• Members of the previous forum can retrieve their temporary password here, (login and check your PM).

Greetings mutual beings, and MUCH LOVE to everyone!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Old visitor, new poster, i wanted to get that awkward first post out of the way.... hY.
Hopefully get access, and share in the sacrad knowhowge crunchies.
Bicycle day on the 19th, everyone adorn your helmets!
Pass the milk please! meep.
Great! Glad you are going to participate on the 19th.

Maybe tell us a little more about you for example your intentions of joining the site, what you intend on sharing with the community. Or just share what led you to entheogens in the first place.

Welcome to the Nexus.
Hy, sure thing! I've always loved entheogens, also the procedures used to grow/extract them.
The nexus is an essential reference for me. I've often wanted to post something, but without an account.
I like the mindset of people here, as opposed to some other forums with similar subjects.

Might as well post this hypothetical question now:
Can DMTphosphate be easily made into a crystal form ? Or is fumarate the only crystal salt ?
If it does crystalize, would this procedure work; NOTE:i'm just a novice, and never attended class.
DMTfreebase in solution of acetone + food grade 87% phosphoric acid in acetone = DMTphosphate

I originally was curious about dmt salts, but can already see much more to be discovered here.
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