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Freeze precip did not dry, it melted??

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM completed a extraction using marsofold tek but was evapped instead of freezing, and 4grams of yellow tint spice was collected. It was sampled and was of good quality.

SWIM decided to recrystallize the spice and it was dissolved into warm naptha.
After freezing (coldest setting on freezer, thermostat read -20C), what looked like the same amount of spice was on the bottom of the glass pan, and after 2 days the naptha was poured off and the plastic wrap resealed.

After an hour all of the spice was melted just about from crystal to a tiny bit of Naptha.

does anyone know WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN??

SWIM heated up some naptha and poured it bak into the glass pan. After evapping before freezing (to saturate) the naptha went cloudy again, which SWIM would think is a good sign and means there is still a lot of dmt in there?

The glass pan was resealed in plastic wrap tighter than last time and taped down. Could a loose covering while freezing make the dmt melt when returning to room temp?

Any help would be much appreciated:d
cloudy naptha is good Swim flips hiis mason jars upside down to dry with a coffee filter underneath then once at room temperature he scrapes it seems there is always a slight bit of naptha left after pouring off and that likes melt your spice you could always pour and scrape in your freezer
Thanks for the reply big inhale.

There is large load of dmt in the Naptha 4grams when weighed before hand, thus it turned cloudy in less than 2mins.
You are right there was a small amount of Naptha left in SWIM's glass pan and he's sure that's what caused the spice to melt once brought to near room temp.

The scraping of the pan in the freezer seems it might do the trick but SWIM is not sure if the tiny bit of naptha that remains would dry out?

The other thing SWIM was thinking was maybe to tip the naptha off and put it straight in front of a fan to quickly dry the naptha?
Would there be disadvantages to putting it to dry straight away without letting it adjust to room temp?

Anyone know how to get around this?

Thanks in advance
I saw something similar with the spice not forming crystals but a layer of honey on the bottom of the jar. Even after another A/B cleanup & re-freeze there was only oil and no crystal.
I was told that a small amount of plant oils in the mix will prevent crystals forming however the starting material was not mhrb but acacia.
SWIM says there were plenty of white crystals on the bottom of the pan.
SWIM knows what u mean though as he has worked with Acacia before, u end up with yellow oil.

And for the record SWIM got around this by pouring out the naptha and putting it straight under a heavy blowing fan. 4grams of white freeze precip spice was attained:d
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