Hey everyone. I'm making final preparations for my first cacti grow, and I was hoping some of you experienced growers could help me out with a few questions.
A little bit of background to provide a sense of where I'm at, you can skip to the questions a few paragraphs below if you wish
My first psychedelic experience a few years back was with (as is probably the case for many people) mushrooms. Over the years I've had probably around 30 trips in varied dosages, and I've been able to really wrap my head around the mushroom experience. I've been reading up on entheogens for years now, and I feel like the time is right to move on and see for myself how other psychedelics differ from mushrooms. I decided that mescaline is a great candidate to do just that. I have just harvested the last flush of my first mushroom grow, which was very satisfying to say the least. I like the fact that you can make these kinds of grows sustainable, and would love to do the same with cacti in the future.
I have found a local vendor that seems very reliable. They have a lot of background information on all kinds of cacti, there's a lot of growing information, and they even list pitfalls to avoid when buying these cacti. Looking at how their specimens are grown and looking at some of the photos (and they are really photos of the exact cacti they're selling) I would trust them over a lot of other online smartshops any day.
At the moment I have my mind set on Bridgesii (Achuma), as they are supposedly the fastest-growing species, they seem to have the most stable alkaloid profile which means it should be easier and safer to dose, and they have a reputed potency that is comparable to (or slightly less than) peyote. I know it's not that straightforward to compare the different cacti, since they all have their unique alkaloids, but the general consensus seems to be that Bridgesii is quite potent.
Now for my questions:
1. Is Bridgesii a good choice for a first-time mescaline experience?
I was originally planning on settling with the Peruvian Torch, but weighing out the positives and negatives, Bridgesii seems so much more appealing for the reasons listed above. I've read too many reports of people having unsatisfactory experiences with Pedro and Torch that I'm leaning toward the Bridgesii. On the other hand, San Pedro and Peruvian Torch have less other alkaloids, and might be a lighter experience more resembling pure mescaline. I think a moderate dose of Bridgesii would be fine though. What do you guys think?
2. I have read from various sources that Bridgesii can grow up to 30 centimeters (~11.81 inches) a year. Is this more or less correct, and can I expect such growth when they are grown inside?
I live in a rather cold climate, so I can't put them outside. I have good watering and fertilization schedules, cactus fertilizer, and know about the winter dormancy period, so I should have the growing process covered. I'm just curious if they really grow that fast indoors on a windowsill. Any further pointers on how to provide more optimal growing conditions indoors perhaps?
3. Concerning cuttings
Does it take a considerable period for the cactus to recover after you have cut off a portion, or do they continue to grow rather quickly? Any special precautions to take when taking a cutting to ensure the cactus' health?
4. Bridgesii dosage
I know these dosage questions come up a lot, especially with cacti. I've looked around a lot, but honestly could not find much info specifically for Bridgesii, and I find it iffy to rely on some stranger's post on random forums, so I just wanted to verify this with the more experienced people here.
My vendor specifies the following:
This obviously does not take the other alkaloids (including a short-acting MAOI) into account, so less would be needed with Bridgesii, no?
The most useful info I've found is this post by Mew:
Does that sound about right? All of these dosages seem to be quite large compared to the commonly assumed Erowid dosages (pure mescaline):
And that is again, not accounting for the supposed MAOI and other alkaloids that make this cactus more potent. I know mescaline is said to be one of the most forgiving psychedelics, and that it's generally better to lean toward a larger dose than the opposite, but still, I would obviously prefer to stay on the safe side for a first-time experience.
Apologies if some of these questions have been answered on the Nexus before, I really have done a lot of research prior to posting this.
Thanks in advance to any replies, wish me luck in propagating these wonderful plants :thumb_up:
A little bit of background to provide a sense of where I'm at, you can skip to the questions a few paragraphs below if you wish
My first psychedelic experience a few years back was with (as is probably the case for many people) mushrooms. Over the years I've had probably around 30 trips in varied dosages, and I've been able to really wrap my head around the mushroom experience. I've been reading up on entheogens for years now, and I feel like the time is right to move on and see for myself how other psychedelics differ from mushrooms. I decided that mescaline is a great candidate to do just that. I have just harvested the last flush of my first mushroom grow, which was very satisfying to say the least. I like the fact that you can make these kinds of grows sustainable, and would love to do the same with cacti in the future.
I have found a local vendor that seems very reliable. They have a lot of background information on all kinds of cacti, there's a lot of growing information, and they even list pitfalls to avoid when buying these cacti. Looking at how their specimens are grown and looking at some of the photos (and they are really photos of the exact cacti they're selling) I would trust them over a lot of other online smartshops any day.
At the moment I have my mind set on Bridgesii (Achuma), as they are supposedly the fastest-growing species, they seem to have the most stable alkaloid profile which means it should be easier and safer to dose, and they have a reputed potency that is comparable to (or slightly less than) peyote. I know it's not that straightforward to compare the different cacti, since they all have their unique alkaloids, but the general consensus seems to be that Bridgesii is quite potent.
Now for my questions:
1. Is Bridgesii a good choice for a first-time mescaline experience?
I was originally planning on settling with the Peruvian Torch, but weighing out the positives and negatives, Bridgesii seems so much more appealing for the reasons listed above. I've read too many reports of people having unsatisfactory experiences with Pedro and Torch that I'm leaning toward the Bridgesii. On the other hand, San Pedro and Peruvian Torch have less other alkaloids, and might be a lighter experience more resembling pure mescaline. I think a moderate dose of Bridgesii would be fine though. What do you guys think?
2. I have read from various sources that Bridgesii can grow up to 30 centimeters (~11.81 inches) a year. Is this more or less correct, and can I expect such growth when they are grown inside?
I live in a rather cold climate, so I can't put them outside. I have good watering and fertilization schedules, cactus fertilizer, and know about the winter dormancy period, so I should have the growing process covered. I'm just curious if they really grow that fast indoors on a windowsill. Any further pointers on how to provide more optimal growing conditions indoors perhaps?
3. Concerning cuttings
Does it take a considerable period for the cactus to recover after you have cut off a portion, or do they continue to grow rather quickly? Any special precautions to take when taking a cutting to ensure the cactus' health?
4. Bridgesii dosage
I know these dosage questions come up a lot, especially with cacti. I've looked around a lot, but honestly could not find much info specifically for Bridgesii, and I find it iffy to rely on some stranger's post on random forums, so I just wanted to verify this with the more experienced people here.
My vendor specifies the following:
100 grams of fresh Achuma Cactus (Tr. bridgesii = Echinopsis lageniformis) contains around 25 milligrams of mescaline.
For a normal trip you need around 300 milligrams of mescaline.
This translates to around 1200 grams fresh Achuma Cactus (=1.2kg, ~2.65 pounds).
This obviously does not take the other alkaloids (including a short-acting MAOI) into account, so less would be needed with Bridgesii, no?
The most useful info I've found is this post by Mew:
mew said:my preference regarding how to eat the cactus is simple
a foot equates to ~10 grams dried outer green flesh...
these 10 grams have about 700 mg mesc/alkaloids
1 foot is a good place to start
1.5 feet is a good entry level understanding of the spirit
2 feet is self healing and learning the language of the spirit
3 feet is total entheogenisis
Does that sound about right? All of these dosages seem to be quite large compared to the commonly assumed Erowid dosages (pure mescaline):
Threshold 100 mg
Light 100 - 200 mg
Common 200 - 300 mg
Strong 300 - 500 mg
Heavy 500 - 700 mg
And that is again, not accounting for the supposed MAOI and other alkaloids that make this cactus more potent. I know mescaline is said to be one of the most forgiving psychedelics, and that it's generally better to lean toward a larger dose than the opposite, but still, I would obviously prefer to stay on the safe side for a first-time experience.
Apologies if some of these questions have been answered on the Nexus before, I really have done a lot of research prior to posting this.
Thanks in advance to any replies, wish me luck in propagating these wonderful plants :thumb_up: