Rising Star
Hi there community!
This is Pasithea calling in (should note that I'm a dude regardless of the name :d ) to share little dribbles about myself.
I'm a young man who has had a penchant towards the questioning of reality ever since I read Philip K Dick for the first time at the age of ~12, which only grew exponentially after trying multiple substances. I'm from England and have had a fairly roundabout berthing into the world of drugs, I started by trying some of the entheogens available legally near me, then moving onto mushrooms before trying cannabis for the first time. I have quite a lot of experience with drugs that I've never been particularly interested in and have tried as many different hallucinogens as possible due to my burning interest in them (this includes a few experiences with deliriant trips > a side note question to anyone else who has tried these, did get the feeling that they tapped into the dream centre of your brain because that's exactly what it felt like to me). I first looked and dismissed DMT as a potential new field of exploration many years ago when I read of how powerful it was and knew straight away that I was not ready for it as well as feeling in some sort of terribly cliché, but also very importantly that I would come to it again. Which leads me to now, I recently got reminded of DMT when browsing the web for information and such and knew at that point that I was going to start preparing for a DMT awakening. I had seen the DMT nexus before and had it recommended by several experienced trippers and upon examination I found out why, this community is something I would be proud to become a small facet of. I have not yet found the time for trying it, but I hope to leave a full trip report (or as full as my memory will allow) once I have.
Thanks for reading, I hope to become an active member in discussions and look forward to speaking to you soon!
This is Pasithea calling in (should note that I'm a dude regardless of the name :d ) to share little dribbles about myself.
I'm a young man who has had a penchant towards the questioning of reality ever since I read Philip K Dick for the first time at the age of ~12, which only grew exponentially after trying multiple substances. I'm from England and have had a fairly roundabout berthing into the world of drugs, I started by trying some of the entheogens available legally near me, then moving onto mushrooms before trying cannabis for the first time. I have quite a lot of experience with drugs that I've never been particularly interested in and have tried as many different hallucinogens as possible due to my burning interest in them (this includes a few experiences with deliriant trips > a side note question to anyone else who has tried these, did get the feeling that they tapped into the dream centre of your brain because that's exactly what it felt like to me). I first looked and dismissed DMT as a potential new field of exploration many years ago when I read of how powerful it was and knew straight away that I was not ready for it as well as feeling in some sort of terribly cliché, but also very importantly that I would come to it again. Which leads me to now, I recently got reminded of DMT when browsing the web for information and such and knew at that point that I was going to start preparing for a DMT awakening. I had seen the DMT nexus before and had it recommended by several experienced trippers and upon examination I found out why, this community is something I would be proud to become a small facet of. I have not yet found the time for trying it, but I hope to leave a full trip report (or as full as my memory will allow) once I have.
Thanks for reading, I hope to become an active member in discussions and look forward to speaking to you soon!