept. Like Neo in Reloaded, the Oracle says He now has the 'sight', that he sees the world 'without time'. Plausible.


I'm excited for you jasons741 - the Dune series is brilliant. The only sci-fi literature that totally absorbs my attention. Pity the films and mini-series can't quite capture its excellence.
Pandora said:
The tinnitus sound was there but in the background and did not have an obvious synesthetic component. The music I was listening to integrated nicely into the trip - mostly I remember it sometimes sounded bizarrely slowed down and at others playfully sped up. The "geometry" colors were nice but not as bright/vivid as I remembered from previous experiences. There was a dark/black background/overtone to the transition. As the patterns developed (rapidly) they become more 3-d - they appeared to be unrolling from top and bottom, like scrolls. Soon the "geometry" changed into endless stacks of turning, transforming and smiling yellow square-like (like Lego-men) faces. Stacked endlessly on top of each other and side-by-side and scrolling.

Hi Pandora, and welcome back.

Wonderful report. I would love a fishy trip as I am a keen fisherman and love all things fishy :d

I've highlighted the part above as this is excatly what happens to me on a breakthrough trip, although i meet entities and not turn into a fish! The lego-blocks are always happy and for me are made from pure colour..a very special place.

Happy travels, tps :)
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