I'm lost for answers via the interwebs. Also dont have the manual for the mod.
On the S100 TCR mode there are 4 options to fiddle with aside from target temperature.
Resistance: got this locked at the recommended atomizer value.
T: ? This is the one I cannot work out. Higher values seem to make the mesh get hotter to the point of way too much of a red glow.
Watts: got this set to 18 max
C: I think this one is puff counter?
Anyone got this mod and could help me understand please?
I've had some moderate success with fixed W mode but am not doing well at all with any of the temp control modes. Often with the max temp set to 200c the mod reports only reach 130c even though the mesh is close to melting point.
On the S100 TCR mode there are 4 options to fiddle with aside from target temperature.
Resistance: got this locked at the recommended atomizer value.
T: ? This is the one I cannot work out. Higher values seem to make the mesh get hotter to the point of way too much of a red glow.
Watts: got this set to 18 max
C: I think this one is puff counter?
Anyone got this mod and could help me understand please?
I've had some moderate success with fixed W mode but am not doing well at all with any of the temp control modes. Often with the max temp set to 200c the mod reports only reach 130c even though the mesh is close to melting point.