Rising Star
I have been on numerous form sites and have always somewhat been turned away from them due to the fact that people generally disregard the sacredness of the herbs their partaking. I have found that this site is very respectable and this makes me feel comfortable on this site. People here respect others and give extremely helpful advice to the members on here. I look forward to being able to make post and try to give my bit of knowledge to the people on this site
But anyways i have a planned upcoming ayahuasca cermony. I would like to here from the experienced memebers who use it for religious/medicinal purposes how the visions affect there belief system. I have researched ayahuasca for years and finally feel like i have the knowledge to make and respect the brew. I have read pretty much all the forms on ayahuasca but i dont find too many talking about the religious value of it and would like to have some feedback on just that. I found that cacti and couple other sacred medicines have made me a firm believer in what i do despite persecution from most of the people around me. and i am glad to post on a form in which i can talk to others with somewhat similiar belief system as me
But anyways i have a planned upcoming ayahuasca cermony. I would like to here from the experienced memebers who use it for religious/medicinal purposes how the visions affect there belief system. I have researched ayahuasca for years and finally feel like i have the knowledge to make and respect the brew. I have read pretty much all the forms on ayahuasca but i dont find too many talking about the religious value of it and would like to have some feedback on just that. I found that cacti and couple other sacred medicines have made me a firm believer in what i do despite persecution from most of the people around me. and i am glad to post on a form in which i can talk to others with somewhat similiar belief system as me