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Green 5-MeO-DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So someone I know has this 5-MeO-DMT that he got from a polish RC supplier. The powder is dark olive green. Is this normal?
I had some 5-meo-DMT and was clear initially but in vinegar it to a deep brown color over time.
4-aco-DMT fumerate changed from clear to dark greenish brown in vodka

I really don't know for sure what yours is, that is just my experience
wabkia said:
So someone I know has this 5-MeO-DMT that he got from a polish RC supplier. The powder is dark olive green. Is this normal?

Freebase oxidize quickly as far as I understood also. If it was freebase, then maybe it got a tint to it. though green is a weird one I agree.
Thank you. My friend will send Me pictures tomorrow to show you. Shame. This was from a reputable distributor.

If anyone knows:

The 5-MeO-DiPT was very crystalline and sparkley like good molly. Good?

The 5-MeO-AMT was off white and powdery, like talc powder.
Try and send some pics.
You can enquire about thge color to your vendor if he's a serious one, he should be answering.
wabkia said:
Thank you. My friend will send Me pictures tomorrow to show you. Shame. This was from a reputable distributor.

If anyone knows:

The 5-MeO-DiPT was very crystalline and sparkley like good molly. Good?

The 5-MeO-AMT was off white and powdery, like talc powder.

wakbia, please think well about what im about to say to you:

There is no way you can describe what a substance look like (or even send the best resolution picture) and expect us to tell you if its the substance you hope it is. I have argued the same thing about DMT here. You say something is crystalline and sparkley, well, that could be about a million things, from some tetracaine to dmt to molly to your expected substance to some mineral salt to some mislabelled toxic substance to go knows what. Off white and powdery like talc powder, could be talc powder, could be sodium carbonate, could be some active substance that you want, could be an active substance you dont want, could be some poison etc etc etc

Now, buying research chemicals has an inherent danger, which is, there are no guarantees about the product you are buying. A research chemical supplier may have a great track record, have always sold good products, but it is possible that they have just one single mislabelled batch, and then maybe you are the unlucky one to buy from that one-time-mistake, and ingest a substance that should have a dosage of 20mg, but actually has a dosage of 0.2mg... then what? Then you might have a serious problem, maybe eve die, like that owner of a RC company that died because of taking a mislabelled batch of some RC from his own company that was actually bromodragonfly. So if even the owner of these companies can die, should you really trust your life based on what whoever here might say about how a substance looks ?

Many (all?) of the RC come from china, from labs that are synthesizing multiple substances (that have different toxicity, dosages, etc etc), and often in some labs in terrible conditions (I wish I could find again some pictures I had bookmarked from one lab to show you). I dont think its that unlikely that they screw something up. And im not even going to talk about the potential impurities from synth or the unknown long term health effects of some of these RCs even when pure.

I say this all not to be scaremongering, or to be unrealistic and want you to never again take these substances. I say this because I honestly think that you can do something which doesnt take too much effort or money, which is, to get some colorimetric reagents and test your products, and potentially save your own life/health. I have described how it works here, its very simple, plus in that thread there are links where to buy them. The color results are in the thread I linked in my other post above. In the long term, it would be very worth it for you to research for even better ways to identify, some of which you could still do yourself, like melting point test (with a thiele tube), TLC (as described in my other thread), or send it to a lab that can do some advanced chromatography. But at least, you can do the simple colorimetric tests.

Another thing I really really ask you to do is to do an 'allergy' test with any batch/substance you take for the first time, which is to basically take a very tiny amount, like a fraction of a mg, and see if there are any negative reactions. You can gradually raise your dosage in subsequent sessions (with reasonable time in between to not create tolerance), and be attentive to any negative effects.

Please be safe! This is your health, the happiness of those who care about you, as well as the safety for this community in case something happens to you and it gets traced back that you are getting your advices here. Good luck!
endlessness said:
Please be safe! This is your health, the happiness of those who care about you, as well as the safety for this community in case something happens to you and it gets traced back that you are getting your advices here. Good luck!

Thank you sir. I'll be getting some reagents.
Maybe those economical Poles have been milking some of those Bulfaro frogs of their sap....maybe that's why it's green??? :roll: :? :arrow: :idea:
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