Hello. I first want to express my appreciation for the creation of this site. I have viewed this forum and others many times when I needed information that ended up keeping me safer and making my experiences available but was reluctant to register as a member because I did not want to be party to the sensationalizing of psychedelic drugs particularly dmt. After reading the (forgot what the site called it) list of ideals that this forum asks its users to uphold in its conversations I felt like registering. The knowledge base I have accessed in the past would not be here if not for the people brave enough to create it and I need to take my place as one of them because I feel like its the right thing to do. I have strong disagreements with the way our governments, mainstream and counterculture see the use of this class of chemicals (among so many other topics) but my convictions themselves continue to form quietly by observation and it is not my intention to debate them by joining this forum. I feel like given the intention of this site and the way I have witnessed people carrying that out in their conversation that my joining will help communicate a clearer picture of why someone would use dmt to anyone who visits this site without already having that answer. More for myself, I stand to learn as I already have but it will be helpful to be able to ask the specific question I have if I cannot find it on an existing forum. Thanks again to the individuals who created and sustain this site. I dont know anyone else personally who shares the particular interest that those on this forum do and it feels nice to take the first step and become involved in that community.