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From God to terror


Rising Star
First time on site. 2 experiences to date, neither of which were anything i was expecting or had heard anything nearly similar. First experience, i smoked approximately 50 mg out of a bubbler pipe. I took the first count to five, then exhale the second, hit things went bananas, and my soul was jerked out of my body, which was scary because I thought I had actually died. The next thing I know I’m in space and then on an earth-like planet which at the time I took to be heaven. I was moving /flying over the terrain but without body, taking everything in feeling powerful as if i were a god. As is descended, all of a sudden i was in a room sitting in a chair with my legs spread and incapable of movement while a block like similar to Lego woman performed oral sex on me to completion. I was in the position of point of view of this entity and back behind her was a wall of red and white lights. The color of the lights intensified leading to my climax at which point they were the brightest and spelled out 100% HOMERUN BLOWJOB. Then, i was back in space and was seeing all this what seemed to me to be written language from a extraterrestrial source, at which point, I felt myself sat back into my body and I started coming to. A month later, I found myself extremely stressed out and just needed some kind of extreme head change so I tried it again. I had a friend on hand for this one. I loaded the pipe with 50 mg but this time did not experience a breakthrough, but felt as though I was stuck in a waiting room situation which I felt extremely watched and had a terrible feeling of impending doom. I told my friend I didn’t break through must not have had enough, but that this feeling was horrible. I did see intricate pattern and again I felt to be alien like on the top of both hands and nothing otherwise except the undeniable feeling of being watched by pure evil, I proceeded to load the pipe again another 50 and proceeded to take three large hits holding my breath for five seconds each time. All of a sudden my leg started kicking out, but not by my doing. Then, i felt as though a bolt had placed in my throat, and I started coughing and gagging, trying to bring it up all the while, spinning in my office chair again, not by my doing, then my head went back to where I was looking at the ceiling of my room, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was quite aware of what was happening I had no control over it whatsoever in the chair scream again at the top of my lungs this happened around six times and my friend was very concerned for me my well-being and the neighbors since I was screaming at top volume. At this point, my soul felt Lizzo is yanked out of my body and shot into space. Again, the same kind of alien writing of which after the experience I was all over the Internet, trying to find anything like it and the closest to what I saw was demotic writing on the rosetta stone. Anyways, here I am screaming at the top of my lungs, my friend super concerned I cannot talk or move, so I’m no help easing her concern. I’m looking out my window at this point and can see the neighbors starting to gather outside seemingly concerned themselves with their hands on their hips And I see the paramedics pulling up and I know I’m about to go to the hospital at which point the ambulance and the paramedics started to turn to fractals then I was shot back into space again with the writing, and I felt as though I was a god the same one as before in and both cases I still had my identity, but when I came back to my body, I felt as though it was/my God being inhabiting my body. I felt all powerful thought. Perhaps it would stay that way and I might just start ruling But instead, it faded away. obviously I’m very concerned about doing DMT again because even though there were no paramedics or neighbors all of which were delusions and hallucinations the screams were real and the absolute power over my body and my screams which felt controlled by an evil presence of great power was absolutely terrifying. Has anyone else had any kind of crazy experience like this? I don’t know what to make of it and was concerned that. Maybe this was a warning to stay out of the DMT world.
The spice is just like that: One trip you are getting blowjobs from inter-dimensional hookers. Another one, you are fucked by evil god for not paying for the first time ;)

Follow your gut feelings, if you are afraid to trip, then don't. Give it a time to integrate the experiences, then you can do it again when you feel that time is right.

Also screaming on top of the lungs is not that common, so I'd give more care for set and setting next time. 50mg is also a no-joke dose, 20-25 is where you should aim and many find sub 20mg doses much more comfortable and manageable.

Spice can fuck with you, like it knows all your thoughts and weak parts and fears, because, maybe, it is you confronting yourself really.
Maybe this was a warning to stay out of the DMT world.
More a warning, as @Exitwound says, to go easy on your doses and show the molecule some respect.
I've heard the demonic jesters prefer people to use paragraphs too ;)
Spice can fuck with you, like it knows all your thoughts and weak parts and fears, because, maybe, it is you confronting yourself really.
Quite. You better be prepared to face those demons in that closet of yours.
When I read the title of the thread, I thought to myself, "sounds like chemicals."
Just because something is naturally occurring (DMT) doesn't mean the extraction of said thing, and the smoking of it, will feel natural.

On the contrary, such a method and ROA is bound to feel unnatural.

Conversely, Ayahuasca doesn't feel as unnatural. If you are drawn to DMT, but don't want to experience a mindfuck, I suggest an Ayahuasca brew, starting with a brew that has a high ratio of harmalas to tryptamines.
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