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Go out and smoke DMT in the woods.

Migrated topic.
I'm waiting for summer fuck the cold, distractions distractions :x that mad smiley... i dunno, looks... i dunno hey, yeah, i agree eitherway i used to LOVE breaking through on my old balcony facing outwards to trees and street lights lol that first moment you open your eyes and nothing really makes any sense, ohhh purdy, that looked soooo good :D
This is an old thread but I must say that taking that advice can seriously change your life. I've smoked in a lot of settings but nothing compares to being alone in the wilderness. Your senses are already heightened, it's already beautiful and peaceful and clean, you don't have to think about any of the bullshit that governs our daily lives, [b:6dbe28351c]you're fully present[/b:6dbe28351c]...it makes a HELL of a difference, or maybe I should say HEAVEN of a difference. My wilderness DMT trips, hell all the trips I've had either in the high desert or mountains, be it with smoked or insnuffulated DMT, Ayahuasca, mushrooms, mescaline, and acid, and various combos, have all been by far the most insightful, healing, and the most connected with what I call God. I've come down from some of these trips with a permanently shifted and more positive way of thinking. I've had my questions answered in the most direct manner there is. If you like the spice you've gotta do this. It could be the most important thing you ever do!
[quote:fb6ed4b4c8="Garulfo"]My friend can't wait to try it on the beach... (during night) 8) ! Anybody tested a beach-trip ?[/quote:fb6ed4b4c8] SWIM spent the better part of a week tripping on mushrooms at a very private beach. he loved every second of it, imo there is no better sound to accompany ego loss than waves crashing on the beach. There is no more sound more eternal, more beautiful. The whole time he felt like he was being re connencted to his past in an almost physically tangible way. he saw the whole birth ov the universe, the creation of the world, and the process of evolution take place. Highly recommended, much better than trips in the woods in my humble opinion. No DMT experiences under the belt so it might be a completely different experience doing that at the beach.
Im dying to try the spice outdoors live in the city so its hard though I could get to a beach sounds like a good idea, ive always just done it in the house beahc at night sounds doable for me really have to do this, cilosybs giving me ideas "it could be the most important thing you ever do" :D Peace and Love
I haven't tried DMT in nature but I certainly will. I only use shrooms and DMT now and I only take shrooms in nature now. Tripping on shrooms indoors for me sucks. I feel like doing it outdoors is "the right way to do it". But that's what I've learned from experience and I only talk for myself. Tripping in a beautiful place in wild nature is my confirmation of the existence of God/higher reality- whatever you want to call it. I've just had very spiritual experiences tripping in nature.
i done a lot of tripping in nature when i was younger but i just dont think its for me now.i once got in to weather trouble in the scottish highlands on lsa,i was left with the choice of riding my motorcycle to the nearest village while hallucinating or letting my girlfriend who has kidney failure die on the mountains.well i had to ride to the village at 20mph shitting it,wasn't untill i got ther at what felt like about 3 hours later thet i realised i had been driving without lights on.unless ther was sitters and a good plan b,then its not for me.......ps preperation for the trip was another story.
[quote:d6c9ec6ca6="shansuke nakamura"]i done a lot of tripping in nature when i was younger but i just dont think its for me now.i once got in to weather trouble in the scottish highlands on lsa,i was left with the choice of riding my motorcycle to the nearest village while hallucinating or letting my girlfriend who has kidney failure die on the mountains.well i had to ride to the village at 20mph shitting it,wasn't untill i got ther at what felt like about 3 hours later thet i realised i had been driving without lights on.unless ther was sitters and a good plan b,then its not for me.......ps preperation for the trip was another story.[/quote:d6c9ec6ca6] I dont think having a bad experience like that constitutes leaving nature out of a trip. It does bring to light planning though. Just as you shouldnt be in the middle of nowhere with no survival equipment, no medication for your gf who has kidney problems, you also shouldnt go to any random spot on the woods. Should at least look into known hiking areas ( just dont trip in the middle of a hiking path) in you need help it will be close by, make sure the area is not populated by bears or snakes...imagine that popping up during a trip!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh the beach. I am actually going to the beach JUST to experience DMT on the cool sand during the time of sunset. Imagine sitting on the cool sand in Egypt looking at the pyramids.......
this may be an older thread, but whatever spice was attempted last week in the backyard on a beautiful and warm day, but the wind wouldn't allow the flame to stay up long enough but definitely when it warms up again
I have actually found that wind can detract from the experience rather significantly, as can any external stimuli which may present discomfort and /or draw your focus. I found this most unfortunate because I once attempted to smoke DMT at right in front of this RAD waterfall... [img:068f603630]http://www.ejphoto.com/images_of_the_month/OR_SilverFallsSouth01.jpg[/img:068f603630] ...but all the wind and mist became remarkably unpleasant and bothersome upon smoking DMT, which is unfortunate as the visuals I had there, as you can imagine if you're familiar with the spice, were spectacular.
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