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If I gave you numbers, I'd be pulling them out of my ass, but I can say that the less often you use DMT (and other serotonergic drugs like LSD & MDMA), the more powerful the experience will be. I have not personally EVER used DMT more than about once every two weeks and usually not more than 3-4 times per year.

My recommendation of what I would do if I were in your shoes, is to discontinue all non-essential drugs, especially serotonergic drugs for as long as possible up to maybe a year and allow your brain chemistry to normalize again. Keep in mind, the year mark is completely out of my ass and erred on the high side to be safe.

The states of mind created by DMT, LSD, MDMA, ect., are novel states. When novel becomes too frequent, it is no longer novel but normalcy. All the qualities that make these states of mind so special will fade rapidly with frequent use. Just try going without your favorite food for six months and see how special it becomes when you break that deprivation.

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