Oh, this guy. Hahaha.
Why is 50g necessary? Why is it necessary to potentially cause a permanent psychological problem for oneself. Don't get me wrong, I ate around 23g in 3 hours one time... after over a decade, the only thing I really remember was that I was still somehow babysitting everyone else. I was also young and dumb in my early 20s.
I appreciate his passion (and may he rest in peace), but I'm not a fan of what he promoted. It sounds like a recipe for disaster for more people than it may be beneficial for.
There's also the phenomenon of falling-for-your-own-bullshit, which I feel he may have. He made a lot of unsubstantiated claims as though they are facts and he had some faulty comparisons of other psychedelics that is indicative of having not tried them, and so in essence, with the claims he made, he didn't really know what he was talking about. He wasn't interested in accuracy that much. It seems he was more interested in the optics of looking informed to back up his ideas. The more conviction someone delivers information with the more likely people are to believe and/or align with it.
However, and while he may have said otherwise, I can't help but wonder how much of this was an overly inflated and a bit out of control ego he may have been operating with.
The other issue is that "50g" this day in age can mean a wide range of things. At the center I work at there was a short period where we were using one strain that was 7.4mg/g (Elf Machine) of psilocybin and psilocin and another that had a potency of 15.2mg/g (Bluey Vutton). So imagine, one of these strains at 50g is almost double the amount of tryptamines than the other.
I don't know, it's just not something I can take seriously.
One love