Okay so swim was doing a chali extraction and "realized something" that could be fairly important that also relates to mhrb.
Now a lot of ppl have complained about getting low yeilds when converting from fumarate to freebase and others have had no issues and i think the reason is simple - i may be wrong on this tho.
To do the chali extraction swim did an a/b then pulled with xylene and added fasa for the fumarates to precip.
first difference noted - the fumarates were like sand and not like needles at all.
The fumarates were washed - no noticible loss - so not much fumaric acid contamination - a lid was used while the fumarates formed to prevent evaproation of acetone which swim thought may lead to fumaric acid precipping and the xtal formation was not disturbed.
To freebase swim made a paste with sodium carbonate and pulled with acetone when dry - huge loss noticed.
Then swim thought back to his dmt-n-oxide experiement - he had some remaining on a plate (created using hydrogen peroxide)
Swim tried disolving it in acetone - didnt work - then water - disolved fast so swim realized that the n-oxide is water soluble.
When freebasing using this method the sodium carbonate is water soluble so u cant separate the freebase using that - a base that is a gas is called for.
perhaps ammonia ?
Now how this effects the fumarate to freebase problem and variety of % lost could simply be due to the amount of n-oxide present in the bark - if that fumarate was either freebased using a gas base - yealds would be larger but n-oxide would be in the final product - fine for mixed alky extractions - or it could be converted back to nn-dmt then freebased.
Sounded like a fairly reasonable explanation to me.
Now a lot of ppl have complained about getting low yeilds when converting from fumarate to freebase and others have had no issues and i think the reason is simple - i may be wrong on this tho.
To do the chali extraction swim did an a/b then pulled with xylene and added fasa for the fumarates to precip.
first difference noted - the fumarates were like sand and not like needles at all.
The fumarates were washed - no noticible loss - so not much fumaric acid contamination - a lid was used while the fumarates formed to prevent evaproation of acetone which swim thought may lead to fumaric acid precipping and the xtal formation was not disturbed.
To freebase swim made a paste with sodium carbonate and pulled with acetone when dry - huge loss noticed.
Then swim thought back to his dmt-n-oxide experiement - he had some remaining on a plate (created using hydrogen peroxide)
Swim tried disolving it in acetone - didnt work - then water - disolved fast so swim realized that the n-oxide is water soluble.
When freebasing using this method the sodium carbonate is water soluble so u cant separate the freebase using that - a base that is a gas is called for.
perhaps ammonia ?
Now how this effects the fumarate to freebase problem and variety of % lost could simply be due to the amount of n-oxide present in the bark - if that fumarate was either freebased using a gas base - yealds would be larger but n-oxide would be in the final product - fine for mixed alky extractions - or it could be converted back to nn-dmt then freebased.
Sounded like a fairly reasonable explanation to me.