Rising Star
I want to first say thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community. After a lot of reading, searching and pondering all sorts of questions and would be answers, my quest has led me here to the Nexus. If I may, allow me to explain things in a bit more detail.
Several years ago around 1994,95, I experienced some very intense, very real and otherworldly “dreams.” These were the sort of dreams one has difficulty in accepting they are only dreams. These dreams led to a host of not so ordinary experiences in my waking world. I began to notice all kinds of uncommon events in time, coincidences, manifestations that at times made me question my sanity and or sobriety. Oddly enough at this time in my life I did not even drink or use/consume any type of substances. When the dust settled over the course of the next 3 years and work and college took over my immediate attention, I retained a sense of needing to answer questions on my deeper thoughts, feelings and experiences. No one I talked to had any answers outside of maybe I should turn my life over to Jesus, see a therapist, stop reading comic books, stop watching Science Fiction movies etc. In other words the only advice given to me by others was to completely shut off the connection to my imagination and desire to explore the deeper source and meaning of my dreams and daydreams.
I have never really considered myself to be a religious person however many aspects of what is considered to be “Spirituality” is and have been a part of my life since my early teens. I have always questioned the nature of myself and just where I am in space, time and just how sturdy is the foundation of my understanding of those ideas and concepts. In a sense one could say what I believe I know to be real has never quite been enough to satisfy my curiosity and need to know more. In recent years I have studied the different spiritual practices of many cultures and the means and methods employed on the road to self and universal awareness and discovery. My curiosity and desire to learn and know more have now hit it’s peak which in turn has led me to this particular path if you will. I feel fortunate to have found others on such a journey.
Thank you all
Several years ago around 1994,95, I experienced some very intense, very real and otherworldly “dreams.” These were the sort of dreams one has difficulty in accepting they are only dreams. These dreams led to a host of not so ordinary experiences in my waking world. I began to notice all kinds of uncommon events in time, coincidences, manifestations that at times made me question my sanity and or sobriety. Oddly enough at this time in my life I did not even drink or use/consume any type of substances. When the dust settled over the course of the next 3 years and work and college took over my immediate attention, I retained a sense of needing to answer questions on my deeper thoughts, feelings and experiences. No one I talked to had any answers outside of maybe I should turn my life over to Jesus, see a therapist, stop reading comic books, stop watching Science Fiction movies etc. In other words the only advice given to me by others was to completely shut off the connection to my imagination and desire to explore the deeper source and meaning of my dreams and daydreams.
I have never really considered myself to be a religious person however many aspects of what is considered to be “Spirituality” is and have been a part of my life since my early teens. I have always questioned the nature of myself and just where I am in space, time and just how sturdy is the foundation of my understanding of those ideas and concepts. In a sense one could say what I believe I know to be real has never quite been enough to satisfy my curiosity and need to know more. In recent years I have studied the different spiritual practices of many cultures and the means and methods employed on the road to self and universal awareness and discovery. My curiosity and desire to learn and know more have now hit it’s peak which in turn has led me to this particular path if you will. I feel fortunate to have found others on such a journey.
Thank you all