nen888 said:
i would be interested to hear about how you would contrast ayahuasca vs vaped dmt (if u have tried this method).
i feel the 'shamanic' aspect of smoked dmt/plant extracts have been underemphasised, perhaps due to lack of ethnobotanic info.
the Yopo, Hekula & Vilca snuffs (etc.), in their fast mode of action (45-60min) could be compared to the modern vapedmt experience.
nen888, I have had breakthroughs via vaping space and drinking aya and aya-analogues...
the word "shamanic" is open to your interpretation, so I can't opinionate on that with intersubjective accuracy w/o knowing your meaning. However, these two methods are quite different experiences. (Perhaps like freebasing, say, crack would be different from other forms of ingesting that particular ego-amping devil.)
Vaping spice can certainly be a revelatory wisdom tool for some. But, at breakthrough doses, it's kind of like a dream or a hyperspace movie, and is SO MUCH - SO FAST, and is then over. Whereas with the Aya, you fade into and out of the peak... And with the peak being mellower by comparison, and lengthier, you stand a better chance of processing insights that are more subjectively relevant to you and your life process... It is easier to grasp how it's about you and yours.
Have not tried the snuff forms, tho if your description of 45-60 min is accurate, it would be much more similar to drinking aya than it to FB spice... Which makes sense, as it's a less direct route and is less high tech. 60 minutes is a good long time - this isn't shroomies or L. I'll have to hunt around here for guidance re: the snuffs you speak of... Feel free to post links or recommend threads to help me on the way. Perhaps, we can both report back after snuff experimentation?
soma-seeker, being is Latin America, is in such close proximity to the tradition, that there is little need to bother with the FB, unless there is a strong interest. Easy access to conventional forms is such a rich opportunity to be explored in and of itself, I'd reckon.