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greetings fellow psyconaughts!!!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hello iam on a mission for an even higher undestanding of my own quality of life.i hope i can be moved to full membership soon.(great idea behind that btw).uuh i really look forward to meeting some awesome people here and sharing some of my life expieriences with you all.thank you much
ok i guess i didnt really know what to say in my first essay but now ive read the rules more and got a better feeling for this site.

so le me try again,hi dmt is the last psych on my list to accomplish.im very expierienced with lsd,psilocybin,2cb,2ce,2ci,25inbome,ketamine,4aco-dmt,dob,doc and doi...and tons of other random things that isnt really important.

currently its been 3months since ive used and psychs(actually anything but alchohol).ive been on a break cause i was using mushrooms wayy too often and unresponsibly in my opinion.so now im ready to indulge in what ive been reading about and wanting soo bad to try...cmon you know what it is hahahaha.

i do psycedellics as a form of self epression,exploring my own consciouss,and what i thinkis myreligion (if thats what you want to call it)

i do understand most of what you are all talking about in your teks,im not a total noob at things like this but ihope with all your help ican eventually put into this website what i hope to get out of it and help people myself with advice and possibly teks of my own.once again nice to meet you all
Hello whitechapel47,

Welcome to the Nexus. Thank you so much for taking the time to read the rules and add to your Introduction Essay. This was a great start.

If you don't mind, it would help if you could go back and use the Edit function to break your essay into discrete paragraphs with returns in between - kind of like you see me doing here. People want to read what you have to say, but it has to be readable or they tend to click away quickly. :)

You may or may not have heard yet that DMT is a unique psychedelic, not a party drug, and demanding of tremendous respect. I'm glad you learned your lesson with the shrooms, but I hope that DMT does not literally become an indulgence for you. Many use it as a catalyst for everything from insight to growth to spirituality, etc. . . .

If any particular tek is confusing you, please be sure to review it a couple times, then do not hesitate to post any questions you may have. You should understand it thoroughly before attempting it. You can always drop into chat for some potential quick answers to questions . . . .

Please keep looking around. This place is huge and there's a lot going on here. I think every active member, in their own way, has lots to contribute, even if that's just replying to threads. . . .

So, here's looking forward to seeing you around this place - again, welcome to the Nexus.
thank you pandora! my essay does look alot neater now.and thank you for taking the time to read it.

i promise i will explore very responsibly with this.i dont party at all anymore haha id rather sit in my room all alone put on some good tunes or rainforest sounds and explore the universe:grin:
thanks you all

im still trying to get be able to make posts anywhere but if anyone needs help with growing P. cubensis let me kno i can prob help you out.(for legal and educational purposes only):lol:

that was my main focus for the last few years...now im interested in dmt, so if i can help anybody out that can help me out that would be great.

once again thank you all
journeymann, id love to hear some of your fictional lsa stories as much as id love to share some of mine with you:d
ok since i cant post in many topics yet id like to share with you all my most powerful psycedelic expierience ive had yet.which has made this a permanent part of my life.

so i kno all of you know what syrian rue, i was researching the norm one day and found out it will not only orally activate DMT but will potenate other psychedelics as well.

so i decided go get some and give it a go.ok i will willing admit what im did this day was a big, big mistake, since then i have a totally new found MAJOR respect for psychedellics.i used lemon juice in 3 boils with 3 grams of syrian rue seed which i put in a cloth sack and smashed to shit with a hammer first.

i had the day planned to go to some waterfalls bout a half hour away with my girlfriend,her brother and his girlfriend.i drank my rue tea and half an hour i ate 3.5 grams of some nice closed capped cubensis along with 4 blotters of some "decent" lsd(was told it was L but suspect it was 25i).im not gonna lie i thought i was badass cause i got to the point i could easily handle doses higher than that no problem and go in public and do whatever....boy did i underestimate the rue:shock:

so after i consumed all my goodies and on the way there the comeup was unlike any ive had before.the hills the trees the whole scenery just looked so amazing i couldnt beleive it...at this point i had a good reason to beleive the syrian rue was deffinatly doing something.

we got to the waterfall spot(which people arnt really suppoed to be at but lots are there anyway cause theres 40ft+ cliffs to jump off 😁

before we started down the 20 minuite trail to get to the spot i smoked a feew bowls, nonstop talking about how im havin the best trip of my life right now, everything was so great at this point.

we got half way to the spot and i REALLY started tripping.HARD.i all of a sudden dropped to my knees i felt like i couldnt control myself anymore.(the fear starts hitting me here).my girl and friends asked whats wrong i said"im good i just got a nasty vibration outa nowhere"

then, trying to get myself togther i look at my arm which is tattoed solid my whole arm, and my tatoos floated off my arm and i saw my arm completly bare skinned with no tattoos and my tattoos were on the ground right in front of me....this freaked me out and this when shit got bad.

i told my brother in law to hold my hand cause i had finally done and i was going to die.luckily he was expierienced with people tripping out and keeping them calm.
i started rolling around and kicking the dirt because there were things i had never seen on any drug floating in the trees coming at me and closing my eyes were worse.i rememer mostly crazy colorful geometric patterns and giant spiders and the trees had faces.at this point i couldnt even control my body to stand.and most of all i swear my creator was right there in front of me telling me everything about life.it was just too overwhelming to comprehend.

meanwhile people are walking by stopping and starting to form a crowd saying"oh my god what the fuck is wrong with him?"my bro in law told them i just turned 21 and drank way too much.luckilly they all bought it and went on with theyre buisness cause one guy had his phone out and he was dialing 911.

for the next 4 hours i went so far into the trip i dont even remember them carrying me back to the car.i came to reality for a split minuite in the car and had no clue what happened, they told me "you ate a ton of fucking drugs and your losing your mind".as soon as i recollected what i had done the trip came back full force and i was in outerspace for another hour or so.then i was still triping really hard but i was back in my mind so we started the trip home.after that i actually had a lot of fun on the comedown laughing and having fun...then the most amazing afterglow for the next 2 days

i appreciate anybody that took the time to read that.i kno that was a really stupid mistake i made and im glad i make it home and not in jail, er or looneybin.

peace dmt nexus have a great night
i drank my rue tea and half an hour i ate 3.5 grams of some nice closed capped cubensis along with 4 blotters of some "decent" lsd(was told it was L but suspect it was 25i

Be thankful you are alive.

IMHO, unless you can elrich your lsd, DO NOT take a maoi to potentiate it. Rue or any maoi would probably be lethal with 25i if you dosed high enough. Phens & maois are generally an extremely dangerous combo, possibly with the exception of mescaline and rue or vine.

Glad you made it through, but in the future, know taking a maoi with a 25x substance is extremely dangerous, and could very well kill you.

Be safe, lsd & rue is fine, so long as its verified lsd (elrich reagent test, or dancesafe submission, idk if they take blotters though). With the amount of 25x being sold as lsd currently its an unnacceptable risk to assume its lsd and safe to combine with a maoi.
thanks for the advice daytripper, i dont think il combine a maoi with anything but mimosa from now on.i know i was loosing my mind with the anxiety of the trip but i did also feel some very unpleasent things going on in my body i knew wasnt from psycs.i heard rue was ok with lsd or psilocybin but i did not know any 25x chems could be fatal.again thank you for that advice i appreciate it very much:thumb_up:
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