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Getting very low yields using CIELO tek with bridgesii monstrous short

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Rising Star
Title says's it all. I'm getting very low yields using CIELO tek with bridgesii monstrous short form. I'm going to list out my steps and see if anyone can give me any pointers on what I may be doing wrong.

Amount of fresh cactus - 150.42 grams fresh, out of soil for a month or two, so slightly dehydrated.
Amount of cactus after drying - 5.86 grams. dried with food dehydrator

NOTE: I only used 5.86 grams instead of 100 grams on the Cielo tek, so all chemicals are divided by 17.06

step 1: crushed dried cacti chips to a very very fine powder with coffee grinder.

step 2: mixed cacti powder with 16 mL of water total.

step 3: added 1.47 grams of CaOH(lime). I then proceeded to mix all substances for 4 minutes or so.

NOTE: Up to this step, all of the chemicals formed a thick mashed potato consistency. Just to give an idea of how thick, while mixing everything, the moist cacti powder would stick and clump to the spoon

step 4: using a French press add ethyl acetate, mix for around 30 seconds and decant into double coffee filter. First pull of EA was around 11.82 grams, the following 5 pulls were around 7.4 grams

step 5: Let decanted EA sit for 6 hours, then inspect for droplets. No droplets were found

step 6: add approximately 0.15 grams of citric acid and let sit for 3 days.

I aded a pic showing the amount I got. Not even sure if its actual mesc citrate.

Again, this is from bridgesii monstrous short form, so it should be pretty potent. Anybody have any recommendations or see anything I'm doing wrong? I'd appreciate any feedback!


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I´ve never tried the CIELO tek so I can´t comment on thatbut what I could suggest is that you simply try it with another extraction method to compare (or even a tea bioassay).. if you´re still yielding such low amounts, then you likely unfortunately have weak cactus.

Another thing you can do to try and increase yields is keeping your cutting in the dark for a month or two in the dark before extracting.

Let us know if you further experiment! Good luck!
I've once eating around 60 grams fresh of the cacti being tested plus 80 grams fresh from another bridgesii monstrous and tripped pretty good off that little amount. So I'm assuming it's pretty potent. I can't know for sure since I mixed it with another bridge though.
Could be right (does look abit small), most bridgesii sit around 2%, monstrose is a little stronger so let's say 3% max that's a total of .175g. It can be hard working with small amounts.

Try pulling again with hot EA add it to the other EA and use extra citric acid.
So heat the EA, put the heated EA in the cacti powder which is inside the French press, and decant agin through double coffee filter? then add more citric acid? Does using hot EA give u better results than room temp EA?
It can, heated solvent usually makes a substance more soluble. Don't use an open flame. Hot water bath with water from a kettle should work.
try 15mg/l for citric acid.
Maybe try 1 min pulls and tiny bit more EA.
So I re added and decanted warm EA to the moist cacti powder that was sitting for 3 days and the decanted EA has formed white chunks all in the EA beaker. So It doesn't look like its really usable anymore. Not sure if the white chunks were formed from heating the EA, or using 3 day old wet cacti powder
Maybe the white chunks are lime or some emulsion from the paste (I assume you haven't added acid yet). You have much smaller amounts than I have ever used but maybe this helps:

Put the EA liquid in the fridge for the night, even with the white stuff. Decant again carefully through a filter while still cold whether you see water drops or not, try and avoid decanting the white stuff - the cold usually helps stuff stick to the glass. Then add the citric acid. If there is alkaloid content you should see a cloud as you add citric (I crush the citric to make it dissolve faster, not sure if its necessary). Stir once or twice and leave it be. If it clouded you should see crystals growing soon if there is some mesc in there.

Its very important that the EA liquid is really clean after the pulls (hence the filter - settle in fridge - filter again) before you add acid.

Because your amounts are small its gonna be fiddly I guess, but hope that helps? I am getting close to 3% from my regular Bridgesii. I have some monstrose but haven't tried it with that yet.
There is a table of extraction data on the forum that relates to this as that it lists Echinopsis langeniformis monstrose at around 0.4% mescaline. This data is for Clone B aka the short bridgesii monstrose and it used outer tissue if I recall correctly.

An old SAB extraction thread from decades ago (doesn't exist anymore) listed rather similar results for the clone.

The yields reported by the OP seem right in line with the reported recoveries from previous extractions of the same clone.

This clone is well known for being very active when ingested but not giving the best recoveries and the speculation about bridgesii containing more than mescaline seems to potentially originate with this clone and the old discussions about it. People report full effects from the clone in the 10-20 gram dried weight range for outer skin but have not reported being able to extract a full dose of mescaline from the same material when using standard Acid Base or STB extractions.
My experience is that TB monstrose is the strongest and most consistent tricho cactus, but it is still possible that your particular cactus is just not very potent.
I have no experience with CIELO tek, so can not comment on that, but in general, every extraction approach needs some practise.
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