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Ginger shot


Rising Star
In in stores that rhyme with fidle, there is an ginger shot which according to label doesn't contain preservatives, it contains ginger juices, lemon or lime juice and apple juice (there is variete with mango and one with turmeric)

Would this be ok to ingest right before ayahuasca? (i am mainly concerned about apple juice)

Thank you :)
Hey... We have entire thread on the ginger shot method. The Secret-Alchemist Club Anti-Nausea Shot

The potency in those store-bought shots is sometimes pretty weak, It is often quite a bit stronger doing a juicer juice, or the water-juicing method @Sicho Naut referenced, which is described in the bottom part of the first post of that thread. Any ginger can be functionally effective though, even chewing tiny bits of it.

However there is a reason citrus is on the "Do not consume" list of the official 'Ayahuasca Diets'... It's not a mystical shaman-rule... the acidity can really wreck some peoples gut with Aya and they have a very unpleasant time. The apple juice is acidic too, and compounds the acidity with the citrus.

But those kind of 'guidelines' are made to apply to everyone en masse, including/especially those most susceptible or sensitive.

With Aya, the general idea is to limit as many variables and points of failure as possible... so taking a mixed shot may have a negative impact if you are sensitive for some reason.

In my opinion, any level of ginger would be great, even if its not a thick ginger juice shot... The citrus along with some sugars from the apple juice may help activate digestion in the gut... Not digesting Aya well is a consistent game... and is hugely variable per person and per session... So having a stomach-activator like this IMO could have good potential for benefit. The citrus may do fine with you as well.

I wouldn't stress about it... IMO if you feel called to it, might as well try it, and see if it helps you. My two main concerns would be just the potency of the ginger content itself, and if you happen to be personally citrus/acid sensitive when consuming Aya... Other than that, it very well may also hold some great tangible benefit too at both preventing nausea and stimulating digestion to properly absorb the plant medicine :)
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