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Greetings Nexus

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexians,

My name is Chris but I'll go by Carrierwave here. I tend to reach for easy usernames on forums, although a forum of this caliber does warrant more effort. The more generic the better however, leaves people with less of a 'concept of a person' to argue with vehemently. If I called myself "Gamonth" or something it seems more like a person, and less like a thing such as "Bowl of Grapes." I digress, rather boringly, and don't expect people to argue with me, so irrelevant as well. No disrespect intended to the carrierwave.

My first memories hearing about DMT were when I was still in Highschool, a friend related to me "Did you know there is a compound that causes you to die, float out of your body, but you return once the trip is over?" He didn't say which substance it was, but learning about DMT later I realized what he must have been talking about. Granted there are plenty of substances that could induce an OBE.

Fast forward two years and I somehow end up with a new copy of Rick Stassman's book DMT: The Spirit Molecule. I can't remember why I bought the book, but I do remember carrying it around highschool unnoticed until one day.

(schoolmate I've never seen before B-lines toward me)
"Hey DMT, cool. I've taken Ayahuasca... in the jungle." (creepy arrogant/self-congratulatory way-too-long-of-a smile)
"Yeaaah... Cool...."

I waited to see if he had anything else to say, and he didn't. Very odd and I still remember it. His elitism is what struck me the most. I am vehemently opposed to elitism, and I gave up a career path in applied physics primarily because of the sheer arrogance and elitism that surrounded the entire scope of the learning process.

Back to the point, DMT sat on the back burner of my mind for roughly five years when all of the sudden in the past month it came back with a fury, a clear obsession that I now spend all my free time consumed in. When I first was being linked to the DMT Nexus it was down, and I assumed forever. Since then browsing around the information here it is a literal library on DMT. Much respect to everyone who has built this.

I've descended down many rabbit holes... DMT being the ultimate. I've read some Carlos Castaneda, Tibetan Buddhism, Rosicrucian books, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, and found my way to 9/11 Truth and settled down. Never went into Annunaki/Tiamat/Reptoid/2012/Moon-made-of-cheese fantasy land. I appreciate their desire to seek, but personally I am too agnostic to bother building a world view on things I cannot experience.

I've always wanted to be a Chemist, always had an interest in the depths of my mind, the idea that Castaneda presents of consciously traveling through alien worlds is remarkable. I also like the idea of exposing my psyche to sheer terror in the event that it may occur. Those experiences have been the best and worst of my life, and I revel in their learning potential. Insert some kind of "from the hottest fires comes the strongest steel" phrase.

I've had several sober experience of merely walking through a hallway, being completely struck with my own mortality and realization that I am alive hurling through space on a planetoid, and knowing full well "There is another side." Attempts to will my mind to travel there were unsuccessful, and I thought very clearly on these occasions "It isn't time yet" and gave up without any disappointment.

I hope to produce influential, beautiful work and purvey the attitude of humility and compassion.
Hi carrierwave,

welcome to the nexus!
I really enjoyed your intro.

I had to laugh at the part of you giving up a carreer in applied physics because of the elitism in the learning process. Had you hung around a little longer you probably would have found the opposite. I've seen a couple of the most intelligent people I've met be broken by 'science' and the institutions that are built around it. People often think of scientists as elitists, and in a way of course you wouldn't study it if you didn't think it was rad... but in the end I have to repeat what a friend of mine just recently told me:

"I'm not worried that I won't get my PhD. I'm sure I'll get it... I'm also sure I won't get a job after that. I'll be the most educated homeless person in XXX."

At this stage the scientists are no longer elitists. They're just people that are getting exploited by the system, milking them for their enthusiasm and draining it until there's nothing left. Be glad you got out when you still could :p

Anyway, so have you extracted dmt yourself yet?
How have you taken it so far? vaporized or oral? Which do you prefer? Hope to hear/see more of you. We also have a chat, in case you want some more direct interaction. Maybe I'll see you there some time.

Hi Enoon, and thank you for the positive words.

Being exploited by the system is a main concern I had, I had no interest in developing technology that will be end in military use. That is the majority of the funding as far as I was concerned at the time. 'Real Genius,' decent movie.

My first extraction will begin soon, waiting on some food grade materials in the mail, going with the Q21Q21 Tek. Still debating spending more money on reagent grade versus hardware store quality on my NP solvent.

I have only crudely vaporized 5-MEO DMT, it was offered to me and I reluctantly accepted. Main reason being I am normally completely against 'street' compounds that I haven't personally synthesized or at least know the person who did. For example, the LSD that I've bought the past few times was not LSD by any stretch of the imagination, probably one of the 2C-X varieties instead. Anyone who doesn't transport their LSD vial in a dark/wrapped vial is clearly inept or doesn't have a reason to... hah.

At the time I didn't know what 5-MEO-DMT even was, I assumed DMT was DMT was DMT. Now I realize that practically all the DMT floating around my area is 5-MEO-DMT. This could be extremely horrible given the differences in dosage. Granted there are few people who will properly vaporize the dose anyway, I having been one of them. I will return to your question of preference once I have more experience in the coming months. I aim to assist our collective understanding of hyperspace, its usefulness, and the most effective techniques to maximize its hidden potential. Should be quite the ride.
Hello Carrierwave,

Enjoyed reading your introduction. Welcome!

It sounds like you have a strong mind and healthy skepticism. I look forward to hearing your accounts once the material comes and you have a chance to experience something made by you. It is truly a gift and looks like you're one to appreciate it.

Be safe and feel free to ask any questions you might have. Many knowledgable people around these parts willing to help in any way.

Oh my word... after writing a two page trip report and other gibberish, I somehow hit the exact key combination when spelling 'fractal' that closed Firefox instantly, and there went 30 minutes.

Thank you a1pha and Jin,

Experiencing a substance that I prepared is definitely a large draw, also the pride of sharing it with my closets friends. I only have an interest in psychedelics, and I have a reputation as being 'really into drugs' that makes me laugh whenever I hear it. I'm the kind of person who will refuse an aspirin when I have a splitting headache, refuse caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, antihistamines, and when I ruptured my spleen in 2005 I refused morphine. I suffered crippling depression for two plus years and wouldn't have taken SSRI's even if someone put a gun to my head. I will not consume any opiates, cocaine, meth, mdma, nicotine, nitrous, K, etc. I only have an interest in Psilocybin, LSD, and DMT, and as I see it when everything is tallied I am more against drugs than I am for. I also think there is a definite line between a drug user and drug abuser. I fall into the former behavior, always wanting to get a profound realization, transcend reality, all those great things. Also to solely see interesting yet meaningless hallucinations doesn't interest me, and I have curiously experienced such a thing which I will detail in a second. Salvia is largely ambivalent to me, I wouldn't pay money for an extract but I would grow a plant for fun. The effects of salvia to me amount to a waking dream, and has the quality of showing me just how much unwanted garbage my subconscious mind absorbs just watching an hour long sit-com a few hours before.

I am actually going to post my trip report later, I have something to do right now. Will give me time to get over losing it in one key combination too.
I think you have a very healthy attitude towards these substances. While I am ambivalent about some of the substances you placed under the 'not-do' list, I think the important thing for oneself is to always ask oneself if what you are doing is in some way helpful, healthy, progressive or at least potentially progressive, OR if it arises from self-destructive and self-loathing tendencies, if it is detrimental to your health or that of others etc... And always choose the former.

In any case please do post your report :)
hope to see more of you

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