Hello Pandora to clarify what I meant by exploring with entheogens and also how they saved my mind. I used to be in a really bad place with heroin and meth iv use started young and it just took a hold of me quick and I was at its mercy. I got to the point of doing terrable things which got me in trouble with some people and i was forced to move around from where I was. Which leads me to the rez part I ended up on a native american reservation to this day I don't know how i chose this place i still don't think i had anything to do with it. This lovely woman took me in and helped me get my weight up and i helped her take care of her, she introduces me to her brother this is where my first psychedelic trip took place with the stone people and a Yuwipi (medicine sweat lodge) My first sweat they gave me peyote and told me to drink outrages amounts of water and once i was in the lodge they told me to pray like hell haha. that first week they had me in a sweat every sunset and i was given peyote twice that week to cleanse my spirit, i stayed with these people for 8 months removing the spirits that i brought on me. After this i did some more traveling with a group of people visiting ecovillages, other communes, and ashrams its been something of an amazing experience that i would never push on anyone if that makes sense. As for other psychedelics ive tried to explore these whenever i could to dig deeper into my own self (aside from yoga and other practices) I dont do them as much as i was did before but just let them find their way to me and with that intent they seem to come around when i need them. LSA(morning and hbwr), LSD, DMT, Ayahuasca, Yopo snuff, Peyote, Mescaline, San Pedro, Amanita, various magic mushrooms and one truffle type, Bufo Toad, DOM, (2c-I, 2c-E, 2c-T-2, the NBOMe's I didn't much care for) Salvia, and MDMA that is about it on the psychedelics its been a great journey of self-discovery and these tools did aid on pushing me to look at my flaws and not hide behind labels i placed on myself. Hope this answered the question.