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Gallimore's Alien Information Theory and the nature of DMT experience

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Rising Star
I am trying to read and understand Andrew Gallimore's Alien Information Theory Dr. Andrew Gallimore is a Computational Neuro-Biologist one of the world’s knowledgeable researchers on DMT. He has developed and written about the Intravenous Infusion Model, which allows a timed and steady release of DMT to induce an extended state DMT experience.In his book he seems to propose that the universe can be understood as a function of binary code. That is real hard for me to swallow and I will explain why if some others take an interest in the thread or are reading the book, but it is a very popular idea that seems to have emerged through the development of computer technology. Some are clearly imagining inserting themselves into some code form that will be immortal. I have to admit that sounds like hell but also impossible. I have the feeling that much of what he says is simply not falsifiable but he has spent a great deal of concentrated effort to develop his ideas and provides evidence of important binary operations that occur in nature like neuronal signaling.
Part of his purpose is directed toward the question of what is the nature of DMT experience and can the idea of a fundamental binary code behind consciousness explain those experiences and even answer whether there are non-human intelligences involved. He seems to favor that theory. Gallimore is also interested in technologies to extend the DMT experience and has proposed some ideas( Recent episodes of Psychedelic salon). Is anyone else reading this book or interested in the core theory I mention. There are other interviews online beside the psychedelic salon.
I have toyed with these concepts. At the very least, a lot of fun discussing this subject. So many algorithmic patterns in nature. So many connections between math and reality.
There is plenty of non-human intelligence in (what is called) Man. We are not separated from nature and our body is well beyond our ability to identify - but indeed it may have become alien to us; I don't know how you can think to understand the experience if not on those terms. At some point it seems an evidence that everything is (like) the experience. Why extend ? I feel like the transhumanist are always looking far away for things right under their nose - (the kind of word that come together when you have focus too much on your breath:) which obviously stems from the need to find immortality and that is a denial of the nature of the conscious mind, which is to realize immortality and the ephemerality of our selves. How childish and preposterous !

But things about neuronal signaling seem interesting, how does he expand on this ?
AiKyo- Basically neuronal signals are on/off signals routed through the neural network.(my summary via Gallimore , current research and my daughter who is studying the topic at university level. ) He extends this correspondence of binary code and biological consciousness to the universe itself. The idea is that the universe is a self organizing program with rules generated by the foundation of binary code. ( first proposed by Konrad Zuse who invented the first programmable computer in 1969. ) Change occurs as program is updated moment by moment. Time does not exactly flow seamlessly but is the rate at which updates occur. The model used is a computer program called a cellular automaton, which becomes a major reference point in the book.
One of my questions is about how on/off generates the physical elements . In the end he is leaving that to multi dimensional alien beings who did the original program. ( Where did they come from? Do they bicker, lie, have wars? doesn't this idea have the same problems of other religions, philosophies and attempts at science)

Gallimore seems to think the machine elves and multidimensional architecture of DMT are a direct encounter with the aliens, and that the inscrutability and untranslatability of DMT experience has to do with the difference of human dimensionality and the expanded dimensions of DMT vision/intuition/... encountered with whatever capacity we have to perceive more dimensions than we are used to. To him DMT is likely a doorway to the next level of reality and may include death in this biological world.

It reminds me of certain aspects of PK Dick's work. And Dick was unsure that this higher dimensional space was much different or better or benign at all. Is our love of biological life a good thing meant to keep us from the untrustworhtier of multidimensional beings? Heck if I know. But I wonder about the science.

Why would you create an earth if it was only a door to what you already have?

If Andrew would chime in here I would love it and promise not to let my skepticism turn mean or dismissive. I sure am curious though?
I have read the book, interesting, did want a bit more from it. It has led to me doing some good digging on my own so for that I am thankful.

Jonabark said:
One of my questions is about how on/off generates the physical elements .
We already do such things here "Simulating a universe in which Newton's laws are only partially valid" to test our own hypotheses.

Jonabark said:
In the end he is leaving that to multi dimensional alien beings who did the original program. ( Where did they come from? Do they bicker, lie, have wars? doesn't this idea have the same problems of other religions, philosophies and attempts at science)
I think that's exactly why it wasn't expanded on in the book. Follow your own philosophy.

Jonabark said:
Why would you create an earth if it was only a door to what you already have?
Would you not play a game that you made because you knew it was a game? The whole point of making a game is to play it, to get lost in it, forget it was you who made it, forget its a game, to see it for what it is in that moment, to see it anew.

An interesting thing about doorways is they make you forget.

I do think the whole binary talk and game theory was a way to get the reader to visualise the orthogonal dimension information transmission discussed later in the book. From here I started reading into Orch OR consciousness and it seemed to tie in nicely. Check it out if you haven't already.
Jonabark said:
Why would you create an earth if it was only a door to what you already have?

You're making a separation between the door and yourself, there isn't. You're thinking there is a creator and not something that is self creating. So instead of having a biological view, that organism evolve, you have a "creationist" one.

My thought process is entirely ordered by binary rule, but not something very abstract, simply night and days. If you seek light in the night, well this only happens in dreams. There is not reason to want to live alone in a dream all the time and when we die, dreams die with us, no more light in the night, just night. There is seemingly no reason to want to leave or go out of the vast net of limitless experience that the senses provide but to be until the last moment in ourselves, close to ourselves. Why leave home ? Why, you having sat here, would listen to your thought always making some grand fantasia and destiny ? Sure they are ingenious, very creative, making all sorts of plans and complexities, and you marvel at them, but only do you experience ultimate creativity, the "source" as it is often called upon experiencing, when thoughts cease and you look inward, in the body. When you melt. But there's no one pouring water from above, it's a fountain.

Honestly, this whole alien idea seems like attributing of our own identities to the molecule or its effect on us. Which is perfectly natural and healthy if recognized as such. But to need to actually go searching for something you are generating ... It feels like you need to proof that you are and you exist. well you do, but you' don't have to observe it or go on quest, you just have to be. it is already found.
You are misunderstanding my thoughts . It is Gallimore who proposes what he calls the other, beings who made the rules for our universe via binary code. I actually share what you seem to have which is more of a biological coevolutionary sense of how things are. I am questioning how his proposals might work practically.

I am not proposing entities or aliens though I am not closed to the idea. These are Gallimore's ideas, not mine. They make a certain sense but seem to be impossible to test. I do believe humans' selves are dream like constructions for living in a body in this universe. But I believe other bodies are real in the same way mine is real and carry a different set of memories and experiences than mine be they humans, bears, birds, trees, whatever. We are all part of the same whole but for now there is a difference. When people encounter elf like beings in multidimensional spaces via DMT they could be the same kind of different, have different information, have different ways of thinking and being but be grounded in the same whole. The fact that they are appearing within a human's consciousness is not a guarantee that they are not different beings from us in the sense that any 2 people are different. If they are multidimensional/hyperdimensional they may only be consciously and experientially accessible to other conscious beings when those beings have access to that hyperspatial dimensionality.

Gallimore is saying DMT reorders mind completely, temporarily transforming consciousness completely to have access to the multidimensional reality which our brains can normally only approach on a theoretical mathematical level.

My questions are probing at the logic and usefulness of Gallimore's model. I am not being evasive about my own philosophical or mythopoetic leanings but I am hoping for a discussion of his book and ideas in Alien Information Theory

One thing that for me might be reasonably seen as questioning Andrew Gallimore's model is the difference between purified DMT in contrast to Aya or other forms that have different common effects, some leaning toward visionary material that is much more earthy and some that is more like transcendent white light immersion in the whole.

Not meaning to be argumentative here. Just want to clarify what I am talking and asking about.


I have a hard time thinking reality is a game. I can see play. I can see games as part of how we shape experience and sharpen skills. But humans in particular are marked by brutal self destructive addictions that are more like torture than a game, and often the most dangerous people are those who see life as a game they can win somehow.
If I were to think of it as a game there would be a moral dimension to it where winning means learning to share and empathize and honor the wisdom of planetary balance. Turning this beautiful planet into a dead zone while we watch and play games on screens is more of a disease than a game. My experience of Aya and other psychedelics has led me in a different direction toward the mystic tradition that sees love and the justice implied by love as the dynamic force in the universe and a primary next step in evolution. There is a hide and seek aspect to this so I don't want to dismiss the paradigm completely. It has some uses but I am skeptical that the universe itself is a game.
Just one more thought on my question as to why would hyper dimensional aliens create a universe if its sole purpose were to serve as a game with a hidden doorway back into the "real" hyper dimensional universe.
This idea seems to me to view the earth and life on it as a disposable part of a game that is circular and trivial. It seems perfectly ok with the idea that mass suicide is the next step in evolution. If that is the idea I could not be more opposed. I think more patience and love and dialog with the whole living universe is the door to our shared destiny. The role of DMT in that destiny is worthy of exploration and may be an important means by which we learn and converse in a language more universal and more aligned with the full dimensions of reality.
It seems all of these speculations result from too much abstraction and language bringing complex ideas forth. It's all dribbling of science fiction terminology particularly. Isn't this precisely the barrier ? The universal language you speak of is simply that of the body. It's precisely what all the myths and the old perception of the world are rooted in. Before language, there was only the language of associations, that of body with itself and the world. It can only be this way because language itself is an association of parts of the body. As language has become more complex, and especially visual, it takes our attention from the previous form. Because the new form allow to place meanings on things, because it allows us to decide, it gives us a sense of freedom and the former form feels like a prison. If the former is a simple melody, true as it is, experienced, the latter is schemes and complex fantasies, reflections.

Yet, it is possible to make a visual language that follow the body's principle and the visual language of nature. The Chinese's ideograms are this. It's populated with beings. It is animistic. And much interestingly because the Chinese entered the age of reason before we did. But there is a clear link to the past, no disconnection. The different layers of understanding superposes each others. The rational and the mythopoetical This latter is to rationality what music is to language, a form that simply is, that evokes emotions, that invoke sensations.

We do not have this. And we look above, not down there, because it would be to be "back", back to the past. But this language of sensations, what are his characteristics ? Well, if visions allows us to look outward, it allows us to look inward. But it does so by means of sensation, and because the body is voluminous, something new become possible to the two dimensional images that we usually vaguely form: they can experience many more than two things at once, look in more than one direction at once. To understand this you have to untie the simple knot that synesthesia happens, it is the door to the experience. If you do not untie the knot you will come back to the land still in a swimsuit, you won't move easily. There will not be a clear link. To there, to the we are the palaces of endless constructs shifting in trillions rhombicosidodecahedron of swirling tongues and fuzzy tingling sounds in winds of steel grace.

People who think they have a destiny above in the stars and need to leave are burning our ground with their thermal thrusts, they're making the life here a desert filled only with their leftovers. There's no one waiting for us, it has already greeted us. We will die with it. Let's flip the dimensional trip on its head, those beings are you experiencing something you can only be experiencing in that state, you are welcoming yourself to the farthest reaches of your senses, this bath of association where the mind joyously swims like a golden fish. To us, there is three realms. The light of eyes, emptiness of breath and the liquid veins of the mouth. When our eyes fell deep within ourselves, to this rivers that are like our roots, tears came up
I find myself very much in harmony with with what you say. What is "out there" is also in here. This earthly bioluminescence of stardust and living ladders is what I want to more fully know. If this reality is more multidimensional than we generally experience and DMT indicates that quality , how do we as bodily creatures spun from the complex web of life understand and learn from that exploration in a way that is practical/useful for human survival and peaceable friendliness within and without us.
I too am much enamored of chinese and particularly Taoist ways of understanding. It may have started because my mother loved Chinese art, but 7 years ago I started practicing qigong and taiji and reading the Tao de Jing and some translated texts. It has worked better for me than other disciplines both for care of body and unity of body mind.
It is odd to me that Gallimore uses the word "alien" to describe what ancients may well have thought of as spirits in an animistic universe. The geometry may well be a view into foundational crystalline balancing energies as much as an orthogonal multidimensional universe. Much of his thinking derives from Terrance McKenna who he quotes often and who got carried away into what seems like delusional ideas about an apocalyptic world transformation . All McKenna's thoughts were strongly influenced by science fiction which also frames things in an outward cosmos kind of world view. Of course we do seem to be well on our way to an apocalyptic bio and social disaster, but it seems crazy to me to put our money on a magic door into another world. In Twin peaks there is a character called Dr Jacoby, a psychedelic psychiatrist turned later to radio ranter who by the end is selling gold( 2 coats spray paint) shovels for $ 19.99. He is telling his audience to "Dig yourself out of the Shit". Dr Jacoby according to Lynch/Frost is modeled after Terrance McKenna, and maybe the gold shovel represents psychedelics or Lynch's TM meditation or anything that enables us to see our predicament with both clarity and the energy to act. A tool of the soul and the earth.
I might see the thread you are pulling at now?

In the end, what is the point if we are here only to find a/the way out. I get the return home after the journey you are something more than when you set off. However evolving the biology, society and technology required thus far to just overwrite our thalamocortical networks to the point of them no longer being able to sync this reality, seems an inextricably complex way home and a bit brute force ish.

The author may have made a bit of a jump, as they don't know the next steps, saving such discourse for those who seek it, the book wasn't long enough, whatever reason. I would like to think/hope its more of a stepwise journey like the ancient traditions "DISCE BENE MORI", not a simple plug in, upload conciousness.bat, switch off.
I do think Gallimore has left enough room for the experimental aspect to lead where it leads regardless of his framework.
( For those less familiar with this he is working on a time release version of DMT delivery to try to extend the time of the DMT breakthrough state.) One of the things McKenna posed as a test of the entity theory is that these entities provide a psychonaut who has trained him or her self in the ability to bring back info from an extended DMT experience, with new knowledge, something experimentally verifiable. This is one of several interesting and reasonable ideas McKenna suggested. Thoughts?
Jonabark said:
I do think Gallimore has left enough room for the experimental aspect to lead where it leads regardless of his framework.
( For those less familiar with this he is working on a time release version of DMT delivery to try to extend the time of the DMT breakthrough state.) One of the things McKenna posed as a test of the entity theory is that these entities provide a psychonaut who has trained him or her self in the ability to bring back info from an extended DMT experience, with new knowledge, something experimentally verifiable. This is one of several interesting and reasonable ideas McKenna suggested. Thoughts?
Bringing back experimentally verifiable information would lend more credence to the usefulness of this molecule beyond the subjective. I Agree. But the information that we could bring back might be wholly irrelevant to the level of awareness we currently inhabit. If you look at the language barrier we have with the animals most closest to us in terms of intelligence. What's the point of explaining macroeconomics to a chimp/elephant/dolphin? What will a sufficiently advanced civilisation, that use cosmological gamma-ray bursts to communicate, have to say to us?

"Bringing back" - Seems to be contradicted by the very functions of DMT. A few of the places the molecule works is on inhibiting the Default mode network and fear extinction/memory release. The Default mode network houses our sense of self. So who will be carrying this information back that is being forgotten along the way? It's like a ghost carrying water in a colander.

I think it is the search on how to bring back this knowledge that will give us a deeper understanding of ourselves, of our workings more than the knowledge brought back itself.
As above. So below.

Jozeh and I discussed something along these lines the other night in chat. This phrase speaks volumes about the inner world of our imaginations and the outer world of our perceived reality. Considering dreams can feel as real as reality, it begs the question of the nature of reality and the power of our thought.

In many ways, I've found DMT provides a waking dream, of sorts. I've said this before, but I believe DMT is in our bodies to help facilitate our souls to leave our body when we die. This is most likely why it eliminates the fear of death. Well, at least I no longer fear death.

Oddly enough, I had a very vivid dream about 2 months ago. I was sitting on my sofa in our den and was experiencing a heart attack. I felt the pain in my chest and knew it was my time to go. Once that realization hit me, I was calm. I felt prepared for death and knew precisely where I was going. Next thing I know, I wake up in my bed.

It's as if I was testing myself to see what would happen when I face death. I've had a handful of death dreams before my first DMT experience. In all of them, I was terrified. This time, the level of serenity I felt was quite striking in comparison.

I see our universe as fractals, in countless ways. In terms of life, I look at Earth as an example that determines the bigger picture. In essence, the vast majority of Earth's history has been dominated by microbial life. Eventually, complex life evolved from the micro to the macro. Finally, sentient life evolved and makes up a tiny percentage of our planet's history. Therefore, I have a feeling our universe is similar in proportion.

The Hubble Deep Space image fascinates me. As I look at it I believe I am seeing more than our universe at different times. As well, amongst all those galaxies in that image, I see life in every dot of light.

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