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Further steps toward hyperspace

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi there community!
This is Pasithea calling in (should note that I'm a dude regardless of the name :d ) to share little dribbles about myself.

I'm a young man who has had a penchant towards the questioning of reality ever since I read Philip K Dick for the first time at the age of ~12, which only grew exponentially after trying multiple substances. I'm from England and have had a fairly roundabout berthing into the world of drugs, I started by trying some of the entheogens available legally near me, then moving onto mushrooms before trying cannabis for the first time. I have quite a lot of experience with drugs that I've never been particularly interested in and have tried as many different hallucinogens as possible due to my burning interest in them (this includes a few experiences with deliriant trips > a side note question to anyone else who has tried these, did get the feeling that they tapped into the dream centre of your brain because that's exactly what it felt like to me). I first looked and dismissed DMT as a potential new field of exploration many years ago when I read of how powerful it was and knew straight away that I was not ready for it as well as feeling in some sort of terribly cliché, but also very importantly that I would come to it again. Which leads me to now, I recently got reminded of DMT when browsing the web for information and such and knew at that point that I was going to start preparing for a DMT awakening. I had seen the DMT nexus before and had it recommended by several experienced trippers and upon examination I found out why, this community is something I would be proud to become a small facet of. I have not yet found the time for trying it, but I hope to leave a full trip report (or as full as my memory will allow) once I have.

Thanks for reading, I hope to become an active member in discussions and look forward to speaking to you soon!
Welcome Pasithea! I also let go of the idea of doing DMT for a long time until I knew I was ready, looking forward to hearing about your first trip :)
Hey There Pasithea,

Welcome to the Nexus! Great intro.

I hope you are aware of our wiki - link in the upper right corner of your page - it has a plethora of information, including lots of extraction teks for various entheogens, including of course DMT.

I really appreciated your stating that you waited until you felt more ready. You may notice a trend as you read through this forum, a trend of agreement, and that is that this molecule demands respect.

Sounds like you are on the right path. I'd love to read a trip report or three from you, in particular the delirant experiences you mentioned. . . .

Please don't hesitate to tell us more about yourself and/or your life and psychedelic experiences and what they have done for or meant to you. Also, please don't hesitate to dive right in and begin researching. We encourage self-education but questions are also always welcomed.

Again, welcome. :D
Thanks for the support guys, it's great to have such welcoming members on a community that exists on the internet (the last place I'd search for such things :L).

@Pandora, yes I'm something of an info junky and love nothing more than to go wiki-walking for long periods of time so I have already delved into that hidden cache of knowledge for some time now ;)

Hmm I think I may well end up writing something substantial on the deliriant experiences I've had but I think I would need to go there again to both refresh my memories and create new ones due to the memory limiting handicap it has. The whole experience is very eye opening to look back upon - for me dreams have a very rigid quality to them, I think partly due to the strength of my imagination and, with no sense of false modesty, my extensive knowledge of social interaction, psychological motivation and generally decent base knowledge. This has meant a complete failure on the lucid dreaming front for over a year now, but I digress; this all relates to the very nature of deliriants as they pretty much throw away the memory of ever taking the drug in combination with very realistic hallucinations accompanied quite often by bizarre states of mind of motivations - none of which you will ever question while still in the same mind-state. I have a very clear memory of pulling a small Toblerone out of my pocket (which I had seen but not bought earlier that day) and instead of eating it, I decided to push it literally through my hand, in some sort of magical, painless sort of way. There are some really tangible similarities that I can't really explain that exist between what I see and feel when dreaming and also my experiences on Del.s, you will either have to try yourself or just try and take my word with its inherently personal flaws - all I can say is that some who is able to lucidly dream could have an incredibly interesting personal experiment on their hands ;)

On a side note, while trying to limit the size of this wall of text, I have been looking at Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime A/B Extraction Tek as my weapon of choice for DMT extractions, would you recommend another over this and do you have any protips? I should note, I studied A level Chemistry and have a Chemist for a mother and thus have a very decent foundation of knowledge to work with along with some experience so more complex teks would not be an issue.
Hi Pasithea,

Welcome to the Nexus.

Pasithea said:
...I'm a young man who has had a penchant towards the questioning of reality ever since I read Philip K Dick for the first time at the age of ~12

I always liked Philip K. Dick a lot. I started liking him even more after I had my first "longer" psychedelic experiences with Mushrooms and Pharmahuasca. I think the guy was a true psychedelic genious (and not merely a schizophrenic as the dominant representation pictures him). IMO, he was great especially in depicting the problems associated with transmission of information between various levels of reality (I hope this makes some sense at least to those who are familiar with Dick´s writings).

He also had a great gift to write intelligibly about problems such as "how to differentiate between real and ´unreal´", or, "what the hell is ´reality´, after all"?
I cannot realistically sum up the admiration that I hold for PKD, he hits on so many levels for me, 1 being the most mundane - the way he captures the feel of old america and the sad, desperate and realistically draining experiences of people in the futuristic societies he constructs so greatly reflects so many facets of our own cultures (especially in the west but not limited to) is amazing - Mundane doesn't even seem the right word any more :L
2 would be the way he explores the human mind and its fragile nature, the way its influenced by itself and what it wants to believe as well how when it doesn't get something right, it can break itself or the illusion of reality. this then ties in at a deeper level when the actual nature of reality then begins to change outside of the persons mind making an infinitely refracted and split sense of reality (best example - UBIK)

I could go on but then I would reveal my true hideous fanboy nature and so I guess I'll just have to leave it with the comment; so many people build up large amounts of wisdom throughout their lives, and while experience bring belief and relevance, I like to think that I am open minded and experienced enough to take in most of the wisdom that is out there and offered to me, in the form of books, conversations etc. PKD has been so many places with his mind already that it would be truly insulting to him to, as a psychonaut of sorts, to not read and admire his creations and experiences.

Wall-of-text-man strikes again! >:D
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