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Flooding without vomiting and sickness!!

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I accidentally discovered a way to have a full flooddose without having to vomit and without feeling ANY sickness!!!

OK, here's the story: I was experimenting with iboga to see what iboga does when you combine moderate amounts of it with shrooms.

I had taken a flooddose two months earlier and i started two months later with 3 grams of bark and shrooms. Two days after that, i took 4 grams of bark with shrooms.

The experience was MUCH more powerfull than with three grams of bark and shrooms and a flooddose of 12 grams and i thought i had found the sweetspot for an ultimate-experience combo.
But the real psychedelic phase took over 10 hours and for the rest of the day i was sedated and dissociated, like i'd taken a bit of NO2.

That was yesterday.

Today i woke up after less than 2 hours sleep, seeing full-on noribogaine tracers for many minutes like i had the days after my 12 grams flooddose. The moment i opened my eyes i was totally awake instantly.

4 grams of bark cannot do this. I've taken 4 grams before just to test it out.

The fact that i'd taken a flooddose before and then two months later started to take 3 grams of bark with shrooms on thursday and 4 grams of bark and shrooms on sunday, must have lead to an accumulation of iboga in my system that eventually lead to a full flood dose!!

So taking a few grams of rootbark for a few days in a row will when you take a little more each day, eventually lead to a full flooddose without the toxic effects you get when you take a large amount all at once!!!There are no unpleasant side-effects i experienced whatsoever!!
I don't think it is the accumulation of iboga from thursday to sunday that made you have a flood dose. I think it is more the combination of iboga+mushrooms. I have had tracers in the morning after on 5 gram of iboga.
Dagger said:
I don't think it is the accumulation of iboga from thursday to sunday that made you have a flood dose. I think it is more the combination of iboga+mushrooms. I have had tracers in the morning after on 5 gram of iboga.
I had 5 grams before and then i didn't have tracers. But besides that i also didn't sleep for 42 hours and when i slept for less than 2 hours after that i already had enough sleep. Mushrooms probably have had a role in it. but my experience with the 4 grams was realy MUCH more powerfull than with three.

There's only one way to find out and that is to replicate the experiment and to do it without mushrooms. But i realy think the iboga still in my blood lowered the threshold for another flooddose. The stuff stays in your blood for over 6 months you know.
polytrip said:
The stuff stays in your blood for over 6 months you know.

I wonder if there would be utility in "chronic" use of it: something like a gram (or even less) a day, for extended periods, which would make use of "normal" doses of mushrooms or DMT (when desired) on that background an extraordinary iboga-enhanced experience.
That's quite an experience. Can we call it a flood-dose? I dunno. Will it stop addiction? dunno?

sounds like a powerful combination though.
acolon_5 said:
That's quite an experience. Can we call it a flood-dose? I dunno. Will it stop addiction? dunno?

sounds like a powerful combination though.
I always interpretted the term 'flood' quite literally like: when it suddenly stops raining, the water isn't gone instantly. To me a flooddose is a dose where the metabilite noribogaine continues to have an inpact for an extended period of time. I think with anything over 10 grams this already is the case, but for severe addiction you would rather need something like 20 grams.

I think with this method you could eventually reach the same levels of noribogaine, if you repeat it a couple of times.

For people with very serious withdrawalsymptoms, immediately taking 20 grams is probably better, because they're gonna feel very shitty anyway.

If you just want to quit smoking or cannabis, or you haven't been taking opiates for that long yet, i think this puke-free method could be a serious option though.
I remember these too, I also got them for the few evenings after a flood after eating. These tracers I think play a part in the Bwiti dancing, when the norIbogaine levels are running high, I have heard them referred to as "white birds". Apparently the Bwiti can tell if someone is an initiate by the way they dance, as following their initiation dancing becomes more fluid. Or that's just what I've heard.
why would be getting them more in the morning do you think? Maybe the noribogaine interacts with neurotransmitters while you sleep, similar to how harmalas seem to..so that when you wake up these neurotransmitters stick around for a bit longer..
Yeah, that's really interesting. After my flood dose, the tracers would start showing up really strong just before dusk and get stronger through the night, for about a week.
fractal enchantment said:
why would be getting them more in the morning do you think? Maybe the noribogaine interacts with neurotransmitters while you sleep, similar to how harmalas seem to..so that when you wake up these neurotransmitters stick around for a bit longer..
Well, i've been having pretty trippy lucid dreams like i'm on ayahuasca. It does something with neurotransmitters involved with dreaming for sure.
Ok, so far it seems to me that in order to make it work this way, you'd have to replicate the conditions in wich my discovery took place.

That means that first you'd need to get the levels of ibogaine metabolites in your body to equal those of what you'd have shortly after having taken a flooddose.

I don't know how you should do that but i think that by ingesting a gram of rootbark each day for 10/12 days in a row, or half a gram each day for 20/24 days would do it. Then you should take 3 grams on the following day and 4 to 5 grams the next day and that should be sufficiant for having an iboga experience that is equal roughly, to what 10 grams of rootbark would do, without having unpleasant side-effects except from a feeling of dizzyness when moving and the feeling your muscles have weakened severely, that are not very unpleasant side-effects at all. There will be no puking or other stomach or bowles related problems apart from a temporary loss of appetite.

You can safely take a gram to half a gram without being incapacitated, but it would still be wise not to operate machinery or cars when you take this dose because reaction speed may be slowed down a little. Substances like alcohol could better be avoided.

To exactly replicate this experiment you'd have to take some mushrooms with it as well, but that would result in a very strong experience and i'm fairly sure you will also get iboga flood-effects without them.
I've replicated the experiment without mushrooms and it realy works. 5 grams of iboga can feel as more than 10 grams, without sickness and vomitting.

I also discovered that the quality of iboga plays a huge role in the type of experience it produces. Each type of bark has it's own distinct effects, it seems. And stronger isn't always better, in my opinion.

My last experience with it was quite freightening and i experienced a side of iboga i didn't know yet. I constantly felt like my brain was being electrocuted. Very weird. This was with bark from congo.

If i'm gonna do iboga again, i think i will stick with rootbark from cameroon or ghabon, wich is far nicer in my opinion.
Because i suspect that with oral administration, you still will have a significant portion of nausea and vomitting. I don't know if TA would allow for sublingual administration, but given the power of iboga, i don't know if such other routes of administration would be without strong side-effects.
polytrip said:
Because i suspect that with oral administration, you still will have a significant portion of nausea and vomitting. I don't know if TA would allow for sublingual administration, but given the power of iboga, i don't know if such other routes of administration would be without strong side-effects.

Well, bancopuma stated that rootbarks were much harder on his system than TA in this thread.
I should receive 4g TA soon and I intend to use it all for a strong flood dose, I'll tell you how it goes for the nausea.
justine said:
polytrip said:
Because i suspect that with oral administration, you still will have a significant portion of nausea and vomitting. I don't know if TA would allow for sublingual administration, but given the power of iboga, i don't know if such other routes of administration would be without strong side-effects.

Well, bancopuma stated that rootbarks were much harder on his system than TA in this thread.
I should receive 4g TA soon and I intend to use it all for a strong flood dose, I'll tell you how it goes for the nausea.
I also think that TA would be lighter on the system. But don't underestimate iboga here. Even if rootbark would be 50% lighter, wich it won't be, it would still be quite hard. I think you cannot compare iboga with any other psychedelic in this way. Not even with ayahuasca.

Iboga is a strong sedative, like ketamine and PCP, and whatever way of administrating it you'll choose, it will have a huge impact on the organs it passes.

I think injecting it would probably be the most comfortable way (or least uncomfortable way), but i don't think i'll ever do something like that.

But if if you're gonna take a flooddose soon, then you could also test this method i discovered, because then you'll be much more sensitive for iboga for at least a month and you should be able to achieve the same effects as you had the first time, with half the amount of alkaloids needed during the entire month.
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