I do consider dieta a master plant teacher itself when done across long stretches of time ~
For solo trips, the few I have had have been incredibly amazing and touching. I am only doing light doses though. I was inspired by some friends of mine who work in the space industry to make a Preflight checklist. The first step is site selection, then there is pre-trip phase, and launch phase xD I make considerations like pre-running the the site for any unpredictable phenomena like hoards of bugs running into my clothes to bite me, or insane levels of mosquitos, or too much coldness, and on an on. I set aside the time in my calendar and select a location which doesn't have too many risks if roaming about unconsciously, or vulnerably (such as falling, drowning, vehicles, or people risks). I enter trips from a place of pre-existing discipline and sobriety. The fast for at least 2 days helps (with at least one full day after the trip also fasting), and I try to go into a fast itself with a few days of low glycemic index diet since 2-3 day fasts do have rebounds the first few days if you are coming from an unhealthy diet and we are aiming for energetic clarity not food withdrawal and toxin purges. Site selection for me encourages aloneness and privacy for freedom of both bathroom, chants, or behaviors, you might wish to do. I take considerations into account like is there a place to sit and/or lay comfortably, am I in both adequately comfortable(and non-constrictive) but also protective clothes. Protection is oftentimes thermal, solar, and insects. I try to select a site which has low risk for complications to arise and which will be stable for the duration of the trip. I take extra cautions for hypothermia, and I never put sunscreen anywhere near my eyes xD I also wear a hat. I try to familiarize myself with the environment when I pre-run the trip-sit for 30 minutes just so that I know kindof what is around me and where I am. When I trip and most of the prelaunch is done, my blanket on the ground, my shoes off and clothes ready, I'm sitting, I have the psychedelic out in front of me, I meditate for a few minutes like 15 or 30 minutes to clarify then I send off an existential thanks and well wishes to those in my heart and mind. Then I take the psychedelic scrament 
I do believe intent is reflected in the entirety of who you are, and what you do. Every step of the way before the trip reflects intent. For instance, I have a lot of intent to craft a beautiful environment for future her to be extremely vulnerable. it's a gift across time, prepared out of care and discipline. Also just who you are in your day to day life reflects tons of intent. are you going into this trip to heal or extract something? are you expecting to have fun? gain insights? gain something? are you radically curious? are you just in love with the process? what is your relationship to tripping? I have personally never had intent or integration of a trip myself, the way our culture seems to view those things. The intent is reflected in every action leading up to the trip. I don't really perceive trips to be so shocking that they need to be 'integrated' into something else. My serene and terrifying trips have all been very reflective of who was going into that situation. Some of the difficulties I faced receded back within me, into forgotteneness because I could not handle them at the time. Shamanic ceremonies, guided by experienced and lovely shamans have created beautiful moments to balm some of these experiences. Now I mostly trip on my own physically, but also existentially, as I believe we all eventually must do in our last moments, and as the shaman does for their people.
The energy behind your words in this write up is really beautiful, and I'm so glad to have stumbled across it this morning. Thank you for sharing all this! I hope some of my ramblings can inspire you. I also bring a lot of elements from buddhist practice into my solo trips as well. key are some of the diet, sleep, mediation routines, and then also the SIT and the art of openness, or focus which they cultivate is so powerful. Many of the fears you might have can be centered with focus practices, and sitting in lotus is psychedelic and clarifying in and of itself. After 2-3 hours your clarity from the lotus sit naturally starts building a snowball momentum of its own, without any of your own intervention. It keeps building the longer you sit, and this too helps you open up to the energy of the plant medicines, as a sort of energetic fast of movement of the human body itself. And the sounds of the natural environment I would like to add, definitely hold space for you of their own accord I feel. Especially wind, waves, creek sounds, birds, etc there is the universe itself holding shamanic space for you if you. I don't know about artificial settings like indoors without a shaman to make chant/rhythm yet. it's one reason why I love being with the outdoors, is because it's just always there with you in the most elegant and neutral way.