Hello, I am a university student that has been utilizing psychoactives for spiritual/psychological purposes for about six years. I mark the beginning at my very first transformative psychoactive experience, one with dextromethorphan. I came into contact with entities that communicated telepathically with me. I was surprisingly not on a plateau 4 or sigma dose, in fact I was on a plateau 2 dose. But this day changed my life forever, and since that day I have used numerous other psychoactives for the purpose of exploring the inner workings of the brain, mind, and spirit. I am also an avid reader of material related to psychedelics. My two favorite books on the subject are "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" by Rick Strassman and "Food of the Gods" by Terence McKenna. If you have not read these books I highly recommend checking them out! As far as DMT experiences go, I have not had an experience whereby I have "broken through." My biggest hopes for this website will be learning about the various extraction techniques that are used to acquire this wonderful crystallized molecule. I am also a student of neuroscience, and one thing I hope to research one day is how this wonderful chemical affects neurons and other brain cells, and to investigate the mystery of why this compound shows up in hundreds of grasses and animals. I hope I find as much as I hope to in this wonderfully community of psychedelic travelers. Thank you for having this forum, the internet connects all Earthlings better than any mail or transit system!
Love & Light to all ~
Love & Light to all ~