Digital Machine
Hello Nexus,
I have been reading the Nexus almost daily for over a year now. I am very impressed with this online community. I have learned so much and have loved some of the brilliant reply's and topics many of you have made. I joke to my colleagues at times that I swear there are sages and shamans behind those screen names.
In reality It is more likely that exploring entheogens has made many of you much more aware.
I am not good at talking about myself so here is a short intro. I am in my late 30's have been a 3D Computer Artist Professionally for over 17 years. Back "IN THE DAY" I used to love tripping (shrooms and cid). I have always had a love of theology and science thus I always was full of questions. Along time ago when I was 18 I met someone who introduced me into Astral Projection/OBE. They demonstrated it to me which was an utter surprise. I always liked the idea but my critical/logic science side always thought it was bullshit. Well that proved to me enough that it was indeed "Possible"... now I just need to experience it for myself. I got back into it several years ago but never devoted the proper time and energy to achieve a conscious OBE. Through my research I came across DMT and the re exploration of entheogens as another avenue to explore the outer/inner consciousness.
Well that sure as hell did the trick for me. Sometimes I think I took the easy way, but I still want to achieve a conscious OBE naturally. I feel am closer than ever because ever since my first breakthrough and getting deeply humbled by different entities/expriences I have been able to meditate better than I ever thought possible. Ayahausca and DMT has changed my life. It totally crushed my old worldview and now I have spent the past year assembling a new one.
Peace and Love.
I have been reading the Nexus almost daily for over a year now. I am very impressed with this online community. I have learned so much and have loved some of the brilliant reply's and topics many of you have made. I joke to my colleagues at times that I swear there are sages and shamans behind those screen names.
I am not good at talking about myself so here is a short intro. I am in my late 30's have been a 3D Computer Artist Professionally for over 17 years. Back "IN THE DAY" I used to love tripping (shrooms and cid). I have always had a love of theology and science thus I always was full of questions. Along time ago when I was 18 I met someone who introduced me into Astral Projection/OBE. They demonstrated it to me which was an utter surprise. I always liked the idea but my critical/logic science side always thought it was bullshit. Well that proved to me enough that it was indeed "Possible"... now I just need to experience it for myself. I got back into it several years ago but never devoted the proper time and energy to achieve a conscious OBE. Through my research I came across DMT and the re exploration of entheogens as another avenue to explore the outer/inner consciousness.
Well that sure as hell did the trick for me. Sometimes I think I took the easy way, but I still want to achieve a conscious OBE naturally. I feel am closer than ever because ever since my first breakthrough and getting deeply humbled by different entities/expriences I have been able to meditate better than I ever thought possible. Ayahausca and DMT has changed my life. It totally crushed my old worldview and now I have spent the past year assembling a new one.
Peace and Love.