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Great Article on how Consciousness is a Medium for VR

Migrated topic.


Hail the keys!

This article proposes the very interesting view that things such as culture, media, countries, and ideologies are all just virtual realities with no objective existence. Throughout my experience with psychedelics, I have had realizations pertaining to this, but the article does an excellent job at explaining these fake realities we construct for ourselves in depth and providing a lot of great examples.

In the past, I have considered all of these things to simply be based on subjective ideologies, but the author has a more specific view of ideology that has it included under the umbrella of VR. This is a fascinating read and very pertinent to many psychedelic revelations.
Thanks, Ram, a great read. Unlike the majority of articles with VR in the title, this one had some intriguing perspectives on meat-space. I started thinking of various ruins as obsolete platforms, and how they ended up that way...which is a healthy meditation, IME 😁
Thx Ram for the hint.

Long time ago, I've started not believing my own reality tunnels anymore as "true", yet I still have them of course as it is not obvious to not have them. Yet the gravity they take on me makes all the difference. I can now much better smile at them like it feels not being jailed by them as much anymore.
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