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Floating in space, saw door/gate but no entry

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
after the 3rd hit of 100mg, my mind/body felt like i was in a rocket ship's chair and warped forward

floating in space, there were tiny white orbs floating around the black background of space. all of this felt 'real' like my senses were telling me i was really in space.

then i floated towards a giant energy like gate ...

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if you could imagine the lines on the ends being giant white pillars of energy and the three lines in the middle is the door, of the same white energy...

but i didn't get in. I was stuck at the entrance, thats what i told myself. After realizing that the 'door' wouldn't open, i opened my eyes and felt what was the most untouched and pure feeling i have ever gone through.

can someone tell me what happened. I also felt what may have been the micro/macrocosmic orbit. The circulation of energy around the body - starting at the navel, going down around the pelvis, then shooting straight back up the spine and back down around the head :love:

ive been trying to play with this for years, smoking weed and doing meditation, but i feel like theres no way i could touch that experience again without dmt..
Hey there! I have had similar experiences with a shimmering round mercury looking liquid fabric. At times i couldnt get in, what i discovered is that meditaing, focusing on nothing and brathing, allowed me to slowly enter. I had to clear the junk in my mind before i was permited in.
If anyone is from the boston area, i would love to form a group to meet and discuss the teachings we have been blessed with via dmt. I beleive this can change the game for others, it has certainly improved my life beyond anything i used to think possible. I have such a story to tell after 3 years of regular use of the “spirit molecule”.
when i was 16 i had an experience where i was let in from the gates, behind was a temple-like structure made of crystal light, with columns and a huge dome, the main colors were purple, orange-gold, and hints of blue, as far as entities i only felt the presence of one that at the time the only words that came to my mind to describe how it felt was "god" or something/someone extremely powerful.
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