Rising Star
A 50cm T. pachanoi was watered daily for more than 3 weeks, during which time it developed several black holes (biggest was thumb-size) not more than 5cm above the soil. The flesh was soft to the touch and appeared to be clearly rotten.
Powdered cinnamon was applied on the holes, together with 2 doses of carbendazim emulsion in water.
Almost a week later, the holes are healing and they are hard when pressed. They have clearly not grown further.
This is just an example, but I want to show that the common recommendation of cutting the cactus whenever there's rot is not necessarily reasonable. Treatment is very possible and should be contemplated.
Powdered cinnamon was applied on the holes, together with 2 doses of carbendazim emulsion in water.
Almost a week later, the holes are healing and they are hard when pressed. They have clearly not grown further.
This is just an example, but I want to show that the common recommendation of cutting the cactus whenever there's rot is not necessarily reasonable. Treatment is very possible and should be contemplated.