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Greetings from Holland

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Greetings to everyone whom might read this!

First of all, I'll spare you my life story. I've been writing an essay almost a page long in this message box yesterday, but all in all it was gibberish, and I decided to sleep on it, and return today.

Long story short, I've finally been able to get my hands on some of the elusive spirit molecule, and after testing the waters with some small doses, the need arised to share these experiences, as well as to gather some advice from all the experienced psychonauts on here. I've been reading a LOT on this forum, but now that I'm literally just a decision away from 'blasting off into hyperspace', I need a few things straightened out. Please excuse me for stating my experiences and questions as bluntly as I'm going to do:

1. I once read on these forums that when one's not experienced with psychedelics of any kind, doing a breakthrough dose of DMT is a VERY bad idea. How true is this statement? I consider myself having a strong mind, having countless experiences with lucid dreams. Only point is, up until recently I've never dared to touch anything other than marijuana, though doing some psychedelic mushrooms is high on my wish-list. It's just that the DMT found me before I found something else.

2. I don't have the luxury of being able to weigh my dose exactly, so I started with literally a dose the size of the tip of a pointy blade. This dose confirmed it actually is DMT, the smell/taste was exactly what I was expecting from all my research. Also, the mild body-high and physiological effects verified this. The 2nd dose was, to my estimates, around 5-10 mg, and indeed some mild visual hallucinogenic effects took place. Now that I feel that I am ready for a 'real' dose, my fear is that I might overdose. Luckily, my total 'stash' is only 200mg, so I have a visual point of reference, but: would it be a really bad thing if I might dose 50 to 75 mg instead of the recommended dose (<=40mg)??

Last but not least, if anyone has something to add that I've not yet addressed, please do so!

Best wishes to all of you, and thank you for taking the time to read (and maybe respond) to my message! :thumb_up:
SimplifiedTen said:
but: would it be a really bad thing if I might dose 50 to 75 mg instead of the recommended dose (<=40mg)??

Yes it would be a bad idea..IMO...

25/30mg, properly vaped is going to get you where you want to go...

A big dose when your inexperienced could very well scare the crap out of you...baby steps is my advice...8)
Hi cyb!

Thanks! The only problem stated is that I only have a very limited supply, and wouldn't be able to get any more for quite a while... But this advice is well taken, I might still be able to get my hands on a mg scale as not to waste the precious little amount left. As for the 'could very well scare the crap out of you' part, in what sense? Because I don't personally experience 'fears' of any kind be a limiting factor, but merely as a physical response to heighten ones awareness.
would it be a really bad thing if I might dose 50 to 75 mg instead of the recommended dose (<=40mg)??
if you've got to ask I'd say you've got more research to do, but I'm with Cyb it would be a very bad idea for someone not experienced with psychedelics.
I've done shrooms for years, Large doses consisting of 21g dried pans/azures and my first breakthrough was a lot for me to handle so I'd say get a scale and start of at 20mg and go from their. Being safe should always be the first priority.
The total loss of control can be intimidating for those who've never gone through total loss of reality. it's hard to explain because they effect us all so differently but I can say for sure you won't be ready for it, no one is.
Sykosis said:
The total loss of control can be intimidating for those who've never gone through total loss of reality. it's hard to explain because they effect us all so differently but I can say for sure you won't be ready for it, no one is.

That's a good one, loss of reality! I once experienced that... As a child I experienced an illness, during which I fell into limbo if you will. This happened during a normal nights sleep, but it felt like eternity. Instead of normally falling asleep, maybe even dreaming, and afterwards just waking up, I was compressed if you will to a pure mathematical point, but dimensionless, timeless, just gone. Pure consciousness, no body, nowhere, no time, no nothing. Sensory input was a blur of random nothingness, a pressure if you will... In this pressure I eventually felt/heard/saw/whatever like I was in a sea of similar 'points of being', each one randomly popping up and disappearing again, exerting this pressure under which I was. Once again, in my experience this night lasted forever.. Forever in limbo. I could try to explain and put into words what it felt like into greater detail, but it wouldn't be possible.

When I suddenly woke up, like a rubber band I snapped back into my body.

Since then I've been looking for the other direction, away from limbo, beyond our waking reality as human beings.

But still, safety is of course priority one. Does the 'breakout' experience actually get (linearly/exponentially/?) more intense with increasingly higher doses? I might be more than familiar with strange kaleidoscopic/geometric/imaginary/hallucinogenic/dreamy/... 'visions' during for example sleep/wake transitions, extreme doses of nederwiet (cannabis) and/or alcohol, but judging from what I've read about the profoundness of the experience that DMT offers, I am still very careful with dosage. I've been working my way up from that knife tip pinch dose up to the 5-10 mg I described in 3 sittings, and this evening I took an estimated 10-15. Working my way up like this ain't gonna work, and I need to get me a scale...

Thanks again for all support! :thumb_up: And keep on posting! (pretty please?):oops:
I'd say it's more exponential then linear but that is my opinion, and they do effect people differently so it's hard to say.
I use an expensive Mg scale with a .10Ml lab scoop to dig the stuff out of my jar and that scoop loosely filled level to the rim is around 150mg and the bowl part is about the size of an airsoft BB. So a "knife tip" is not a very accurate way to measure your doses, I collect knives and every tip is different. Best to get scale, you can get decent ones for around $20 on Ebay.

Might I ask what kind of knife, if it's a pocket knife...you've sparked my interest...
SimplifiedTen said:
1. I once read on these forums that when one's not experienced with psychedelics of any kind, doing a breakthrough dose of DMT is a VERY bad idea. How true is this statement?

Too bad no one has scratched this one yet, is there anyone out here who has done DMT while knowing and having done nothing more than an insane dose of THC?
Bud take my advice THC is not a proper way to prepare you for what DMT can do...
My advice start off slow with some shrooms or LSD first to get used to intensely mind altering effects and even those would onlt just scratch the surface of what DMT can do. Their is no need to rush DMT isn't going to disappear tomorrow you've got pleny of time to work your way up to it.
I wasn't ready for my first DMT experience, even though I've done shrooms for years.
best to become more familiar with psychedelics. If you've never gone swimming before, would you jump in the ocean? Probably wouldn't be a good idea, but it is inevitably up to you.
SimplifiedTen said:
SimplifiedTen said:
1. I once read on these forums that when one's not experienced with psychedelics of any kind, doing a breakthrough dose of DMT is a VERY bad idea. How true is this statement?

Too bad no one has scratched this one yet, is there anyone out here who has done DMT while knowing and having done nothing more than an insane dose of THC?

I actually know several people who have used only DMT and no other psychedelics,

To site an extreme example I know of someone who had never tripped on anything in his life. He was however a regular marijuana smoker.

His first ever experience with DMT was an IV injection of .3mg per kilogram. He loved it.
Although he was a spiritual person who meditated often.

I personally believe that the DMT experience can be very special for someone with no prior drug or psych experience. IMO these people are even more prone to appriciating the authentically paranormal nature of DMT..

Speaking for myself I took acid and shrooms hundreds and hundreds of times before taking DMT
and none of it did much to prepare me for a high dose DMT experience.
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